---+ Obscore 1.1 Erratum 4: Pin !VODataService citation for data_rights to !VODataService 1.1 Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2023-10-10 Date accepted: 2023-11-10 ---++ Rationale The obscore standard has an optional field data_rights, which indicates access modalities of the dataset described by an obscore row. The possible values were (notionally) taken from what the Registry had at that point, the *rights* field in !VODataService's service-like types, which also used to define the meaning of the allowed terms *public*, *secure*, and *proprietary*. Meanwhile, on the resource level (i.e., the Registry), this vocabulary proved to be insufficient, which is why in !VODataService 1.2 rights is now a free text. Since obscore's citation "Plante et al, 2010" points to the URI http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/VODataService/, which, if it existed, would currently yield version 1.2 of !VODataService, the reference to the definitions of these terms is now at least semi-dangling. The erratum clarifies the situation. ---+ Erratum Content In !ObsCore 1.1, (1) replace the content of section B 4.4 with: <blockquote> This parameter allows operators to state the availability of a dataset. Possible values are: public, secure, or proprietary as defined in VODataService 1.1 (Plante et al. 2010), sect. 3.1.1. </blockquote> (2) In the References section, replace the reference starting with «Plante, and al. VODataService » with: <blockquote> Plante, R., Stébé, A., Benson, K., Dowler, P., Graham, M., Greene, G., Harrison, P., Lemson, G., Linde, T. and Rixon, G. (2010), VODataService: a VOResource Schema Extension for Describing Collections, Services Version 1.1, IVOA Recommendation 02 December 2010, arXiv:1110.0516. http://doi.org/10.5479/ADS/bib/2010ivoa.spec.1202P </blockquote> ---+ Impact Assessment This change has no operational impact whatsoever. It only serves to make the text more accessible to implementors. <br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2023-11-13 - MarcoMolinaro
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