+Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model

  • List of current releases during the WG review

    • release v1.0-20110228: Current draft with pointers to topics to discuss

  • List of points to be discussed during this period

Please provide your comments in each of the topic page listed here:

  1. DataProduct Type and Subtype
  2. Best FormatforUtype string: for humans, for DB systems
  3. FreeFormat data model fields : obs_title
  4. AccessFormat
  5. Various uses and possibilities for _obs_publisher_did_

and feel free to add a new item when needed. Thanks.

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaDataModel > ObsDMCoreComponents > ObsTAPdraftDiscussion
Topic revision: r1 - 2011-02-28 - MireilleLouys
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