Use case 3.2 and 3.4 directly include constraints in radial velocities. It is a typical feature of some radio or interferometry cubes observing a single line to give measurements of fluxes for a given spatio-radvel coordinate or spatio-redshift coordinate.
Discussion in Nara initiated by Arnold and Igor showed that most people consider the RadVel axis to be different from the spectral axis. The argument being that we are facing two non permutable quantities as long as we are not considering a single , isolated spectral line.
Upcoming version 2 of characterisation DM will add a new RadVel or Doppler axis. It would be perfectly possible to add a couple of optional fields allowing to search against "radial Velocity" bounds and resolution...
This is the minimum required to fulfill the use cases 3.2 and 3.4.
-- JuanDeDiosSantanderVela - 16 Mar 2011
In order to make a concrete proposal, I would propose the following fields:
: Minimum value of the line-of-sight velocity. Positive values indicate receding velocity. NULL
: Maximum value of the line-of-sight velocity. Positive values indicate receding velocity. NULL
: Velocity difference average or reference bin size. NULL
phys.veloc; spect.resolution
I do not like the term Radial Velocity, as it implicates a geometry in the object. Line-of-sight velocity (or plain Velocity, as in the proposal) seems better and cleaner to me.
Show me a list of all data that satisfies:
An approximation might be:
select * from ivoa.obscore
where dataproduct_type = 'image-spectrum'
and vel_resolution < 50000
and (contains(s_region,point('ICRS',16,+41)) = 1
or distance(point(s_ra,s_dec),point(16,+41)) < s_fov
Condition 1 is dealt with by dataproduct_type field; condition 2 is dealt with by the fact that NULL vel_resolution fields will not contribute to the comparison; conditions 3 and 4 are taken care of at the same time as 6 and 7, by the contains or distance. The contains or distance
is used to allow for services with non-precise regions, but that they still might have a chance of including the point.
An approximation might be:
select * from ivoa.obscore
where dataproduct_type = 'image-spectrum'
and vel_resolution < 1000
and vel_min < 6000
and vel_max > 10000
and em_min < 299792458/345.795990e9
and em_max > 299792458/345.795990e9
and (contains(s_region,point('ICRS', 83.835000,-5.014722)) = 1
or distance(point(s_ra,s_dec),point(83.835000,-5.014722)) < s_fov
Could anyone please check that the query indeed corresponds to the use case? Best regards!
-- FrancoisBonnarel 16 mar 2011
Very good and accurate definition of these new optional fiel
ds , Juande. Use case 3.4 proposed ADQL query looks fine.
I note that there is nothing here that indicates what Doppler velocity definition is being used - radio or optical (these being the common ones). That's needed. And let's keep the units in km/s.
-- ArnoldRots - 18 Mar 2011
You're indeed right, Arnold, but for ObsTAP I would go and mandate the optical definition. Even radio observatories are standardizing on that, such as the IRAM and, if I recall correctly, ALMA. Re: units for the doppler velocity, I went to m/s to mimic other units that we have, but km/s would be handy. We just have to stick to one. In the future we are going to be able do deliver m/s resolutions, so I think we should go for m/s.
-- JuanDeDiosSantanderVela - 21 Mar 2011