---+ PHOTDM 1.1 WD ---+++ Update for PhotDMv1-1 1.0 Editor : M.Louys This update of the Photometry Data Model reformulates the existing classes of !PhotDMv 1.0 to be compliant with the VODML representation rules. Only the UML design has been simplified according to the VODML rules. This new UML is prepared with Modelio 3.8M The UML Modelio project * imports ivoa: template * attributes simple types are now based on the VODML ivoa:types * deprecates the use of Physical Quantity class , whose granularity does not fit the one adopted in VODML. The list of Utypes remains the same as in PhotDM1.0 <br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2021-05-03 - MireilleLouys
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