Mireille Louys, Jesus Salgado, ...

PHOTDM v1.1 is a revision of 'PhotDM v1.0' , redesigned to follow the rules and constraints set by the VODML meta-model definition.

This page presents and summarizes the work for these updates :

The goal is to warrant backward compatibility as much as possible .

  • keep the same concepts as in version PhotDMv1-1 v1.0
  • provide the PhotDMv1-1.vo-dml.xml description of all classes in VODML format
  • all relations between classes and attributed are kept as much as possible.
  • for backward compatibility, Utypes previously defined the previous REC Phot DM 1.0 document and listed in appendix B should not be changed after this update.
The benefit is to keep interoperability with the SVO Filterprofile service which has grown to a full Filter repository, and represents a kind of Filter registry for the Multi-wavelength community.

The new VODML representation allows to build photometric annotations for various kinds of data products : catalogs, spectra, lightcurves , cubes etc .

Implementation exercises :

We are trying this representation together with the MANGO Model which re-uses theses photometric objects.

The ModelInVotable annotation language is also tried out with these definitions.

Translation of PhotDMv1-1 v1.0 to a VO-DML representation and updated version PhotDM1.1 - jan 2021

M.Louys (CDS, ICube Laboratory) , Jesus Salgado ( ESAC)

The classes and attributes of PhotDM1.0 have been translated to a Modelio v 3.8.1 Project .

All description fields for classes and attributes were filled according to the specification PhotDM1.0 when possible.

Some complements in description fields are proposed and need further agreement by PhotDMv1.0, and v1.1 authors.

The translation requires some changes in classes links following VODML rules and also reusing the ivoa types from ivoa model template.

This also implies minor changes in the text of the specification which will be upgrated to PhotDMv1.1 following the standard document process.

VODML modeling constrai"> Applying VODML modeling constraints. Feb-March 2021

The relations between classes in VODML should be explicit, which does not allow an attribute in one class to be typed as another class of the model except the IVOA:templates types which are simple types.

Therefore we need to add composition links to the class diagram.

Here is a draft for the PHOTDM v1.1Overview class diagram:

Changes from PhotDMv1-1 1.0 --> PhotDM1.1 -April 2021

VO_DML representation in XML / generation of updated documentaton

Editor : M.Louys

  • attributes simple types are now based on the VODML ivoa:types.
  • import of VODML ivoa: template model
  • deprecates the use of Physical Quantity class, whose granularity does not fit the one adopted in VODML.
  • detach classes : bandwidth , spectralLocation used in PhotometryFilter
  • include referenceMagnitude attributes directly in ZeroPoint class

Changes from PhotDMv1-1 1.0 --> PhotDM1.1 -Dec 2021

VO_DML representation in XML / generation of updated documentaton

Editor : M.Louys

  • <<model import>> stereotype : update import links from volute to github repo
  • add a class type ISOTime for time stamps derived ftom class ivoa:datetime
  • regenerate documentation
  • update documentation in HTML to have modelio graph within

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng PhotDM_v1-1_Dec21_BaseDataTypesDiagram.png r1 manage 109.9 K 2021-12-20 - 16:52 MireilleLouys PHOTDM1.1 Base types diagram with derived classes / update dec 21/ OBSOLETE
PNGpng PhotDM_v1-1_Dec21_PhotometryOverview.png r1 manage 157.1 K 2021-12-20 - 16:51 MireilleLouys PHOTDM1.1 Overview diagram / update dec 21/OBSOLETE
PNGpng PhotDMv1-1-BaseDataTypesDiagram.png r1 manage 124.6 K 2021-04-19 - 15:53 MireilleLouys Obsolete
PNGpng PhotDMv1-1-overview_diagram-2021-04-12.png r1 manage 157.1 K 2021-04-19 - 15:51 MireilleLouys Class diagram for PhotDM1-1
HTMLhtml PhotDMv1-1.html r1 manage 109.5 K 2021-04-19 - 15:49 MireilleLouys Html documentation generated from PhotDMv1-1.xmi
XMLxml PhotDMv1-1.vo-dml.xml r1 manage 26.3 K 2021-04-19 - 15:50 MireilleLouys VODML representation for PhotDMv1.1
Unknown file formatxmi PhotDMv1-1.xmi r1 manage 43.8 K 2021-04-19 - 15:50 MireilleLouys XMI file generated from Modelio 3.8.2
PNGpng PhotDMv1-1BaseDataTypesDiagram_dec21.png r1 manage 109.9 K 2021-12-21 - 18:12 MireilleLouys PHOTDM1.1 Base types diagram with derived classes / update dec 21
PNGpng PhotDMv1-1PhotometryOverview_dec21.png r1 manage 157.1 K 2021-12-21 - 18:05 MireilleLouys PHOTDM1.1 Overview diagram / update dec 21
Unknown file formatxmi Photv1-1UpdateDec21.xmi r1 manage 47.7 K 2021-12-21 - 19:55 MireilleLouys XMI file from Modelio 3.8.2
HTMLhtml Photv1-1UpdateDec21with_modeliodiag.html r1 manage 111.4 K 2021-12-21 - 19:58 MireilleLouys HTML documentation generated from XMI + manual updates

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaDataModel > PhotDMv1-1
Topic revision: r6 - 2021-12-21 - MireilleLouys
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