---+ Provenance Telecon October 2016 <span style="background-color: transparent;">Topics:</span> * Modelio model * Use cases * Previous efforts * Provenance access and VO-Table serialization * ActivityCollection * Prov-N serialisations wih descriptions, status, group (Michele's email) * Meeting at next InterOp Participants: * Mireille * François * Kristin * Markus * Michèle * Mathieu Minutes: * DM name: ObsProv, ProvenanceDM, VOProvDM...<br /> * need "VO"? short or long name? * when outside of IVOA, add IVOA before the name and explain * VO is generally not use in standard names (except VOTable) * use "ProvenanceDM", more explicit * VO architecture * add SimDM * add DataSetDM? or just ObsCore * Modelio model * see zip file in /datamodel-diagrams * see png files in /description: * LinkingClassesFromIVOADatasetDM.png * Relations Between EntityDatasetCollection.png * green boxes are from DatasetDM * all attributes in green boxes correspond to Descripton attributes, they could also be simply listed in the main class (Entity, Activity, Agent) if we consider the core model * entityID/datasetID * same thing? * add in the text : entityID is defined in the context of obs or is mapped to datasetID * diagrams to include in the document: * core, * relations to VO DM, * options (descriptions, collections), * relation W3C (only in text, not a diagram) * services would have to implement the core classes/relations, not the W3C options * link Entity-Dataset should be an inheritance, but then Dataset is modified with respect to the DatasetDM... Composition or Inheritance? to be discussed at IVOA meeting * Use cases and implementation * 3 use cases described: RAVE, CTA, POLLUX * to be added: HiPS, lightcurves * add examples of developments (links to prototypes) * "use case": in fact it describes contexts where provenance can be applied, or requirements of involved projects, but use cases are already listed in the top sections * Participation+Talk at ADASS * Kristin: * 12min + 3min * introduction as in the last interop, relation with VO DM, list of related projects that require provenance * 4 pages proc, 1 or 2 diagrams, link to other documents (ADASS proceedings last year) * Mireille, invited talk on DM * Mathieu: poster on CTA DM, including the core concept of Provenance and links to the above talks * Access, VO-Table serialization as proposed by Francois in the working draft * replace PARAM by FIELD, and add values in a data section * one table per activity with relations as PARAM/FIELD * ok to go backward * difficult to search the relations * other structure possible, as in XML/JSON PROV serialization: * tables for activity/entity/agent * tables for relations * Serialization * hierarchy of attributes from ActivityDescription or flat list? * flat list: loses the structure * however the structure is known and the attributes can be mapped back to the database * Actions: * Mireille, Kristin --> prepare talks * Mireille: update VO architecture diagram * Mathieu: update use cases with implementation descriptions and links * Mathieu: send ADASS poster on CTA DM * François: propose another VOTable serialization * Update involved projects (use case and implementation section) * at IVOA: * status talk, HiPs talk, CTA talk, semantics * meeting Friday 21 at lunch time * To be discussed later: * ActivityCollection * Points raised by Michèle (status, docuLink/bibref, group) <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-10-18 - KristinRiebe
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