Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: ResourceMetadata :: RWP03RefBack :: RWP03Disc
Meetings: Registry19032003 :: InterOpMay2003ResReg :: InterOpMay2004ResReg

Registry Working Group WP3 (Metadata Specifications)

Specifications Development

This page provides links to the current set of accepted specifications as well as those currently under development.


Resource Metadata for the Virtual Observatory

This document (euphemistically referred to as "RM") defines standard metadata concepts that describe resources, independent of any particular encoding format. It also describe the general resource model upon which the concepts are based.

Current Released Versions

"Resource Metadata for the Virtual Observatory" v1.01
Robert Hanisch, Ed.

Internal Versions Under Development


Deprecated Versions


An IVOA Identifier is a standard URI that serves as a globally unique reference to a resource.

Current Released Versions

Proposed Recommendation
"IVOA Identifiers" v1.1
Discussion: IVOAIdentifiersV11Disc

Internal Versions Under Development


Deprecated Versions

  • WD v1.1
  • PR v1.0
  • WD v0.2
  • [[http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/WD/Identifiers/Identifiers-20030830.html[WD v0.1]]

VOResource: XML Schemas based on the RM

Current Released Versions

Working Draft
VOResource v0.9 and its standard extensions: VOResourceV09

Internal Versions Under Development

Deprecated Versions

See VOResourceEarly for links to version 0.8.3 and earlier.

Other Schemas Under Development

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaResReg > IVOARegWp03 > RWP03Specs
Topic revision: r5 - 2004-06-22 - RayPlante
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