VOResource, in general, refers to a family of schemas that includes the core schema (VOResource-v0.9) and a set of standard extensions.
New as of 18 Nov. 2003. Developers have identified a few mistakes in the schemas; as a result, the following files have been updated:
New as of 5 Nov. 2003. Updated WD versions of the schema are now officially available. Developers should be sure to download the latest versions from the table below (or all of them together: tar-file, zip-file)--even the version number appears unchanged--as the namespace names have all been updated. These are the schemas to be used for January 2004 demos.
The schemas are:
Schema | Description | Versions | Documentation |
VOResource-v0.9.xsd requires VOResourceRelType-v0.2.xsd and VOResourceRelType.xsd which handle extensible relationships |
core resource metadata | 0.9, 0.8.3, 0.8.2, 0.8.1 (see also older deprecated versions) | VOMDoc |
VOCommunity-v0.2.xsd | extensions for describing organizations and projects (formerly VOOrg) | 0.2, 0.1, VOOrg-v0.1 | VOMDoc |
VODataService-v0.4.xsd requires VODataServiceCoverage.xsd and VODataServiceCoverage-v0.2.xsd which contain temporary coverage metadata |
extensions for describing data collections and services | 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 | VOMDoc |
VORegistry-v0.2.xsd | extensions for describing registries | 0.2, 0.1 | VOMDoc |
The following two extensions are examples of extensions that define two standard tabular sky services. They include the elements necessary for decribing the tables returned by the services (using VOTable tags). These are included for indicative purposes only.
ConeSearch-v0.2.xsd | extension for a Cone Search Service | 0.2, 0.1 | VOMDoc |
SIA-v0.6.xsd | extension for a Simple Image Access Service | 0.6, 0.5 | VOMDoc |
Example instance containing several resource descriptions:
Download all schemas in one go; two versions are available below. When these packages are unpacked, all files will be put in the current directory.
More supporting material is coming soon!
See also notes being gathered for Version 0.10
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