---++ Radio Data Providers questionnaire This was sent to about a dozen establishments involved in radio (including sub-mm) interferometry in 2003, and posted on radiovo@ivoa.net, and later drawn to the attention of the [[http://www.radionet-eu.org/][RadioNet]] software forum. In all, seven facilities replied, some representing more than one array. | *Facility* | *Location* | *Approx Wavelength Range* | *Other info* | | ATCA | Australia | cm | Interferometer | | BIMA | US | mm | Interferometer | | IRAM (Plateau de Bure) | France | mm | Interferometer | | JCMT | Hawaii | sub-mm | Mostly single-dish - heterodyne spectra, SCUBA (bolometer) etc. | | JIVE | Holland | cm | Correlator for European VLBI Network (EVN)| | MERLIN | UK | cm | Interferometer | | NRAO | USA | cm (mm-m) | (E)VLA interferometer; VLBA; GBT (single dish/VLBI) | Information was also gleaned from discussions and on-line information from the Nancay cm-wave single dish and from IR - (sub-)mm arrays under construction, ALMA and CARMA. <p> The full responses and provider details can be found in the [[http://www.ivoa.net/forum/radiovo][radiovo forum archive]]. I summarise the responses briefly here, followed by the original questions and a response-by-response summary.<p> I have attempted to make suggestions arising from the issues _in italics_; some of these may already be in practice and/or alternative ideas are welcome. The questionnaire didn't ask if users made their own observations but it is worth noting that this is the exception rather than the rule for interferometry, for example most VLA users never visit the site. *Electronic Data Availability* In some cases (mostly higher frequencies) there is no provision for public access to existing data, but there is access to metadata. In all cases PIs can obtain metadata and often the data itself. This is usually via the observatory; for mountain-top facilities the metadata may be supplied through a general archive service e.g. CADC, CDS. Of more interest to the IVOA, the majority of facilities are in the process of establishing general on-line data access. There are a number of models. NRAO have just set up on-line access to all raw VLA data; they and other facilities who only provide raw data usually provide or point to downloadable software and pipelines. NRAO use [[http://adil.ncsa.uiuc.edu/][ADIL]] including SIA, cone search. Data may be available instantly via a browser, or via ftp following email notification in response to a query. Other facilities provide partially calibrated data and images. This can beFor VLBI it may be necessary to get the data on tapes due to the many-Gb volume but the calibration and meta-data are available electronically. Relatively few (e.g. MERLIN) make observed data products such as FITS images routinely available via CDS or etc. but specific major surveys e.g. NVSS are accessible via such proto-VOs. _Most data providers expressed an interest in publishing data to VOs. Issues include the need for an authentication filter so that proprietary and legacy data can be processed by the same route._ Extracted data, e.g. survey results, calibrator source lists, are also published in many ways - in the literature, on the observatory web site etc. _There was also interest in integrating the publication of source properties via VOs._ *Identification* Some facilities e.g. NRAO have on-line archives which can be searched by a wide range of parameters (position, frequency, PI ID etc.). Others can only identify an experiment by the pointing position (which may cover a large field of view) or even just an ID number, with additional information via a separate interface.There may be links between related observations (target and calibrators, series of targets, repeat observations of variable objects...). The original calibration source may be of intrinsic interest to another user. _If data providers want to publish to VOs, they should make clear the paths to all the essential information to establish if a source (e.g. an IAU position or SIMBAD object) has actually be observed and the IVOA registry and data models should assist this._ *Metadata* For many observatories the primary and sometimes only source of metadata are FITS headers. In some cases extracted information and other details e.g. proposal information are available as xml and/or VOTable and databases are widely used. _In the real world FITS headers are not entirely standard and even if they are, are very complex. The IVOA should publicise what flavours of FITS and what keywords our tools can cope with (e.g. as done by [[http://www.euro-vo.org/twiki/bin/view/Avo/FitsImageSupport][AVO FITS image support]] ) and what metadata is required so that it can be supplied another way if the FITS headers don't tell us. There was a demand for tools for VOTable handling, and a tool for extraction of information from FITS headers into VOTable or IVOA standard format would be useful. We should publicise the existing tools (<nop>TopCat</nop>, <nop>ConVot</nop> etc.) better._ *Reversibility and History* Most normal pre-user data processing is reversible or (almost) raw data is archived separately. Histories are usually in the context of the software used (e.g. AIPS HI extension table, copy of pipeline commands) and thus may be incomplete (if processing hit a glitch) or unintelligible to the non-expert. _Observatories should be encouraged to summarise data processing for the general astronomer; however it isn't a big issue in my experience since anyone who knows enough to care probably does know the software. However this does place an obligation on data providers to describe the data accuracy (photometry, astrometry etc.) reliably using standard metadata._ *Desirable Data Products and Formats* There is a variety of intentions regarding how far data should be pipelined or otherwise pre-processed; desirable products include: * Raw FITS plus cal info and possibly extension tables * Partially calibrated uv data * Partially calibrated data plus rough images * The best available (high-resolution) images/datacubes * Calibrated uv data for combining with data from other arrays * Extracted source properties (flux, position ....) * Full data characterisation * Analysis tools There is no unique product from a radio astronomy observation; the field of view is ultimately limited by the primary beam and can cover 10^3 - 10^5 resolution elements in diameter. In rare cases the entire field is known to be of interest; in other cases the PI only images a small patch but other images are possible. Different weightings can produce different combinations of resolution and surface brightness sensitivity images. 1- or 2-D spectra can be extracted and the visibities themselves are used to produce light curves and for modelling. There is also little progress in standardising radio astronomy software or full compatibility of existing data formats espcially in the uv plane although there are good intentions for facilities now under construction. Even further in the future the novel observing modes of e.g. LOFAR, SKA will require innovative data reduction. _There was overwhelming agreement for a standard metadata format and much interest in supplying products accessible to a variety of common packages without information loss._ Most facilities felt that this implied offering fairly highly processed products as it would not be practical to standardise fully the early stages of data processing (e.g. visibility calibration) and it was recognised that a variety of products were needed to match user experience. It was felt that local expertise was needed at the early stages of data processing and to maintain the relevant software. There was a lot of support for the development of user-driven pipelines which could be steered remotely via an interface any astronomer could use (i.e. free of radio-specific jargon). _The user should not get more details than they can cope with._ _VOs should consider how to interface with such specialised data providers in the medium/long term. In the short term we should continue to tackle minor issues hampering the publication of existing analysis-ready data, e.g. units (Jy/beam Tant etc), access to (sub-)mm and radio calibration source catalogues, handling spectra and data cubes; cross-identification of radio sources in SIMBAD._ <pre> ----------------------------------- 1. Name and nature of observatory and/or facility (see above for list ) 2. Current archive status and description: a) How are data stored? Most (or recent) on-line (e.g. RAID). Back-ups DAT, DVD, CD, Exabyte Robotic tape system MERLIN catalogue partially in Vizier IRAM metadata accessible via Vizier JCMT data also held at CADC b) How are data catalogued? Pointing position, date Project, date Experiment-code based Metadata extracted during pipeline processing FITS headers Links between related obs DBs, XML for metadata c) Do you provide information about sources (as distinct from about observations) e.g. calibrator lists, target properties, and if so is this: i) catalogued information? Observation info and lists of related cal sources etc. Detailed properties of calibration and phase-reference sources (may require separate query) Source information planned Source role in older data not always clear ii) plots? yes no calibration sources (calibration tables, visibilities, images) calibration and data quality plots photometry time series 3. What can be accessed on-line? All raw data since 1991; some FITS images and auxillary data UV data (VLA) Raw data, metadata (FITS headers) FITS files of raw data for some experiments, calibration tables and other supporting data/plots. Pipeline diagnostic products All metadata browsable; datasets downloadable. All data since 1976 All data in fixed period e.g. 1990-2003 (updating and v. old data can be problems) Raw data; FITS images (beta release) 4. Who can access it? In all cases(?) some observational details are public, either rapidly or after a restricted period. The actual data are only available to PIs in two cases (both mm arrays); in other cases anyone can access public uv data and/orimages and auxillary data directly. In some cases proprietary data can be accessed by http using an authorisation process. Data Internally, externally by arrangement; Metadata via CDS (in future) Internal; external planned including authorisation groups. 5. What are the methods of access? http, ftp via archive page or CDS/AVO (AstroGrid eventually) ssh web form, email notification for ftp retrieval http, browser helper for multiple downloads (DART) http, html or VOTable lists of results web via CADC 6. What search parameters are available? Field centre, target name if recognised, rough wavelength via CDS; various other observational parameters via archive Header info Project/PI details, date or wide range of observing parameters incl. cone search on pointing positions; molecular transition, SIMBAD name. Experiment name, source name (different searches needed for different information) Observing mode Object name / RA dec 7. What is your Archive Policy? Archive everything Access: Data public after 1 yr Data remains proprietary, headers public after 1 yr 18 mth 8. What software do you use? Local software Oracle, Java My/MiniSQL, cgi, perl, AIPS GILDAS Tomcat, JBOSS AIPS++ measurement set handling - Glish, C++ AIPS++ XML XSLT VOTable (intention) PostgresSQL, rsynch, Miriad, Apache, development tools: Python, Java servlets, browser helper for multiple downloads (DART) Currently SPECX and CLASS. Moving to AIPS++ 9. What software do users need, and can you provide it? Some images require no special processing; otherwise AIPS, DIFMAP or etc (easily available) Supply GILDAS Web browser Java for calibrator tool browser helper for multiple downloads (DART) supplied Miriad Specific JCMT tools provided by Starlink 10.What format(s) are your data in (or can be translated into)? Raw data proprietary, processed data AIPS FITS GILDAS format; convertible to AIPS and other FITS VLA export (understood by AIPS), various FITS Miriad/AIPS++ MS2 for UV; also FITS for images RPFITS SCUBA NDF Other GSD, will be FITS Plots etc.: PS, PNG, tar archives 11.Do you use pipelines? Yes for continuum Yes, recent Yes for VLBA Being developed for VLA Will be for EVLA, ALMA prototype under development For continuum: Generic JAC pipeline ORAC-DR, also generates light-curves 12.How far are data normally reduced before being supplied to the user? Some data have minimal calibration and conversion to FITS, others have enough calibration to allow imaging, or user can elect to reduce raw data (only at observatory) UV data calibration Much reduction; flux calibration and editing still required Conversion to AIPS++ MS and thence to IDI_FITS. Calibration tables generated. Calibration and imaging of single tracks; track combination planned Visibility data; plans to pipeline calibration and imaging and some extracted source properties and cross-links Calibrated and coadded, need more resources for rigorous quality control in archiving Often implicit that user editing in particular may be needed. 13.Are these stages: a) documented? yes yes in FITS AIPS history/ Miriad history pipeline script supplied and documented. Histories kept, scripts supplied. b) reversible? all after FITS yes not entirely no but can get unprocessed data 14.Can data be processed remotely (i.e. user in x, data in observatory/datacentre)? Prototype Not yet No Planned Yes (but I think they meant off-site entirely - question initially badly worded) Could in theory use pipeline to control remote workflow using web services 15.What Virtual Observatory projects (if any) are you involved in? (GAVO) AstroGrid AVO IVOA (also PVO) None formally NVO Aus-VO, IVOA None formally, would like to publish data to VOs 16.Do you use explicitly any interoperability tools, e.g. data models, UCDs, VOTable? UCDs, VOTable for CDS/AVO publication. Prototype DM. Developing local AstroGrid Data Centre. As used for ADIL (cone search, SIA etc.) Yes as VO compatibility developed Developing DM No Not directly 17.Do you publish any data via existing VO-like facilities e.g. CDS, MAST? CDS Planned Surveys e.g. SUMSS, NVSS published ADIL No Header infomation at CADC. Would like to see published sub-mm flux measurements available via such facilities. 18.Making data acess easier for a wider range of astronomers - what are your views on whether/how these suggestions should be implimented: a) Using a VO interface to radio observatories/data centres to run hidden software to provide required image, light curve, visibilities etc.? yes yes yes yes - access for astronomer at any level of radio experience, clear information about what products are available, which should be a wide range. Interface should encourage appropriate use. SIA useful; datacube access needed Need to investigate practically and in discussion what could be useful for visibility data Planned b) Supplying information about hidden processing (software, versions, parameterisation, etc)? yes but how to make user-friendly... yes especially for remote processing via VO Let people get the information they want/need, not what they don't (which will depend on user level of experience). Supply software-generated history via metadata interface Data always comes with history files c) Standardising the software in use at radio observatories/ data centres? yes or user-friendly VO-type interface Increase interperability where possible Provide tools/support for producing and extracting info from VOTables Standardising of interfaces is more important No, need to leave software selection to local experts who know how to provide the products the users want Reduced images incl. data cubes are already reasonably accessible; aquiring bolometer time series data could be made so. Generic software for preparing observations exists for JCMT and UKIRT d) Standardising the format of data products? Yes where useful. Use standard data model for exportable (meta)data (can be specific where only needed internally) Highly desirable Highly desirable for processed data in accessible archives e.g. calibrated uv data, spectral cubes. Standard method of viewing (?extracting measurements?) is more important. Yes, e.g. to convert FITS between the different flavours in use in interferometry without loss of information. Don't lock format to software. Use standard daa model. Yes (might be easier said than done) Our FITS cubes use standard WCS, could use other standard headers (does this imply conversion desirable?) 19.What do you think astronomers want from your data? Some: raw data Most: finished products (or for final easy stages) Many: custom products obtained from calibrated uv data e.g. M+V, light curves with sample time/uv dist avg determined interactively All: History, other information Many: Analysis tools Some: raw data to do better than any machine Others: final images/flux measurments High spectral resolution uv data Cleaned images Cleaned images Calibrated uv data especially for combination with other data incl. SD remote Analysis tools e.g. extract cal fluxes Easy access Full characterisation of origin, quality, analysis tools easy quick reliable processing to intelligible products (which will have different implications for different levels of user experience). 20.What are your plans for archive development or any other relevant suggestions? VO compatibility Complete popuation of archive with pipelined products (from partially calibrated uv data to images depending on expt) On-line remote data product extraction - local web page initially, then VO VO compatibility and access including use of US Teragrid for access and possibly processing. On-line access to data archive and products via a single local interface incl. authorisation if required. Pipeline all expts and archive reports and results Connect to other archives/data centres (espec. issue for VLBI) Put pipeline into production mode, enhance capabilities including user-driven. (see ATCA on-line proj doc) Provide fully calibrated and reduced data to VO with good provenance. Work out how to cope with high data rates from new instruments. </pre> <br><br><br> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2004-05-11 - BobHanisch
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