<!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup --> ---+ Simple Cone Search 1.03 Errata This page collects errata for [[http://ivoa.net/documents/cover/ConeSearch-20080222.html][ConeSearch-1.03]] specification. (ConeSearch-1.03 next features page is available [[SCS-1_03-Next][here]]). ---+++ Accepted Errata * [[SCS-1_03-Err-1][SCS-1.03 Erratum 1]]: <INFO name="Error"> uniqueness clarification * [[SCS-1_03-Err-2][SCS-1.03 Erratum 2]]: Drop mandatory version for VOTable response * [[SCS-1_03-Err-3][SCS-1.03 Erratum 3]]: Make example error message a valid VOTable ---+++ Rejected Errata ---+++ Proposed Errata
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r7 - 2022-07-07 - MarcoMolinaro
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