---+ Spectrum Data Model: version 1.2 %TOC{depth="3"}% ---++ Goals This update is to satisfy requested enhancements to the v1.1 model document. Presentations by Vandana Desai * Nov. 2020 Interop: [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpNov2020DAL/Desai_IVOA_Presentation_18_Nov_2020.pdf][Implementation of the IVOA Spectral Data Model at IPAC” assessment of V1.1 Recommendation]] * May 2021 Interop: [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2021DAL/Desai_IVOA_SpectralModel_2021.pdf]["IVOA Spectral Models and Access in the Era of Big Data”]] enhancement request to support IPAC use cases ---++ Participants data modeler: MarkCresitelloDittmar editor(s): MarkCresitelloDittmar implementer(s): * Firefly: ??? * Spectral plotter * CASSIS: ??? * Spectral analyser * GAVO: ??? * data provider ---++ Use Cases The requests stem from visualization use cases: <div title="Page 10"> * 1-D spectra from Spitzer’s Infrared Spectrograph have multiple spectral orders * Spectral orders can overlap in wavelength * Plotting a Spitzer spectrum without accounting for orders gives you a mess * SEDs often include limits on measurements * these can be upper or lower limits * Plotters need to indicate limits clearly to avoid scientific misunderstanding * SDM1.1 has an ad-hoc representation for upper limits (only) which may be usable, but is conceptually incorrect. </div> ---++ Discussion Threads Preliminary meetings: * [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2021DAL/IVOA_May21_DALDM_etherpad.txt][Interop DAL/DM Session - May 27, 2021]] * [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/IvoaDAL_RunningMeetings/IVOA_DAL_RM11_etherpad.txt][DAL/DM Running meeting - June 30, 2021]] * [[http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/dm/2021-October/006205.html][IVOA - Spectrum Data Model change request - Oct. 15, 2021]] Planning meetings: * DM Meeting 20220622: [[DMRunning062022][Notes]] ---++ Data Model Updates The document is being updated in the IVOA Git repository * [[https://github.com/ivoa-std/SpectrumDM][SpectrumDM]]: branch [[https://github.com/ivoa-std/SpectrumDM/tree/wd-v1.2][wd-v1.2]] ---++ Implementations TBD <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2022-07-20 - MarkCresitelloDittmar
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