TCG Meeting (online) - Wed, Dec 13 2023 @ 20:00 UTC
- Attendees :
- Regrets : Ada
(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)
- Interop Recs(DataLink1.1, ADQL2.1, VOUnit1.1, SpectrumDM2.1) sent to Exec on 11/17; Sent reminder and now in review/approval process - votes from Exec are looking good. Approved by Exec - 12/15
- Current RECs/Errata/Notes/Vocabs - What's in the works as well??
- Interop take-aways ... Discussion
- Protcol Transitioning Tiger Team (P3T) -
- Reviewed Wiki page and summarized organization meeting; got OK for GWS Ch/V Ch to be on list ; James will call 1st mtg in Jan.
- 2023B Roadmap:
- Few ideas discussed:
- How we connect content to services / Link to AI
- Registry - New ways of discovery have been asked for - ranking has been requested; Leverage AI with VO ... in Registry discovery bring up most relevant list (ML)
- Perhaps AI and the VO is a good Plenary at the May Interop
- LLM Model (Gemini) out performs ChatGPT (RD)
- Helio - ChatGPT - build knowledge base -> puoto??
- TCG_RunningList_2023 - folks are welcome to add topics that come up that we need to discuss/solve and don't want to forget; We plan to pick off them for future agenda items
- Next TCG meeting:
- IVOA Events page:
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Topic revision: r4 - 2023-12-27 - JanetEvans