This is a common effort initiated in the Semantics working group, namely with suggestions from Planetary science services at Paris Obseervatory and collaborators.
The idea is to identify and gather needs for a homogeneized description and identification of instruments, telescopes, space missions, space crafts, etc. and create a maintained repository of identifiers re-usable by the community for
- keywords verifications in data sets serialisation
- data citation
- facilicity citations tracing
Context: "science questions drive the need for multi-lambda, multi-messenger observations" (Mark Allen, HCERES). Discoverability of observations would be improved.
Use Cases for Facilities description
from the usage exposed , we see the facilities and instruments need to be standardized (name , ids ) together with physical features such as spectral range, operational period, field of view, spatial resolution, mode, etc.
Nominal feature values for instruments can be used in various services, when the information attached to a dataset ( associated data , catalog , etc) is not available).
Use cases exposed above may have 3 levels of usage for instruments/ telecope parameters: