VOEvent 2.0

VOEvent2 Proposed Recommendation

VOEvent 2.0 Proposed Recommendation and as a PDF

VOEvent2 current Schema

Schema as of 20110220 and here is a Diagram of the Schema


  1. Renamed to my attempt at the v1.2 IVOA Document Standards compliant nomenclature. Updated date within the file. -- RobSeaman, 9 March, 2011

  2. Per Rick Hessman: "The <Reference> element has a more sophisticated notion of type: it is a general URI reference to a wide range of possible content rather than just a simple HTML link." -- RobSeaman, 10 March, 2011

  3. Added link to "latest" spec, updated date and name -- RobSeaman, 10 March, 2011

  4. Uploaded VOEvent IVOA architecture document from ChristopheArviset -- RobSeaman, 11 March, 2011

  5. Updated spec to include architecture document. This should be regarded as a candidate PR -- RobSeaman, 11 March, 2011

  6. per Tom Vestrand: "The title for section 2.2 still has “Publishers” in it, but I think that should now be dropped because it is not mentioned anywhere in the text for that section." Done -- RobSeaman, 14 March 2011

  7. Released as PR -- RobSeaman, 14 March 2011

  8. Modified document and schema with small changes to Reference element: attribute 'type' is renamed to 'meaning', and 'mimetype' attribute added. Schema, diagram, and examples updated to match. -- Roy Williams, 2 April 2011

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
HTMLhtml PR-VOEvent-2.0-20110314.html r3 r2 r1 manage 87.5 K 2011-03-14 - 18:26 RobSeaman  
PDFpdf PR-VOEvent-2.0-20110314.pdf r1 manage 553.1 K 2011-03-14 - 18:28 RobSeaman  
HTMLhtml PR-VOEvent-2.0-20110402.html r1 manage 91.0 K 2011-04-03 - 15:56 RoyWilliams  
PDFpdf PR-VOEvent-2.0-20110402.pdf r1 manage 1090.0 K 2011-04-03 - 16:04 RoyWilliams  
Unknown file formatxsd VOEvent-20110402.xsd r1 manage 17.0 K 2011-04-03 - 16:14 RoyWilliams  
PNGpng VOEvent2-schemaDiagram.png r2 r1 manage 322.6 K 2011-04-03 - 15:55 RoyWilliams  
PDFpdf VOEvent_arch.pdf r1 manage 570.0 K 2011-03-11 - 22:24 RobSeaman Official IVOA VOEvent architecture diagram
PNGpng VOEvent_arch.png r1 manage 110.7 K 2011-03-11 - 22:32 RobSeaman  
HTMLhtml WD-VOEvent-2.0-20110309.html r1 manage 87.0 K 2011-03-09 - 22:13 RobSeaman DocStd 1.2 compliant name
PDFpdf WD-VOEvent-2.0-20110309.pdf r1 manage 599.5 K 2011-03-09 - 22:26 RobSeaman  
HTMLhtml WD-VOEvent-2.0-20110310.html r1 manage 87.3 K 2011-03-10 - 16:43 RobSeaman  
PDFpdf WD-VOEvent-2.0-20110310.pdf r1 manage 452.1 K 2011-03-10 - 16:45 RobSeaman  
HTMLhtml WD-VOEvent-2.0-20110311.html r1 manage 87.6 K 2011-03-11 - 22:38 RobSeaman  
PDFpdf WD-VOEvent-2.0-20110311.pdf r1 manage 544.2 K 2011-03-11 - 22:39 RobSeaman  

This topic: IVOA > IvoaVOEvent > VOEventTwoPointZero
Topic revision: r15 - 2011-04-03 - RoyWilliams
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