TWiki> Know Web>ReadmeFirst (revision 4)EditAttach
If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit WelcomeGuest in the TWiki.TWiki web first.

Note: The TWiki.Know web is for demonstration purposes only. It hardly contains any data, its purpose is to show how TWiki can be used as a knowledge base for support (e.g. as a web based help desk application).

The TWiki.Know knowledge base has the following functions:

  1. Submit Data to the Knowledge Base: Enter data that could be usefull for other support staff.
  2. Search the Knowledge Base: Search for a solution of a problem a customer has.
  3. Email Notification: Subscribe in WebNotify to get notified by email whenever the knowledge base gets updated.

Submit Data to the Knowledge Base

Please feel free to add any information you think can help the support staff solving problems. To contribute to the knowledge base, please create a new topic that contains a problem and solution (or workaround) pair.

To submit data to the Knowledge Base:

  • Think of a good topic name. It is recommended to use a name that describes the problem, e.g. an error message. The topic name should comply to the WikiNotation. An sample topic name for the error message Incorrect DLL version W32PTH10.DLL would be IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL.
  • The easiest way to create a new topic is to type in a new topic name into the edit field at the top of each page, press Enter and then click on the Create link at the bottom of the page.
  • Edit the new topic or copy & paste the text you already have.
  • Select the appropriate items in the TWiki.Know Category section. See TWikiCategory for details. This allows detailed search in WebSearch later on.
  • [Preview Changes] and [Save Changes] when you are done.

Search the Knowledge Base

Please use the WebSearch topic to search for a solution to a problem.

Email Notification

Subscribe in WebNotify to get notified by email when the knowledge base gets updated. Support staff should subscribe to be notified, this is a good way to hone trouble shooting skills by having a look at newly submitted problem / solution pairs.


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Topic revision: r4 - 2000-12-14 - PeterThoeny
Warning: Can't find topic Know.WebLeftBar
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