Difference: InterOpMay2012 (55 vs. 56)

Revision 562012-05-29 - BobHanisch


IVOA Interoperability meeting

May 21-25, 2012
at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA),
the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL

Meeting information

The meeting will be take place at the NCSA building on the campus of the University of Illinois. See the venue page for more information.


Session Time Room Session
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
4 16.00–17.30 Rm 1040 Applications 1  
7 14.00–15.30 Auditorium Applications 2  
11 14.00–15.30 Auditorium Applications 3  
9 09.00-09.30 Auditorium Astronomy and Wolfram Alpha Jeff Bryant
  10.30–11.00 Break
  15.30–16.00 Break
  10.30–11.00 Break
  15.30–16.00 Break
  10.30–11.00 Break
  15.30–16.00 Break
2 11.00–12.30 Auditorium Charge to Working Groups WG/IG Chairs
  16.00–17.30 Rm 2000 Committee on Science Prioities CSP Members
5 09.00–10.30 Auditorium DAL: DALI and DataLink DAL Schedule
13 09.00-09.30 Auditorium Dark Energy Survey Don Petraveck
6 11.00–12.30 Rm 1040 DCP: Data publication, data sharing and linking  
4 16.00–17.30 Auditorium DCP: Development of a Unified Astronomy Thesaurus  
6 11.00–12.30 Auditorium DM: Ongoing Data Models  
10 11.00–12.30 Auditorium DM: UTypes draft/discussion  
1 10.15-10.30 Auditorium Future Science Uses Cases Mark Allen
8 16.00–17.30 Auditorium GWS 1  
1 10.00-10.15 Auditorium In the classroom with the VO Giulia Iafrate
  16.00–18.00 Board Room IVOA Exec Meeting Exec + WG/IG Chairs/Vice-chairs
  12.30–14.00   IVOA Exec Meeting Exec
  09.00–15.30 Board Room IVOA TCG Meeting TCG
3 14.00–15.30 Auditorium Joint Applications and Semantics: VOTable and Units Units -- VOTable intro
11 14.00–15.30 Rm 1040 Joint Theory/DAL/Registry: SimDAL  
  12.30–14.00 Lunch
  12.30–14.00 Lunch
  12.30–14.00 Lunch
Monday May 21 2012
9 10.00-10.30 Auditorium NEES Laboratory tour Michael Bletzinger
9 09.30-10.00 Auditorium Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Michael Bletzinger
  15.30–16.00 Lobby Petascale Computing Facility Tour see sign-up sheet, more info
12 16.00–17.30   Petascale Computing Facility Tour  
  08.30–9.00 Auditorium Registration  
7 14.00–15.30 Rm 1040 Registry: Standards and Interfaces  
5 09.00–10.30 Rm 1040 Semantics  
9 09.00–10.30 Auditorium Special: General Interest Topics  
13   Auditorium Special: VO Take-up in Major Projects  
  16.00–17.30 Various Splinter meetings, hack-a-thon  
1 09.15–09.30 Auditorium State of the IVOA Ajit Kembavi
1 09.30–10.00 Auditorium State of the TCG Christophe Arviset
Sunday May 20 2012
8 16.00–17.30 Rm 1040 Theory: SimDAL  
Thursday May 24 2012
Tuesday May 22 2012
Wednesday May 23 2012
1 09.00–09.15 Auditorium Welcome and Logistics RayPlante
09.30-10.00 One-Degree Imager Arvin Gopu
09.30-10.00 One-Degree Imager Arvin Gopu
10.00-10.30 The ALMA Archive and the VO Felix Stoehr
  10.30–11.00 Group Photo
14 11.00–12.30 Auditorium Special: Feedback on Implementation  
  12.30–14.00 Lunch
15 14.00–15.30 Auditorium GWS 2  
Rm 1040 Reg: Publication and Validation  
  15.30–16.00 Break
16 16.00–17.30 Auditorium DAL: Footprint  
Rm 1040 VOEvent  
  19.00– Lobby Banquet Dinner
Friday May 25 2012
17 08.30–10.00 Auditorium WG/IG session summaries WG/IG Chairs
10.00-10.15 Science Impact Mark Allen (CSP)
10.15–10.30 Closing Remarks Ajit Kembavi
18 11:00 - 12:15 Lobby Petascale Computing Facility Tour see sign-up sheet, more info


Programme Organising Committee

Please contact the POC for changes to the agenda, etc:

Picture Gallery

We're not entirely virtual; see proof in the picture gallery. (Add your own pics!)

Registration and Participants List

Registration is now open. There is no charge for attendance; however the cost to attend the banquet is $36.

To register, please visit the registration page. The deadline for purchasing a banquet ticket is May 7.

See who has registered so far. Note that this list is not updated in real-time.

Travel, Accommodation and Visa Information

Please consult the venue page for logistical information.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1337612442" name="20120521-StateTCG-Urbana-Arviset.pdf" path="20120521-StateTCG-Urbana-Arviset.pdf" size="3210011" user="ChristopheArviset" version="1.1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1337959889" name="UrbanaCSP_final_plenary.pdf" path="UrbanaCSP_final_plenary.pdf" size="1576156" user="MarkAllen" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1338304416" name="IVOA2012_ODI-PPATalk_agopu.pdf" path="IVOA2012_ODI-PPATalk_agopu.pdf" size="787275" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
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