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Data Access Layer Sessions

Please use the Discussion links below to jump to the discussion page and add topics there. We will use those pages as the agenda for the session.

Session 1: TAPRegExt

topic speaker time
Federating TAP Services (pdf) Mark Holliman 15 min
implmentation: TOPCAT (pdf) Mark Taylor 5 min
implementation: CVO Patrick Dowler 5 min
implementation: GAVO Markus Demleitner 5 min
Review of WD-TAPRegExt-1.0 Markus Demleitner 15 min
Dicusssion   30 min
To RFC? Patrick Dowler 15 min

PQL (and ADQL)"> Session 2: PQL (and ADQL)

topic speaker time
Review Daniel Durand 15 min
PQL Dicusssion   45 min
Whither ADQL? Markus 10 min
ADQL Discussion   20 min

DALI"> Session 3: DALI

topic speaker time
Review Patrick Dowler 15 min
Dicusssion   75 min

Session 4: DataLink

topic speaker time
Review Francois Bonnarel 15 min
Dicusssion   75 min

Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted ascending Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf DataLink1.pdf r1 manage 1079.6 K 2011-10-21 - 10:19 FrancoisBonnarel DataLink Purpose questions and proposal
PDFpdf tapfederation.pdf r1 manage 357.8 K 2011-10-17 - 10:20 MarkTaylor Mark Holliman's TAP Federation slides
PDFpdf topregext.pdf r1 manage 51.5 K 2011-10-17 - 10:14 MarkTaylor TAPRegExt implementation in TOPCAT
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Topic revision: r8 - 2012-06-26 - root
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