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CharacterisationDataModel CoordsRFC CoordsRFC2 CubesDM DMRunning022022 DMRunning062022 DMTranslation DMVirtualProgressMeeting DataAnnotation DataModel16102003 DataModel23012003 DataModelPassband DatasetMetadata DatasetMetadataSplinter2023 FormerDataModelingEfforts HowToParticipate IVAODMCatalogsWP IVOADMInterferometryWP IVOADMLimitFluxWP IVOADMObservationsWP IVOADMQuantityWP IVOADMResolutionWP IVOADMSimulationsWP IVOADMSpectraWP IVOADMSpectrum12 IVOADMTimeObsWP IVOADMTransformsWP ImageDM InterOpOct2003DataModel InterOpOct2005DataModel InterOpOct2014DM IvoaDataModelFaq IvoaDataModelSciReq MeasRFC MeasRFC2 ObsCoreTimeExtension ObsDMCoreComponents ObscCore1dot1RFC Obscore-1_1-Next ObservationProvenanceDataModel PhotDM11WD PhotDMv1-1 PhotometryDataModel ProposalDM ProvenanceRFC ProvenanceRFC2 RADAMS SSLDM STC SimulationDataModel SourceCatalogs SourceDM SourceDataModel SpectralLines SpectralLinesDM Spectrum SpectrumDM12RFC SpectrumDataModel TapandTheDMs TimeSeries TransfRFC UnitsDesc Utypes VO4HighEnergy VODML VODML-Mapping VODML1RFC VODMX VodmlResources


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