Difference: 2015BRoadmap (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32015-11-01 - MarkusDemleitner


IVOA Roadmap for 2015B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2015/16 between the Sydney and Cape Town Interops.


Data Access Layer

Data Model

Grid and Web Sevices

  • VOSI 1.1 - Implementation and Working Draft before the new year.
  • UWS 1.1 to become a proposed recommendation in the next month.
  • SSO 2.0 to become a proposed recommendation early 2016
  • VOSpace 2.1 working draft at least one month before Cape Town.
  • XML Schema Versioning Policy to become endorsed note before Cape Town.


Registering TAP tables (and other dataset-within-service-like things): While GloTS works wonderfully for TAP in TOPCAT, we will nevertheless publish a note on the auxiliary capabilities, as that will provide more uniformity in discovery as well as metadata richness. We will then try to convince the major TAP providers to include the new capabilities in their records. Client support is already there in TOPCAT. If takeup is sufficient, we would go for a WD with this by Cape Town.

Registry searchable by spatial constraints: We will continue to lay the software foundations in pgSphere (i.e., indexable MOCs). The existing footprintURL mechanism to distribute footprints will be good enough for prototyping.

Registry Interfaces: Work on version 1.1 (on harvesting and being a well-behaved registry, with the old client interfaces removed) will resume once the new RofR operators (CfA) have some experience in operating it so we can properly assess what RofR material should be in RI 1.1

Identifiers: Version 2 is in TCG review and should pass the Exec before the end of 2015.

DOI work: We will continue to talk with Datacite to evaluate requirements to keep/bring the datacite metadata and VOResource in sync in the common universe of discourse. This will probably lead to early drafts of VOResource 1.1 by Cape Town.

TAPRegExt: 1.1 will go to a public WD soon -- the main question there is whether to factor out the parts relevant to UWS and have a separate capability for standalone UWS services.

Work on Registry extensions for VOEvent services, HiPS, or VOSpace will continue or start depending on input by the respective WGs.

We will continue maintenance of the Registry system and contents, as well as our validation operations.



Data Curation & Preservation


Knowledge Discovery in Databases



Time Domain

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

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