Difference: ChiVO (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32018-05-30 - MauricioSolar

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"
Currently ChiVO has indexed 28,236 FITS with a size of 4.5 [TB] corresponding to cycles 0,1,2 and 3 of ALMA, SIA and SCS services are available on these FITS. In addition we are looking to store the raw data of ALMA, the ASDM. Of these files we have already stored 2079 files with a total weight of 41 [TB], we will continue with this process of ingestion until we have stored the cycle 3 of ALMA. In order to make this data available, we are creating the resource to enable the currently available VO services, and we will try to offer SSAP over them in the future.
In the future plans, first we will look for to generate a series of mirrors of repositories of other VO, looking for to take advantage of the storage capacities of our datacenter and in the same line we will work in the ingestion of the data of MUSE, since we already have the MUSE reduction pipeline installed so that ESO evaluates our data reduction capabilities this data. In addition, we will take advantage of the availability of ASDM and Reduction Script to generate instances of re-processing by changing the parameters of the reduction script, to make this process under the IVOA standards we will use GWS. Currently we already have a table that allows us to map in ASDM -> Reduction Script (scriptForPI.py, scriptforImaging.py, etc..)-> FITS.​
In the future plans, first we will look for to generate a series of mirrors of repositories of other VO, looking for to take advantage of the storage capacities of our datacenter and in the same line we will work in the ingestion of the data of MUSE, since we already have the MUSE reduction pipeline installed so that ESO evaluates our data reduction capabilities this data. In addition, we will take advantage of the availability of ASDM and Reduction Script to generate instances of re-processing by changing the parameters of the reduction script, to make this process under the IVOA standards we will use GWS. Currently we already have a table that allows us to map in ASDM -> Reduction Script (scriptForPI.py, scriptforImaging.py, etc..)-> FITS.
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