name="IvoaTCG" |
TCG Meeting - face-to-face - November 14 2024 @ 14:30 (Malta timezone) / 13:30 UTC
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- Attendees :
- Regrets : Rafael
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- Attendees : <Tom forgot to record this>
- Regrets : Rafael
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< < | vconf link for remote participation |
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- (standing item): documents on track
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- VOTable-1.5 - RFC page -- RFC responses and document pull request during this meeting
- VOEvent-2.1 - RFC page -- Needs registry part
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- UCDList-1.6 - PEN released - vote
- IVOAArchitecture-2.1 - sent to Exec - will poke for approval in ~2 hours
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- UCDList-1.6 - PEN released - vote -- Will vote at next meeting so that we have a chance to read it.
- IVOAArchitecture-2.1 - sent to Exec - will poke for approval in ~2 hours -- Approved by exec!
- UDF-catalogue-1.2 - approved & available on the doc repo
- Errata & VEPs
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- -- Can have a date and DOI for registry record that ADS can pick up. Markus recommends waiting for ADS implementation. No timeline known so will can inquire again in a couple months.
- November 2024 Interoperability Meeting (15-17 November, Malta)
- quick final check of the schedule
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- -- Discussed whether RAIG and Ops should trade rooms, but will leave rooms and schedule unchanged.
- TCG opening - prepare & stick to the time
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- P3T - highlights in view of the plenary
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- P3T - highlights in view of the plenary -- Talks will be short to allow time for discussion
- IVOA web static pages - report & pitch
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- -- Status: not prfect but not worse than old pages, so let's roll it out and let people submit issues and fixes.
- in the program
- highlights on what's the expected sessions' outcome
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- Apps:
- evolution of HiPS and MOC, VOTable
- start to discuss parquet for big tables and how to handle meta data
- MIVOT handling of COOSYS use cases
- several talks about applications
- DAL:
- Hear multiple TAP approaches and try to converge
- DM:
- How we're going to integrate various models (CAOM, Radio, ...)
- Aligning with P3T
- SSO-next
- Semantics:
- Vocabulary updates (including maybe some removals)
- Observation Facilities vocabulary
- Registry:
- Usage of protocols by country
- NOIRLab feedback, VOResource 1.2 RFC to start
- How to write registry record
- Q from Baptiste: (Not just registry, but) how can we track the usage of terms? Some may not be being used, but can we really know?
- DCP:
- citation
- trustworthy observatory
- curation of telescpope instrument
- DOIs for Vizier
- bibliographic interfaces
- Jointly with GWS, AI in archives and services
- Ops:
- Weather report and types of errors.
- Room for additional topics which could be added before the Sunday session.
- Radio:
- Obscore extension status and issues.
- (Joint with semantics) PDS4 ==> EPNCore
- TDIG: Rafael cannot continue as chair. Pierre F will stay on as vice chair. Looking for new chair.
- schedule w.r.t roadmaps (cherry picked) comparison
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- frequency axis MOC
- P3T impact on DAL roadmap
- LineTAP?
- Observational Facilities vocabulary
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- frequency axis MOC -- No recent work towards standardization
- P3T impact on DAL roadmap -- TAP
- DAP -- Some light discussion on cone search
- LineTAP? -- Need second impl., Definitely open questions. SLAP is dead? Maybe reture LineTAP as well, or freeze it until it's shown to be used. Stay tuned.
- Observational Facilities vocabulary -- covered in sematics
- IHDEA connection
- UCD as a vocabulary
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- Do we need to change the vocab representation?
- Since we are rebuilding the website and the document repository, what about vocabs? (see https://www.ivoa.net/rdf/).
- Process is git pull, make install builds the statis file for the website. Happens through ssh tunnel to do the web page updates.
- Suggestions about alternatives such as github actions (or other CI techniques). No conclusions.
- news to consider
- impact/usefulness w.r.t. IVOA
- how different from FITS friendship
- externally managed standard (sw based one)
- collaborate and try to contribute towards a community standard
- envision future "EN-like" connection/binding (why would it be different than the .parquet case? what did we do for HiPS?, ...)
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- Comments:
- Don't have a data model for the metadata
- It's an external standard, so we don't want it internally.
- Our interest seems to be primarily in the metadata.
- Maybe what we want is mapping the metadata we manage to what can be represented in ASDF (and other formats).
- open topics/actions
- astronet.ru publishing registry issue
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- In July we were told 3-4 month delay. Last news is that problem is not resolved, but may be by the end of the year.
- GWS - DSP renaming: decision
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- Marco will put renaming to exec.
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- Janet will be formally asking exec for High Energy Interest Group
- Date for the next TCG vconf
- December 2024:
- (week 9-13) Tuesday 10 or Thursday 12
- (week 16-20): Tuesday 17 or Wednesday 18,or Thursday 19
- Time of day:
- 13:00 or 14:00 UTC
- 20:00 or 21:00 UTC
- 23:00 UTC?
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- 15 TCG members are in CET
- Consensus: Wednesday, December,ber 18, 14:00 UTC
TCG meeting dates, as well as other relevant meetings, should always be reported also at the IVOA Events page.
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