Difference: HEIG_23Oct18 (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32023-10-31 - JanetEvans


HEIG Meeting (online) - Thu, Oct 18 2023 @ 13:00 UTC

  • Attendees :
    • Ada Nebot, Catherine Boisson, Bruno Khelifi, Francis Bonnarel, Jutta Schnabel, Karl Kosack, Marck CD, Mathias Fuessling, Mirelle Louys, Pierre Cristofari, Tess Jaffe, Ian Evans, Janet Evans
  • Regrets :



  • DM project leads: Make an event list & supporting products available to the group to review; try to map that data to the Cube model using the Chandra example Mark presented
  • Mark CD: Follow up with a group or 2 to review their data and model - offer input and also take in possible changes to current cube thinking
  • Mathieu: What makes an event list unique? ie: What content should users expect to exist in an Event List instance? Let's try to answer that at the next mtg
  • All: For folks attending the Fall IVOA, try to have a side meeting
  • All: Further plan becoming an 'official' IVOA Interest group

Meeting Notes

  • Brief discussion on becoming an IVOA Interest group
    • Aim for Spring Interop with 'Special HEIG session'
    • Define charter/goals (lookup IVOA guidelines on a new IG) and discuss with Exec
    • Open invitation to participate to entire Interop group
  • Present Response matrix files:
    • Neutrinos - Jutta Schnabel -
  • Mathieu - Slides/Lead a discussion on event lists - We did this quickly ... need to re-schedule for it's own meeting
    • Lead a discussion on “What makes an event list unique?” “What content should users expect to exist in an Event list instanc

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ctao_irfs.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1697640228" name="ctao_irfs.pdf" path="ctao_irfs.pdf" size="3594461" user="KarlKosack" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="HEIG_CXC_Oct23.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1698353274" name="HEIG_CXC_Oct23.pdf" path="HEIG_CXC_Oct23.pdf" size="1631442" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="KM3NeT_high-level_data_format_requirements_HEIG-1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1698770783" name="KM3NeT_high-level_data_format_requirements_HEIG-1.pdf" path="KM3NeT_high-level_data_format_requirements_HEIG-1.pdf" size="1521159" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
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