SimDB = Simulation DatabaseSimDB is a specification for a Simulation Database. A SimDB implementation contains a database with (meta-)data describing simulations, their results, their provenance and various characteristics. The simulations are supposed to be those that produce a representation of 3+1D space, sometimes called "cosmological simulations", though they can be of any scale, from large scale structure of the universe down to solar systems. It has been a point of discussion whether we should open the spec up for all, or at least more types of simulations. This is an open issue. A SimDB also contains various types of post-processing products, as well as meta data identifying web services giving access to these simulations. The latter may, but are not restricted to SimDAP services. The SimDB specification defines a protocol for an online service for querying and some management of this database. It has two components. One is a specialised TAP service, the other is a REST-like GET protocol to retrieve complete descriptions in XML form. Both of these are based on a data model for simulations, which is also part of this specification. The full specification consists of a number of different documents. The latest versions of these as well as earlier ones, can be found in the specification directory under the theory/snapdm section of Norman Gray's Volute project on GoogleCode. The theory/snapdmsection contains a lot more material than the specification alone. Most of this is the result of a project to create a demonstrator proto-type for the SimDB project. That project is in the process of being ported to the VO-URP project. For the purpose of this specification one need only consult the specification sub directory. It contains the following documents: | ||||||||
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Discussion pagesOther pages on the IVOA Wiki pertaining to this specification are
-- GerardLemson - 13 Mar 2009
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