Difference: InterOpMay2012TCG (1 vs. 30)

Revision 302012-06-26 - root


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (PDF)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15') .pdf
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15') .pdf
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15') .ppt .pdf
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
  Registry interfaces and compliance status - Pat, Gretchen, Pierre (15')  
12:00-12:45 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:45–13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.) .pdf
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.) .pdf
14:15–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics N
Matthew VOEvent Y
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Mark's VOTable slides" date="1337517465" name="votable-tcg.pdf" path="votable-tcg.pdf" size="58882" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOUnits presentation at TCG" date="1337523691" name="units_tcg.pdf" path="units_tcg.pdf" size="219109" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337557855" name="UrbanaTCG.ppt" path="UrbanaTCG.ppt" size="358912" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337609439" name="UrbanaTCG.pdf" path="UrbanaTCG.pdf" size="216632" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Utypes" date="1337610089" name="UrbanaUtypes.pdf" path="UrbanaUtypes.pdf" size="239975" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1337952439" name="20120520TCGMeetingUrbana.pdf" path="20120520TCGMeetingUrbana.pdf" size="119835" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1.1"

Revision 292012-05-25 - SeverinGaudet


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)
Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (PDF)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15') .pdf
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15') .pdf
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15') .ppt .pdf
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
  Registry interfaces and compliance status - Pat, Gretchen, Pierre (15')  
12:00-12:45 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:45–13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.) .pdf
14:15–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics N
Matthew VOEvent Y
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Mark's VOTable slides" date="1337517465" name="votable-tcg.pdf" path="votable-tcg.pdf" size="58882" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOUnits presentation at TCG" date="1337523691" name="units_tcg.pdf" path="units_tcg.pdf" size="219109" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337557855" name="UrbanaTCG.ppt" path="UrbanaTCG.ppt" size="358912" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337609439" name="UrbanaTCG.pdf" path="UrbanaTCG.pdf" size="216632" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Utypes" date="1337610089" name="UrbanaUtypes.pdf" path="UrbanaUtypes.pdf" size="239975" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1337952439" name="20120520TCGMeetingUrbana.pdf" path="20120520TCGMeetingUrbana.pdf" size="119835" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1.1"

Revision 282012-05-21 - MarkAllen


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15') .pdf
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15') .pdf
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15') .ppt .pdf
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
  Registry interfaces and compliance status - Pat, Gretchen, Pierre (15')  
12:00-12:45 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:45–13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.) .pdf
14:15–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics N
Matthew VOEvent Y
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Mark's VOTable slides" date="1337517465" name="votable-tcg.pdf" path="votable-tcg.pdf" size="58882" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOUnits presentation at TCG" date="1337523691" name="units_tcg.pdf" path="units_tcg.pdf" size="219109" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337557855" name="UrbanaTCG.ppt" path="UrbanaTCG.ppt" size="358912" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337609439" name="UrbanaTCG.pdf" path="UrbanaTCG.pdf" size="216632" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Utypes" date="1337610089" name="UrbanaUtypes.pdf" path="UrbanaUtypes.pdf" size="239975" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"

Revision 272012-05-21 - OmarLaurino


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15') .pdf
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15') .pdf
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15') .ppt .pdf
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
  Registry interfaces and compliance status - Pat, Gretchen, Pierre (15')  
12:00-12:45 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:45–13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:15–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics N
Matthew VOEvent Y
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Mark's VOTable slides" date="1337517465" name="votable-tcg.pdf" path="votable-tcg.pdf" size="58882" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOUnits presentation at TCG" date="1337523691" name="units_tcg.pdf" path="units_tcg.pdf" size="219109" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337557855" name="UrbanaTCG.ppt" path="UrbanaTCG.ppt" size="358912" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337609439" name="UrbanaTCG.pdf" path="UrbanaTCG.pdf" size="216632" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Utypes" date="1337610089" name="UrbanaUtypes.pdf" path="UrbanaUtypes.pdf" size="239975" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"

Revision 262012-05-21 - MatthewGraham


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15') .pdf
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15') .pdf
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15') .ppt
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15') .ppt .pdf
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
  Registry interfaces and compliance status - Pat, Gretchen, Pierre (15')  
12:00-12:45 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:45–13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:15–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics N
Matthew VOEvent Y
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Mark's VOTable slides" date="1337517465" name="votable-tcg.pdf" path="votable-tcg.pdf" size="58882" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOUnits presentation at TCG" date="1337523691" name="units_tcg.pdf" path="units_tcg.pdf" size="219109" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337557855" name="UrbanaTCG.ppt" path="UrbanaTCG.ppt" size="358912" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337609439" name="UrbanaTCG.pdf" path="UrbanaTCG.pdf" size="216632" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"

Revision 252012-05-20 - MatthewGraham


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15') .pdf
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15') .pdf
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15')  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15') .ppt
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
  Registry interfaces and compliance status - Pat, Gretchen, Pierre (15')  
12:00-12:45 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:45–13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:15–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics N
Matthew VOEvent Y
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Mark's VOTable slides" date="1337517465" name="votable-tcg.pdf" path="votable-tcg.pdf" size="58882" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOUnits presentation at TCG" date="1337523691" name="units_tcg.pdf" path="units_tcg.pdf" size="219109" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Identifier presentation" date="1337557855" name="UrbanaTCG.ppt" path="UrbanaTCG.ppt" size="358912" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"

Revision 242012-05-20 - SebastienDerriere


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15') .pdf
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15') .pdf
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
  Registry interfaces and compliance status - Pat, Gretchen, Pierre (15')  
12:00-12:45 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:45–13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:15–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Andre GWS N
Norman Semantics N
Alberto DCP N
Ajit IVOA Chair  
Enrique Apps  
Gretchen Registry  
John VOEvent  
Pepe KDD  
Franck Theory  
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Mark Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Matthew VOEvent Y
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Mark CSP Y

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Mark's VOTable slides" date="1337517465" name="votable-tcg.pdf" path="votable-tcg.pdf" size="58882" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOUnits presentation at TCG" date="1337523691" name="units_tcg.pdf" path="units_tcg.pdf" size="219109" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 232012-05-20 - SebastienDerriere


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15') .pdf
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
  Registry interfaces and compliance status - Pat, Gretchen, Pierre (15')  
12:00-12:45 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:45–13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:15–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics N
Matthew VOEvent Y
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Mark's VOTable slides" date="1337517465" name="votable-tcg.pdf" path="votable-tcg.pdf" size="58882" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOUnits presentation at TCG" date="1337523691" name="units_tcg.pdf" path="units_tcg.pdf" size="219109" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 222012-05-20 - MarkTaylor


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15') .pdf
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
  Registry interfaces and compliance status - Pat, Gretchen, Pierre (15')  
12:00-12:45 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:45–13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:15–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics N
Matthew VOEvent Y
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Mark's VOTable slides" date="1337517465" name="votable-tcg.pdf" path="votable-tcg.pdf" size="58882" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"

Revision 212012-05-18 - ChristopheArviset


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
  Registry interfaces and compliance status - Pat, Gretchen, Pierre (15')  
12:00-12:45 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:45–13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:15–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics N
Matthew VOEvent Y
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 202012-05-16 - ChristopheArviset


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman/Matthew (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
Norman Semantics N
Matthew VOEvent Y
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 192012-05-16 - AndreSchaaff


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS  
Andre GWS N
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 182012-05-14 - PatrickDowler


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 172012-05-14 - OmarLaurino


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Omar DM Y
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 162012-05-14 - DavidSchade


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair @1:30
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 152012-05-14 - AlbertoAccomazzi


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP Y
Alberto DCP N
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 142012-05-14 - AndreasWicenec


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in the Board Room.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andreas GWS Y
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP Y
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 132012-05-14 - ChristopheArviset


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.
The meeting will be held in the Board Room.
  Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP Y
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 122012-04-16 - FrancoiseGenova


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP Y
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Francoise Stds & Processes Y
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 112012-04-15 - MarkTaylor


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Mark Apps Y
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP Y
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 102012-04-13 - SeverinGaudet


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG  
Severin TCG Y
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP Y
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 92012-04-13 - MikeFitzpatrick


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG  
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP Y
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 82012-04-13 - ChristopheArviset


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA


Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG  
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP Y
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 72012-04-13 - MarkAllen


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG  
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP Y
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  
Mark CSP Y


Revision 62012-04-13 - AlbertoAccomazzi


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG  
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP  
Alberto DCP Y
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  


Revision 52012-04-13 - SebastienDerriere


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG  
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics  
Sebastien Semantics Y
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP  
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  


Revision 42012-04-13 - PierreLeSidaner


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG  
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry  
Pierre Registry Y
Sebastien Semantics  
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP  
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  


Revision 32012-04-13 - HerveWozniak


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG  
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry  
Sebastien Semantics  
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP  
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory  
Herve Theory Y
Franck Theory  


Revision 22012-04-13 - ChristopheArviset


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09.30–09.45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:15 Status of Standards in REC process(5-10' each)  
  SSAP/SpectrumDM 1.2 - Pat/Jesus  
  StandardsRegExt - Pierre  
  Obs Core DM - Jesus  
  Sim DM - Jesus / Herve  
10:15-11:15 IVOA Validation and Publication tools for Data Centre Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  Services Publishing Tools - link  
  Services Validators - link  
11:15–11.30 Break
11:30-12:30 IVOA Validation and Publication tools for Data Centre (cont'd) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  Services Publishing Tools - link  
  Services Validators - link  
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14:00–14:30 IVOA identifiers and fragment Norman to introduce subject
09:00–09:15 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:15–09:45 Refresher on TCG role during the REC process, incl. supplementary docs (Christophe)  
09:45–10:00 Status of Standards in REC process (if any)  
10:00-11:30 Status of standards impacting various WG / IG  
  VOTable 1.3 - Mark T. (15')  
  VOUnits 1.0 - Sebastien (15')  
  10:30–10:45 Coffee Break (15')  
  Utypes 1.0 - Jesus/Omar (45')  
11:30-12:00 General TCG discussions  
  IVOA identifiers - Norman (15')  
  Should different serializations (versions) of the same content have the same identifier - Matthew (15')  
12:00-12:30 IVOA Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Potential future IVOA Standards required to address new science cases coming from the CSP (Mark A.)  
14:00–15:30 Update of IVOA Architecture  
14:30-15:00 Representation of null/NaN in VOTable (see VOTableIssues) Mark to introduce subject
15:00-16:00 IVOA Technical Assesment and Roadmap 2011 Christophe to introduce
16:00–16:30 AOB
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG  
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry  
Sebastien Semantics  
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP  
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory  
Franck Theory  


Revision 12012-04-12 - ChristopheArviset


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 20, 2012 - Champaign, Urbana, USA

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the TBD.

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found (to come later)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09.30–09.45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:15 Status of Standards in REC process(5-10' each)  
  SSAP/SpectrumDM 1.2 - Pat/Jesus  
  StandardsRegExt - Pierre  
  Obs Core DM - Jesus  
  Sim DM - Jesus / Herve  
10:15-11:15 IVOA Validation and Publication tools for Data Centre Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  Services Publishing Tools - link  
  Services Validators - link  
11:15–11.30 Break
11:30-12:30 IVOA Validation and Publication tools for Data Centre (cont'd) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  Services Publishing Tools - link  
  Services Validators - link  
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14:00–14:30 IVOA identifiers and fragment Norman to introduce subject
14:30-15:00 Representation of null/NaN in VOTable (see VOTableIssues) Mark to introduce subject
15:00-16:00 IVOA Technical Assesment and Roadmap 2011 Christophe to introduce
16:00–16:30 AOB
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Severin TCG  
Ajit IVOA Chair  
David IVOA Vice-Chair  
Mark Apps  
Enrique Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
Andre GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre Registry  
Sebastien Semantics  
Norman Semantics  
Matthew VOEvent  
John VOEvent  
Alberto DCP  
Pepe KDD  
Francoise Stds & Processes  
Herve Theory  
Franck Theory  

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