Difference: InterOpMay2014GWS (1 vs. 28)

Revision 282014-10-05 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5 pdf
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25 pdf
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  
Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session   pdf
Brian Major Proposals for the update   - http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
- http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec
- presentation
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list
Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session   pdf
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    
Minutes of the session
<--Minutes of the session-->

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400749476" name="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" path="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" size="806675" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" attr="" comment="VOSpace 2.1 Presentation" date="1400763914" name="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" path="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" size="7197086" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400766510" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" size="860104" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400771299" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" size="855810" user="AndreSchaaff" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UWS1.1Changes.pdf" attr="" comment="UWS 1.1 presentation" date="1400788168" name="UWS1.1Changes.pdf" path="UWS1.1Changes.pdf" size="1001430" user="PaulHarrison" version="1"

Revision 272014-05-22 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5 pdf
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25 pdf
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session   pdf
Brian Major Proposals for the update   - http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
- http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec
- presentation
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session   pdf
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400749476" name="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" path="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" size="806675" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" attr="" comment="VOSpace 2.1 Presentation" date="1400763914" name="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" path="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" size="7197086" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400766510" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" size="860104" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400771299" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" size="855810" user="AndreSchaaff" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UWS1.1Changes.pdf" attr="" comment="UWS 1.1 presentation" date="1400788168" name="UWS1.1Changes.pdf" path="UWS1.1Changes.pdf" size="1001430" user="PaulHarrison" version="1"

Revision 262014-05-22 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5 pdf
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25 pdf
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session   pdf
Brian Major Proposals for the update   - http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
- http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec
- presentation
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session   pdf
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400749476" name="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" path="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" size="806675" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" attr="" comment="VOSpace 2.1 Presentation" date="1400763914" name="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" path="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" size="7197086" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400766510" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" size="860104" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400766800" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" size="855819" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400771299" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" size="855810" user="AndreSchaaff" version="2"

Revision 252014-05-22 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5 pdf
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25 pdf
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session   pdf
Brian Major Proposals for the update   - http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
- http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec
- presentation
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session   pdf
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400749476" name="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" path="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" size="806675" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" attr="" comment="VOSpace 2.1 Presentation" date="1400763914" name="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" path="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" size="7197086" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400766510" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" size="860104" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400766800" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" size="855819" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 242014-05-22 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5 pdf
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25 pdf
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session   pdf
Brian Major Proposals for the update   - http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
- http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec
- presentation
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400749476" name="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" path="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" size="806675" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" attr="" comment="VOSpace 2.1 Presentation" date="1400763914" name="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" path="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" size="7197086" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400766510" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" size="860104" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400766800" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session3.pdf" size="855819" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 232014-05-22 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5 pdf
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25 pdf
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   - http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
- http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec
- presentation
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400749476" name="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" path="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" size="806675" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" attr="" comment="VOSpace 2.1 Presentation" date="1400763914" name="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" path="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" size="7197086" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400766510" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session2.pdf" size="860104" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 222014-05-22 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5 pdf
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25 pdf
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
Brian Major Proposals for the update   - http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
- http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec
- presentation
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400749476" name="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" path="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" size="806675" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" attr="" comment="VOSpace 2.1 Presentation" date="1400763914" name="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" path="Presentation-VOSpace2.1.pdf" size="7197086" user="BrianMajor" version="1"

Revision 212014-05-22 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5 pdf
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25  
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25 pdf
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400749476" name="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" path="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" size="806675" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 202014-05-22 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5 pdf
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25  
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400749476" name="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" path="Creating_a_workflow_with_Taverna_for_the_fisrt_time.pdf" size="806675" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 192014-05-21 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5  
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5 pdf
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25  
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 182014-05-21 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5  
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25  
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25 pdf
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25  
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696604" name="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" path="IVOAMay2014GWS-Session1.pdf" size="865824" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 172014-05-21 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5  
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25  
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25  
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400696225" name="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" path="ER-flow-Astro-workflows.pdf" size="617647" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 162014-05-21 - JulianGarridoSanchez

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5  
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25  
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25  
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25  
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25 astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    

Minutes of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1400688890" name="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" path="astrotaverna_interop_2014.pdf" size="1283051" user="JulianGarridoSanchez" version="1"

Revision 152014-05-18 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.
This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3 if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user sidel.
The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had also several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user side.
GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5  
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25  
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25  
Julian Garrido Sanchez Astrotaverna and VO workflows 25  
Julian Garrido Sanchez AstroTaverna and VO workflows 25  
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??   recent discussion on the mailing list
  Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
All Need of a UWS 2.0 ??    
  Minutes of the session


Revision 142014-05-18 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop.
This time the talks will be mainly axed to the user side and less technical.
The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop. In the past we had several presentations around this topic and an IVOA Note was also produced about Scientific Workflows in the VO. In Hawaii we decided to keep the workflow effort in the frame of the GWS working group.
This time the talks will mainly focus on the user sidel.
GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5  
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25  
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25  
Julian Garrido Sanchez Astrotaverna and VO workflows 25  
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  
Minutes of the session

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??    
Minutes of the session

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    
Minutes of the session

Revision 132014-05-18 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop.
This time the talks will be mainly axed to the user side and less technical.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop.
This time the talks will be mainly axed to the user side and less technical.
GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows    
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives    
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time    
Julian Garrido Sanchez Astrotaverna and VO workflows    
All Discussion    
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows 5  
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives 25  
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time 25  
Julian Garrido Sanchez Astrotaverna and VO workflows 25  
All Short discussion and conclusion 10  

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??    

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    


Revision 122014-05-16 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.
The first session is dedicated to workflows.
We had a session dedicated to workflows during the Heidelberg interop.
This time the talks will be mainly axed to the user side and less technical.
GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows    
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives    
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time    
Julian Garrido Sanchez Astrotaverna and VO workflows    
All Discussion    

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??    

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.
GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    


Revision 112014-05-16 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows    
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives    
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time    
Julian Garrido Sanchez Astrotaverna and VO workflows    
All Discussion    

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??
GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??    

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.
In the recent interops we had presentations and discussions about the possible changes and evolutions in UWS.
Paul will present us what he expects to be in the next version and we will have enough time to discuss it.
All proposals are welcome and will be considered during the session.
GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    


Revision 102014-05-16 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.
This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows    
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives    
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time    
Julian Garrido Sanchez Astrotaverna and VO workflows    
All Discussion    

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.
In a first part we will discuss about the VOSpace update to 2.1
Following recent discussions we will also have a short discussion at the end of the session concerning the future of VOSpace : VOSpace 3.0 or ??
GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    
All VOSpace 3.0 or ??    

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    


Revision 92014-05-15 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revsion of VOSpace and UWS. It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.
This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows      
Claudio Vuerli TBD      
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time      
Julian Garrido Sanchez Astrotaverna and VO workflows      
GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows    
Claudio Vuerli The ER-flow project and astronomical workflows: current status and future perspectives    
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time    
Julian Garrido Sanchez Astrotaverna and VO workflows    
All Discussion    

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session      
Brian Major Proposals for the update      
GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Brian Major Proposals for the update   http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec/VOSpace2-1.html,
All Discussion    

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html,
All Discussion    

Revision 82014-05-15 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revsion of VOSpace and UWS. It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff        
Claudio Vuerli        
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban        
Julian Garrido Sanchez        
André Schaaff Introduction, previous sessions concerning workflows      
Claudio Vuerli TBD      
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban Creating a workflow with Taverna Workbench for the first time      
Julian Garrido Sanchez Astrotaverna and VO workflows      

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff        
Brian Major        
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session      
Brian Major Proposals for the update      

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff        
Paul Harrison        
GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison Proposals for the update   http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html

Revision 72014-05-14 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revsion of VOSpace and UWS.
This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revsion of VOSpace and UWS. It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff        
Claudio Vuerli        
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban        
Julian Garrido Sanchez        

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff        
Brian Major        

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff        
Paul Harrison        


Revision 62014-05-14 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revsion of VOSpace and UWS. It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of session 2 and 3.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Claudio Vuerli        
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban        
Julian Garrido Sanchez        

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Brian Major        

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Paul Harrison        


Revision 52014-05-14 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Claudio Vuerli        
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban        
Julian Garrido Sanchez        

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Brian Major        

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Paul Harrison        

Revision 42014-05-14 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Claudio Vuerli        
Francisco Jiménez-Esteban        
Julian Garrido Sanchez        

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials


Revision 32014-05-14 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.

GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials


Revision 22014-05-14 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.

GWS 2 - D002 - Thursday 15:00 16:30
GWS 2 - D052 - Thursday 12:00 13:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials

Revision 12014-04-23 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2014"

GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to workflows.

GWS 1 - D002 - Wednesday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials

GWS Session 2

The second session is mainly dedicated to VOSpace.

GWS 2 - D002 - Thursday 15:00 16:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials

GWS Session 3

The third session is mainly dedicated to UWS.

GWS 3 - D001 - Thursday 17:00 18:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials

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