Difference: InterOpMay2016Focus (1 vs. 21)

Revision 212016-05-13 - TomDonaldson

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat pdf
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman pptx
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu pdf
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin pdf
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson pdf
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson pdf
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco pdf
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Discussion session with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881789" name="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" path="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" size="2523812" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881993" name="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" path="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" size="2279822" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462890061" name="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" path="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" size="7691246" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462915941" name="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" size="5152626" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462952194" name="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" path="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" size="3981874" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" attr="" comment="" date="1462956752" name="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" path="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" size="46080" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462970101" name="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" path="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" size="5684366" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JWST_Overview.pptx.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462971832" name="JWST_Overview.pptx.pdf" path="JWST_Overview.pptx.pdf" size="19261567" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="focus_session_greco.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462974793" name="focus_session_greco.pdf" path="focus_session_greco.pdf" size="5511441" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JWSTOverviewSmall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1463135248" name="JWSTOverviewSmall.pdf" path="JWSTOverviewSmall.pdf" size="2358900" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"

Revision 202016-05-11 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat pdf
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman pptx
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu pdf
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin pdf
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson pdf
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson pdf
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco pdf
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Discussion session with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881789" name="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" path="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" size="2523812" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881993" name="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" path="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" size="2279822" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462890061" name="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" path="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" size="7691246" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462915941" name="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" size="5152626" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462952194" name="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" path="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" size="3981874" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" attr="" comment="" date="1462956752" name="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" path="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" size="46080" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462970101" name="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" path="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" size="5684366" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JWST_Overview.pptx.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462971832" name="JWST_Overview.pptx.pdf" path="JWST_Overview.pptx.pdf" size="19261567" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="focus_session_greco.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462974793" name="focus_session_greco.pdf" path="focus_session_greco.pdf" size="5511441" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 192016-05-11 - TomDonaldson

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat pdf
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman pptx
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu pdf
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin pdf
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson pdf
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Discussion session with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881789" name="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" path="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" size="2523812" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881993" name="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" path="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" size="2279822" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462890061" name="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" path="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" size="7691246" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462915941" name="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" size="5152626" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462952194" name="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" path="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" size="3981874" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" attr="" comment="" date="1462956752" name="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" path="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" size="46080" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462970101" name="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" path="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" size="5684366" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JWST_Overview.pptx.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462971832" name="JWST_Overview.pptx.pdf" path="JWST_Overview.pptx.pdf" size="19261567" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"

Revision 182016-05-11 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat pdf
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman pptx
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu pdf
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin pdf
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Discussion session with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881789" name="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" path="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" size="2523812" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881993" name="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" path="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" size="2279822" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462890061" name="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" path="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" size="7691246" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462915941" name="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" size="5152626" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462952194" name="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" path="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" size="3981874" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" attr="" comment="" date="1462956752" name="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" path="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" size="46080" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462970101" name="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" path="20160511_Gaia_Euclid_IVOA_presentation_web.pdf" size="5684366" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 172016-05-11 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat pdf
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman pptx
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu pdf
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Discussion session with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881789" name="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" path="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" size="2523812" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881993" name="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" path="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" size="2279822" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462890061" name="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" path="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" size="7691246" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462915941" name="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" size="5152626" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462952194" name="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" path="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" size="3981874" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" attr="" comment="" date="1462956752" name="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" path="FocusSessionSummary.ppt" size="46080" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"

Revision 162016-05-11 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat pdf
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman pptx
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu pdf
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Discussion session with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881789" name="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" path="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" size="2523812" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881993" name="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" path="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" size="2279822" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462890061" name="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" path="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" size="7691246" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462915941" name="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" size="5152626" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462952194" name="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" path="Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf" size="3981874" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 152016-05-10 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat pdf
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman pptx
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu pdf
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Discussion session with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881789" name="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" path="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" size="2523812" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881993" name="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" path="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" size="2279822" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462890061" name="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" path="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" size="7691246" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1462915941" name="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2016_CTA_lowres.pdf" size="5152626" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"

Revision 142016-05-10 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman pptx
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu pdf
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Discussion session with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881789" name="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" path="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" size="2523812" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881993" name="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" path="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" size="2279822" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462890061" name="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" path="FAST_mzhu_ivoa2016.pdf" size="7691246" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 132016-05-10 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman pptx
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Focused meetings with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  
  Discussion session with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  
  Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881789" name="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" path="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" size="2523812" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881993" name="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" path="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" size="2279822" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 122016-05-10 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor pdf
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman pptx
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Focused meetings with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881789" name="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" path="JessicaChapman_SouthAfricav3.pptx" size="2523812" user="MarkAllen" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462881993" name="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" path="Taylor.IVOA.May2016_small.pdf" size="2279822" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 112016-05-10 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Session Speaker Title Media
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen pdf
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi pdf
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Focused meetings with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1462872643" name="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" path="LSST_IVOA_20160506c.pdf" size="2470027" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 102016-05-10 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham pptx
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Focused meetings with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1462863067" name="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" path="CapeTownFocusSession.pptx" size="3020295" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"

Revision 92016-05-02 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA Mathieu Servillat
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Array Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Focused meetings with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans


Revision 82016-04-20 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 CTA Mathieu Servillat
11h00 - 11h20 ASTERICS - CTA Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
12h20 - 12h30 Discussion All
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves TBD
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves Giuseppe Greco
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Focused meetings with invited speakers and CSP and TCG on identifciation of large project needs  
  Focused meetings with invited speakers on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans


Revision 72016-04-20 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen
9h10 - 9h30 Requirements for VO standards Matthew Graham
9h10 - 9h30 Introduction to the VO standards process Matthew Graham
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 CTA Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves TBD
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Focused meetings with invited speakers and CSP and TCG on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans


Revision 62016-04-18 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen
9h10 - 9h30 Requirements for VO standards Matthew Graham
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 CTA Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - SKA TBD
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - EGO/VIRGO/Gravitational Waves TBD
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Focused meetings with invited speakers and CSP and TCG on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans


Revision 52016-04-14 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen
9h10 - 9h30 Requirements for VO standards Matthew Graham
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 CTA Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - SKA TBD
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Focused meetings with invited speakers and CSP and TCG on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler
Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Janet Evans

Revision 42016-04-13 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen
9h10 - 9h30 Requirements for VO standards Matthew Graham
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 CTA Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - SKA TBD
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
11h00 -12h30    
  Focused meetings with invited speakers and CSP and TCG on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  
Main Interop Schedule Page: InterOpMay2016
  Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler


Revision 32016-04-11 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen
9h10 - 9h30 Requirements for VO standards Matthew Graham
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 CTA Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
9h40 - 10h00 ASTERICS - SKA TBD
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
  Focused meetings with invited speakers and CSP and TCG on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler


Revision 22016-04-07 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10 2016    
Session 5 (09:00–10:30)    
9h00 - 9h10 Speaker Introduction
9h10 - 9h35 Speaker Title
9h35 - 10h00 Speaker Title
10h00 - 10h25 Speaker title
Session 6 (11:00–12:30)    
11h00 - 11h30 Speaker title
11h30 - 12h00 Speaker title
12h00 - 12h30 Speaker title
Wednesday May 11 2016    
Session 9 (09:00–10:30)    
9h00 - 9h30 Speaker title
9h30 - 10h00 Speaker title
10h00 - 10h30 Speaker title
Session 10 (11:00–12:30) Splinter Discussions  
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10    
Session 5 Session chair: Mark Allen    
9h00 - 9h10 Introduction to the Focus Sessions Mark Allen
9h10 - 9h30 Requirements for VO standards Matthew Graham
9h30 - 10h00 SKA South Africa & MeerKAT Russ Taylor
10h00 - 10h30 LSST David Ciardi
Session 6 Session chair: Pepi Fabbiano    
11h00 - 11h20 CTA Mathieu Servillat
11h20 - 11h50 ASKAP Jessica Chapman
11h50 - 12h20 FAST Prof. Ming Zhu
Wednesday May 11    
Session 9 Session Chair: K. Polsterer    
9h00 - 9h20 ESA Euclid and Gaia Bruno Merin
9h20 - 9h40 JWST Tom Donaldson
10h00 -10h30 Discussion All
Session 10 Splinter Discussions  
  Focused meetings with invited speakers and CSP and TCG on identifciation of large project needs  
  Meeting/discussions to identify “minimal” requirements for IVOA standards  
  Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler


Revision 12016-03-15 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2016"

Focus Sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Meeting.

The Virtual Observatory is a framework for interoperable and efficient access to astronomical data and services across all areas of astronomy. The IVOA is an alliance of worldwide VO projects that develops the required standards and coordinates global aspects of the infrastructure. The IVOA is pursuing stronger links and participation of major astronomy projects and is organising focus sessions on “Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects” at the next IVOA Interoperability meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on May 10 and 11.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The identification of use cases and requirements of major astronomy projects for interoperability of their data

  • Discussion of VO technologies in the priority areas of multi-dimensional, and time domain data

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to major astronomy projects

  • Fostering major astronomy projects to become ‘participants’ rather than ‘customers’ of the VO
Session Speaker Title
Tuesday May 10 2016    
Session 5 (09:00–10:30)    
9h00 - 9h10 Speaker Introduction
9h10 - 9h35 Speaker Title
9h35 - 10h00 Speaker Title
10h00 - 10h25 Speaker title
Session 6 (11:00–12:30)    
11h00 - 11h30 Speaker title
11h30 - 12h00 Speaker title
12h00 - 12h30 Speaker title
Wednesday May 11 2016    
Session 9 (09:00–10:30)    
9h00 - 9h30 Speaker title
9h30 - 10h00 Speaker title
10h00 - 10h30 Speaker title
Session 10 (11:00–12:30) Splinter Discussions  

Focus Session Organising Committee:

Mark Allen, Kai Polsterer, Bruno Merin, David Ciardi, Patricia Whitelock, Fabio Pasian, Pepi Fabbiano, Bruce Berriman, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Christophe Arviset, Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler

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