Difference: InterOpMay2017-KDD (1 vs. 7)

Revision 72017-05-17 - KaiLarsPolsterer

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"


After the charter of the knowledge discovery interest group was discussed during the interop meeting in Cape Town, it's time to start discussing requirments and challenges with respect to machine learning techniques.

Knowledge Discovery Interest Groups Sessions: May 2017, Shanghai, China

KDIG 1: Implementations and Operational Issues (Thursday May 18: 09:00-10:30, Room E)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Kai Polsterer presentation and discussion of new charta 10'+10' KD-IG
discussion of request of definition/modification/extension/implementation of IVOA standards w.r.t.
all polymorphic data access (HiPS, Registry) 15'  
all polymorphic data access (HiPS, Registry) 15' IVOA_KDIG.pdf
all time domain astronomy (Time Domain, Applications) 15'  
all uncertainty quantification and probabilistic evaluation (Applications/Data Modeling) 15'  
all remote execution of machine learning models (Grid and Web Services/Applications/Data Modeling) 15'  
all conclusion / discussion / future work 10'  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_KDIG.pdf" attr="" comment="IVOA_KDIG_2017_session" date="1495041825" name="IVOA_KDIG.pdf" path="IVOA_KDIG.pdf" size="8739021" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"

Revision 62017-05-16 - KaiLarsPolsterer

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"


After the charter of the knowledge discovery interest group was discussed during the interop meeting in Cape Town, it's time to start discussing requirments and challenges with respect to machine learning techniques.



Knowledge Discovery Interest Groups Sessions: May 2017, Shanghai, China

KDIG 1: Implementations and Operational Issues (Thursday May 18: 09:00-10:30, Room E)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Kai Polsterer presentation and discussion of new charta 10'+10'  
Kai Polsterer presentation and discussion of new charta 10'+10' KD-IG
request of modification/extension/implementation of IVOA standards
discussion of request of definition/modification/extension/implementation of IVOA standards w.r.t.
all polymorphic data access (HiPS, Registry) 15'  
all time domain astronomy (Time Domain, Applications) 15'  
all uncertainty quantification and probabilistic evaluation (Applications/Data Modeling) 15'  
all remote execution of machine learning models (Grid and Web Services/Applications/Data Modeling) 15'  
all conclusion / discussion / future work 10'  

Revision 52017-05-16 - KaiLarsPolsterer

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"


After the charter of the knowledge discovery interest group was discussed during the interop meeting in Cape Town, it's time to start discussing requirments and challenges with respect to machine learning techniques.


Knowledge Discovery Interest Groups Sessions: May 2017, Shanghai, China

KDIG 1: Implementations and Operational Issues (Thursday May 18: 09:00-10:30, Room E)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Kai Polsterer presentation and discussion of new charta 10'+10'  
request of modification/extension/implementation of IVOA standards
all polymorphic data access (HiPS, Registry) 15'  
all time domain astronomy (Time Domain, Applications) 15'  
all uncertainty quantification and probabilistic evaluation (Applications/Data Modeling) 15'  
all remote execution of machine learning models (Grid and Web Services/Applications/Data Modeling) 15'  
all conclusion / discussion / future work 10'  

Revision 42017-05-14 - KaiLarsPolsterer

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Knowledge Discovery Interest Groups Sessions: May 2017, Shanghai, China

KDIG 1: Implementations and Operational Issues (Thursday May 18: 09:00-10:30, Room E)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Kai Polsterer presentation and discussion of new charta 10'+10'  
request of modification/extension/implementation of IVOA standards
all polymorphal data access (HiPS, Registry) 20'  
all time domain astronomy (Time Domain, Applications) 20'  
all remote execution of machine learning models (Grid and Web Services/Applications/Data Modeling) 20'  
all polymorphic data access (HiPS, Registry) 15'  
all time domain astronomy (Time Domain, Applications) 15'  
all uncertainty quantification and probabilistic evaluation (Applications/Data Modeling) 15'  
all remote execution of machine learning models (Grid and Web Services/Applications/Data Modeling) 15'  
all conclusion / discussion / future work 10'  

Revision 32017-05-14 - KaiLarsPolsterer

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"
- Discussion on the new charta

- Presentation and discussion of use cases with request of modification/extension/implementation of IVOA standards


Knowledge Discovery Interest Groups Sessions: May 2017, Shanghai, China

KDIG 1: Implementations and Operational Issues (Thursday May 18: 09:00-10:30, Room E)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Kai Polsterer presentation and discussion of new charta 10'+10'  
request of modification/extension/implementation of IVOA standards
all polymorphal data access (HiPS, Registry) 20'  
all time domain astronomy (Time Domain, Applications) 20'  
all remote execution of machine learning models (Grid and Web Services/Applications/Data Modeling) 20'  
all conclusion / discussion / future work 10'  

Revision 22017-05-14 - KaiLarsPolsterer

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"
- Discussion on the new charta
- Presentation of uses cases with request of modification/extension/implementation of IVOA standards
- Presentation and discussion of use cases with request of modification/extension/implementation of IVOA standards

Knowledge Discovery Interest Groups Sessions: May 2017, Shanghai, China

KDIG 1: Implementations and Operational Issues (Thursday May 18: 09:00-10:30, Room E)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Kai Polsterer presentation and discussion of new charta 10'+10'  

Revision 12017-04-23 - KaiLarsPolsterer

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"
- Discussion on the new charta

- Presentation of uses cases with request of modification/extension/implementation of IVOA standards

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