Difference: InterOpMay2023RegistryDCP (20 vs. 21)

Revision 212023-05-10 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Registry/DCP Session: May 2023

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DRAFT Schedule

Wednesday May 10 @09:00 CEST: Plenary room and online
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
S.Derriere Description of HiPS surveys in the IVOA registry 10+5 There are now more than 1200 HiPS surveys available in the VO ecosystem.
The management of metadata, data distribution and replication is done by 20 HiPS servers, but most of the individual HiPS (sky or planetary surveys, catalogues, cubes, ...) are not registered in the IVOA registry at present.
We present the addition of the CDS HiPS collection into our publishing registry. The choices that have been made to populate the different metadata elements, and the pipeline that will allow the newly generated HiPS to be published in the VO Registry.
G.Landais Data Origin in the VO 10+5 Basic provenance applied to data provided in the VO (registry) and in VOTable in order to trace origin, to facilitate citation and reproducibility. pdf
M.Demleitner DOIs for everyone in the VO: VOiDOI 8+2 VOiDOI is a service that mints DOIs for VO registry records. With that, data providers who cannot otherwise easily mint DOIs can quickly improve the citability of their VO-enabled data holdings. notes slides
H.Enke (remote) Using DOI on astronomical data @ AIP 8+2 Using the intersection of IVOA and DataCite Metadata to serve both Registry and datacite.org.
Generating the approriate metadata files with Datalink semantics.
Y.Tao the NADC implementation of DOI 8+2 NADC is the National Astronomical Data Center of China. This talk will introduce the data resources and implementation of DOI in NADC, including the strategy and procedure to mint DOI for different types of datasets, such as observation dataset (data release) and paper-related data. Also, DOI will be discussed in relation to a similar PID system, the China Science & Technology Resource identifier (CSTR). pdf
R.D'Abrusco A Chandra-centric approach to DOIs 8+2 The Chandra Data Archive (CDA) has been preparing for the adoption of Digital Objects Identifiers (DOIs) as its data Persistent Identifiers since 2018, and started to mint DOIs for archival observations in 2020. Since then, the CDA DOIs strategy has evolved to include additional Chandra data entities and new services to better cater to our community's needs. In this talk, I will briefly describe the basic principles inspiring the Chandra DOI philosophy, and will provide updates on our work on DOIs. pdf
Christophe Arviset ESA Data Discovery Portal, link to ESA datasets DOIs and to Google Dataset Search. 8+2 DOIs have been minted for almost all ESA Space Science datasets, using different level of granularity depending of the mission type (astronomy survey or observations missions, planetary missions and heliophysics missions). The recently released ESA Data Discovery Portal now provides a unified entry portal to all ESA datasets from all disciplines (Space Science, Earth Science, Human and Robotic Exploration and Navigation), with link to all corresponding DOIs. Furthermore, minting these DOIs also enables their reference in the Google Dataset Search interface. pdf

Session Details

Relevant Links and Information

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