Difference: InterOpMay2024DAL (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172024-05-07 - GregoryMantelet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Nov 2023 Interoperability Meeting


DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting

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Schedule Summary
Session Date Time UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+01:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Tuscon Washington DC London Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra (AEST)
DAL 1 21 May 01:00 20 May 18:00 20 May 21:00 21 May 02:00 21 May 03:00 21 May 09:00 21 May 11:00
Protocol Transition Tiger Team (GWS/DAL) 21 May 23:00 21 May 16:00 21 May 19:00 22 May 00:00 22 May 01:00 22 May 07:00 22 May 09:00
DM/DAL/App Joint Session 22 May 01:00 21 May 18:00 21 May 21:00 22 May 02:00 22 May 03:00 22 May 09:00 22 May 11:00
DAL 1 21 May 01:00 20 May 18:00 20 May 21:00 21 May 02:00 21 May 03:00 21 May 09:00 21 May 11:00
Protocol Transition Tiger Team (GWS/DAL) 21 May 23:00 21 May 16:00 21 May 19:00 22 May 00:00 22 May 01:00 22 May 07:00 22 May 09:00
DM/DAL/App Joint Session 22 May 01:00 21 May 18:00 21 May 21:00 22 May 02:00 22 May 03:00 22 May 09:00 22 May 11:00
Splinter on DAP and SODA ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Notes and session video recording will be linked below each session schedule table.



#5 - DAL 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 11:00 -- 12:30 AEST, C122
Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
François Bonnarel Status of ProvTAP 15'+5'    
Pat Dowler Status of TAP 1.2 5'+5'    
François Bonnarel Status of ProvTAP 15'+5'    
Pat Dowler Status of TAP 1.2 15'+5'    
All Discussion      
Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James
notes: live notes
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Protocol Transition Tiger Team (GWS/DAL)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ConeSearch_status_Molinaro.pdf" attr="" comment="ConeSearch revision status - Nov. '23 Interop" date="1699649163" name="ConeSearch_status_Molinaro.pdf" path="ConeSearch_status_Molinaro.pdf" size="752183" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="hierex-notes.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699639353" name="hierex-notes.pdf" path="hierex-notes.pdf" size="2730331" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="hierex.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699639395" name="hierex.pdf" path="hierex.pdf" size="2729683" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="pdf-IVOA-detail-dl.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699648963" name="pdf-IVOA-detail-dl.pdf" path="pdf-IVOA-detail-dl.pdf" size="14684585" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-detail-dl.key" attr="" comment="" date="1699649013" name="IVOA-detail-dl.key" path="IVOA-detail-dl.key" size="14423921" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1699649039" name="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pptx" path="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pptx" size="9902545" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699649787" name="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pdf" path="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pdf" size="1436914" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dal-WD-DALI-1.2-final.pdf" attr="" comment="pdf" date="1699737816" name="dal-WD-DALI-1.2-final.pdf" path="dal-WD-DALI-1.2-final.pdf" size="157256" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAP-SODA-status.pdf" attr="" comment="DAP and SODA new fatures : why ?" date="1699742922" name="DAP-SODA-status.pdf" path="DAP-SODA-status.pdf" size="490899" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAL_1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1701983722" name="DAL_1.pdf" path="DAL_1.pdf" size="49900" user="GregoryMantelet" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_Nov11_DAL.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1701379347" name="IVOA_Nov11_DAL.pdf" path="IVOA_Nov11_DAL.pdf" size="48883" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"
Schedule for this session is available on the P3T session page.

DM/DAL/App Joint Session

Schedule and notes for this session are available on the DM Sessions page.


Time and location will be communicated later.

Follow up to the last DAL Running Meeting. This time will be dedicated to discussions about the future of DAP (extended version of SIA) and SODA.

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ConeSearch_status_Molinaro.pdf" attr="h" comment="ConeSearch revision status - Nov. '23 Interop" date="1699649163" name="ConeSearch_status_Molinaro.pdf" path="ConeSearch_status_Molinaro.pdf" size="752183" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="hierex-notes.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1699639353" name="hierex-notes.pdf" path="hierex-notes.pdf" size="2730331" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="hierex.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1699639395" name="hierex.pdf" path="hierex.pdf" size="2729683" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="pop.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1699747588" name="pop.pdf" path="pop.pdf" size="126383" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="twoup.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1699747634" name="twoup.pdf" path="twoup.pdf" size="122431" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="pdf-IVOA-detail-dl.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1699648963" name="pdf-IVOA-detail-dl.pdf" path="pdf-IVOA-detail-dl.pdf" size="14684585" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-detail-dl.key" attr="h" comment="" date="1699649013" name="IVOA-detail-dl.key" path="IVOA-detail-dl.key" size="14423921" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pptx" attr="h" comment="" date="1699649039" name="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pptx" path="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pptx" size="9902545" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1699649787" name="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pdf" path="ObjObsSAP_IVOA2023.pdf" size="1436914" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dal-WD-DALI-1.2-final.pdf" attr="h" comment="pdf" date="1699737816" name="dal-WD-DALI-1.2-final.pdf" path="dal-WD-DALI-1.2-final.pdf" size="157256" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAP-SODA-status.pdf" attr="h" comment="DAP and SODA new fatures : why ?" date="1699742922" name="DAP-SODA-status.pdf" path="DAP-SODA-status.pdf" size="490899" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAL_1.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1701983722" name="DAL_1.pdf" path="DAL_1.pdf" size="49900" user="GregoryMantelet" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_Nov11_DAL.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1701379347" name="IVOA_Nov11_DAL.pdf" path="IVOA_Nov11_DAL.pdf" size="48883" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"
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