Difference: InterOpNov2023TDIG (1 vs. 9)

Revision 92023-11-13 - RobertNikutta

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Baptiste Cecconi
TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
  pdf 12+3
Baptiste Cecconi
 Can HAPI also become an IVOA Standard for Delivering Time Series Data?

A standardization effort in the Heliophysics community has results in the creation of a specification for accessing time series data. The Heliophysics Application Programmer’s Interface (HAPI) standard tries hard to stay away from any Heliophysics-specific requirements, so it is useful in any context where there is tabular data with consistent records over time. The interface itself is very simple and was created to be a kind of lowest common denominator representation of what was already being done. It could be useful for astronomers for two reasons: 1 it is now a good way to uniformly access many datasets and servers in Heliophysics, so people outside the field do not need to learn any data-center idiosyncrasies. It could also be useful to the astronomy community for its own use as a way to simply and efficiently deliver time series data products. We will describe basic features of HAPI for people in IVOA to help analyze the potential usefulness of HAPI for astronomy.

pdf 12+3
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann

VOTable in Parquet

 (motivated by recent work on time-series analysis in Parquet)

We present a proposal for associating full VOTable metadata with an individual Parquet file or a partioned multi-file Parquet dataset, either by embedding the data in the Parquet file(s) or by wrapping existing Parquet files that can't be edited with VOTable metadata as an annotation.
pdf 12+3
Vincenzo Galluzzi
(motivated by recent work on time-series analysis in Parquet)

We present a proposal for associating full VOTable metadata with an individual Parquet file or a partioned multi-file Parquet dataset, either by embedding the data in the Parquet file(s) or by wrapping existing Parquet files that can't be edited with VOTable metadata as an annotation.
pdf 12+3
Vincenzo Galluzzi
 Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and Access: an update from
INAF and RIG activities

The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.

pdf 12+3
Discussion 30
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699730925" name="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" path="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" size="1612244" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa-nov-2023-hapi-tdig.pdf" attr="" comment="HAPI VO" date="1699744107" name="ivoa-nov-2023-hapi-tdig.pdf" path="ivoa-nov-2023-hapi-tdig.pdf" size="801929" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Parquet-VOTable-20231111.pdf" attr="" comment="Gregory Dubois-Felsmann presentation" date="1699747797" name="Parquet-VOTable-20231111.pdf" path="Parquet-VOTable-20231111.pdf" size="778734" user="GregoryDuboisFelsmann" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="RobertNikutta-TDIG-SPs.pdf" attr="" comment="Robert Nikutta presentation" date="1699891326" name="RobertNikutta-TDIG-SPs.pdf" path="RobertNikutta-TDIG-SPs.pdf" size="1506691" user="RobertNikutta" version="1"

Revision 82023-11-12 - GregoryDuboisFelsmann

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Baptiste Cecconi

Can HAPI also become an IVOA Standard for Delivering Time Series Data?

A standardization effort in the Heliophysics community has results in the creation of a specification for accessing time series data. The Heliophysics Application Programmer’s Interface (HAPI) standard tries hard to stay away from any Heliophysics-specific requirements, so it is useful in any context where there is tabular data with consistent records over time. The interface itself is very simple and was created to be a kind of lowest common denominator representation of what was already being done. It could be useful for astronomers for two reasons: 1 it is now a good way to uniformly access many datasets and servers in Heliophysics, so people outside the field do not need to learn any data-center idiosyncrasies. It could also be useful to the astronomy community for its own use as a way to simply and efficiently deliver time series data products. We will describe basic features of HAPI for people in IVOA to help analyze the potential usefulness of HAPI for astronomy.
pdf 12+3
Gregory Dubois-Feldsmann
A standardization effort in the Heliophysics community has results in the creation of a specification for accessing time series data. The Heliophysics Application Programmer’s Interface (HAPI) standard tries hard to stay away from any Heliophysics-specific requirements, so it is useful in any context where there is tabular data with consistent records over time. The interface itself is very simple and was created to be a kind of lowest common denominator representation of what was already being done. It could be useful for astronomers for two reasons: 1 it is now a good way to uniformly access many datasets and servers in Heliophysics, so people outside the field do not need to learn any data-center idiosyncrasies. It could also be useful to the astronomy community for its own use as a way to simply and efficiently deliver time series data products. We will describe basic features of HAPI for people in IVOA to help analyze the potential usefulness of HAPI for astronomy.
pdf 12+3
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann
IVOA standards and time-domain searches
Vincenzo Galluzzi
VOTable in Parquet  (motivated by recent work on time-series analysis in Parquet)

We present a proposal for associating full VOTable metadata with an individual Parquet file or a partioned multi-file Parquet dataset, either by embedding the data in the Parquet file(s) or by wrapping existing Parquet files that can't be edited with VOTable metadata as an annotation.
pdf 12+3
Vincenzo Galluzzi
  Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and Access: an update from
INAF and RIG activities

The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.

pdf 12+3
Discussion 30
pdf 12+3
Discussion 30
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699730925" name="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" path="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" size="1612244" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa-nov-2023-hapi-tdig.pdf" attr="" comment="HAPI VO" date="1699744107" name="ivoa-nov-2023-hapi-tdig.pdf" path="ivoa-nov-2023-hapi-tdig.pdf" size="801929" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Parquet-VOTable-20231111.pdf" attr="" comment="Gregory Dubois-Felsmann presentation" date="1699747797" name="Parquet-VOTable-20231111.pdf" path="Parquet-VOTable-20231111.pdf" size="778734" user="GregoryDuboisFelsmann" version="1"

Revision 72023-11-11 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Baptiste Cecconi

Can HAPI also become an IVOA Standard for Delivering Time Series Data?

A standardization effort in the Heliophysics community has results in the creation of a specification for accessing time series data. The Heliophysics Application Programmer’s Interface (HAPI) standard tries hard to stay away from any Heliophysics-specific requirements, so it is useful in any context where there is tabular data with consistent records over time. The interface itself is very simple and was created to be a kind of lowest common denominator representation of what was already being done. It could be useful for astronomers for two reasons: 1 it is now a good way to uniformly access many datasets and servers in Heliophysics, so people outside the field do not need to learn any data-center idiosyncrasies. It could also be useful to the astronomy community for its own use as a way to simply and efficiently deliver time series data products. We will describe basic features of HAPI for people in IVOA to help analyze the potential usefulness of HAPI for astronomy.

Gregory Dubois-Feldsmann
pdf 12+3
Gregory Dubois-Feldsmann
 IVOA standards and time-domain searches
Vincenzo Galluzzi

Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and Access: an update from
INAF and RIG activities

The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.

pdf 12+3
Discussion 30

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699730925" name="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" path="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" size="1612244" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa-nov-2023-hapi-tdig.pdf" attr="" comment="HAPI VO" date="1699744107" name="ivoa-nov-2023-hapi-tdig.pdf" path="ivoa-nov-2023-hapi-tdig.pdf" size="801929" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="2"

Revision 62023-11-11 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Baptiste Cecconi

Can HAPI also become an IVOA Standard for Delivering Time Series Data?

A standardization effort in the Heliophysics community has results in the creation of a specification for accessing time series data. The Heliophysics Application Programmer’s Interface (HAPI) standard tries hard to stay away from any Heliophysics-specific requirements, so it is useful in any context where there is tabular data with consistent records over time. The interface itself is very simple and was created to be a kind of lowest common denominator representation of what was already being done. It could be useful for astronomers for two reasons: 1 it is now a good way to uniformly access many datasets and servers in Heliophysics, so people outside the field do not need to learn any data-center idiosyncrasies. It could also be useful to the astronomy community for its own use as a way to simply and efficiently deliver time series data products. We will describe basic features of HAPI for people in IVOA to help analyze the potential usefulness of HAPI for astronomy.

Gregory Dubois-Feldsmann

IVOA standards and time-domain searches

Vincenzo Galluzzi

Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and Access: an update from
INAF and RIG activities

The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.

Discussion 30
pdf 12+3
Discussion 30
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1699730925" name="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" path="Pulsar_and_FRB_Radio_Data_Discovery_and_Access.pdf" size="1612244" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"

Revision 52023-11-10 - RafaelMartinezGalarza

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Vincenzo Galluzzi
TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Baptiste Cecconi
Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and Access: an update from
INAF and RIG activities

The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.

Baptiste Cecconi
 Can HAPI also become an IVOA Standard for Delivering Time Series Data?

A standardization effort in the Heliophysics community has results in the creation of a specification for accessing time series data. The Heliophysics Application Programmer’s Interface (HAPI) standard tries hard to stay away from any Heliophysics-specific requirements, so it is useful in any context where there is tabular data with consistent records over time. The interface itself is very simple and was created to be a kind of lowest common denominator representation of what was already being done. It could be useful for astronomers for two reasons: 1 it is now a good way to uniformly access many datasets and servers in Heliophysics, so people outside the field do not need to learn any data-center idiosyncrasies. It could also be useful to the astronomy community for its own use as a way to simply and efficiently deliver time series data products. We will describe basic features of HAPI for people in IVOA to help analyze the potential usefulness of HAPI for astronomy.

Gregory Dubois-Feldsmann
Gregory Dubois-Feldsmann
IVOA standards and time-domain searches
Discussion 30
IVOA standards and time-domain searches
Vincenzo Galluzzi
Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and Access: an update from
INAF and RIG activities

The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.

Discussion 30

Revision 42023-11-10 - RafaelMartinezGalarza

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Vincenzo Galluzzi
TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Vincenzo Galluzzi
  Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and Access: an update from
INAF and RIG activities
The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.
Aitor Ibarra
The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.
Baptiste Cecconi
Object Visibilty Protocol status and update

The age of time-domain and multi-messenger astronomy, characterized by a daily influx of hundreds of astrophysical alerts, necessitates enhanced communication and the effective coordination of upcoming transient events. In order to optimize the scientific outcomes of follow-up observations on transient events, it is imperative to establish new modes of communication and implement automated decision trees.

We will present the current status of the Object Visibility Protocol and the latest upgrades.

Baptiste Cecconi
 Can HAPI also become an IVOA Standard for Delivering Time Series Data?
A standardization effort in the Heliophysics community has results in the creation of a specification for accessing time series data. The Heliophysics Application Programmer’s Interface (HAPI) standard tries hard to stay away from any Heliophysics-specific requirements, so it is useful in any context where there is tabular data with consistent records over time. The interface itself is very simple and was created to be a kind of lowest common denominator representation of what was already being done. It could be useful for astronomers for two reasons: 1 it is now a good way to uniformly access many datasets and servers in Heliophysics, so people outside the field do not need to learn any data-center idiosyncrasies. It could also be useful to the astronomy community for its own use as a way to simply and efficiently deliver time series data products. We will describe basic features of HAPI for people in IVOA to help analyze the potential usefulness of HAPI for astronomy.
Jessica Krick IVOA standards and time-domain searches 10+3
Discussion 30
A standardization effort in the Heliophysics community has results in the creation of a specification for accessing time series data. The Heliophysics Application Programmer’s Interface (HAPI) standard tries hard to stay away from any Heliophysics-specific requirements, so it is useful in any context where there is tabular data with consistent records over time. The interface itself is very simple and was created to be a kind of lowest common denominator representation of what was already being done. It could be useful for astronomers for two reasons: 1 it is now a good way to uniformly access many datasets and servers in Heliophysics, so people outside the field do not need to learn any data-center idiosyncrasies. It could also be useful to the astronomy community for its own use as a way to simply and efficiently deliver time series data products. We will describe basic features of HAPI for people in IVOA to help analyze the potential usefulness of HAPI for astronomy.
Gregory Dubois-Feldsmann
IVOA standards and time-domain searches
Discussion 30

Revision 32023-11-03 - RafaelMartinezGalarza

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Vincenzo Galluzzi
TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Vincenzo Galluzzi
  Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and Access: an update from
INAF and RIG activities
The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.
The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.
Aitor Ibarra
Aitor Ibarra ObjVisSAP protocol, with focus on the time-domain aspects 10+3
Baptiste Cecconi The HAPI protocol 10+3
Jessica Krick IVOA standards and time-domain searches 10+3
Discussion 30
Object Visibilty Protocol status and update
The age of time-domain and multi-messenger astronomy, characterized by a daily influx of hundreds of astrophysical alerts, necessitates enhanced communication and the effective coordination of upcoming transient events. In order to optimize the scientific outcomes of follow-up observations on transient events, it is imperative to establish new modes of communication and implement automated decision trees.

We will present the current status of the Object Visibility Protocol and the latest upgrades.

Baptiste Cecconi

Can HAPI also become an IVOA Standard for Delivering Time Series Data?

A standardization effort in the Heliophysics community has results in the creation of a specification for accessing time series data. The Heliophysics Application Programmer’s Interface (HAPI) standard tries hard to stay away from any Heliophysics-specific requirements, so it is useful in any context where there is tabular data with consistent records over time. The interface itself is very simple and was created to be a kind of lowest common denominator representation of what was already being done. It could be useful for astronomers for two reasons: 1 it is now a good way to uniformly access many datasets and servers in Heliophysics, so people outside the field do not need to learn any data-center idiosyncrasies. It could also be useful to the astronomy community for its own use as a way to simply and efficiently deliver time series data products. We will describe basic features of HAPI for people in IVOA to help analyze the potential usefulness of HAPI for astronomy.

Jessica Krick IVOA standards and time-domain searches 10+3
Discussion 30

Revision 22023-11-02 - RafaelMartinezGalarza

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"




TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30
Robert Nikutta How science platforms can help bring together time domain
astronomy needs and capabilities

Astronomical science platforms can serve as the glue between a
multitude of isolated efforts in alert streaming and filtering, planning
and triggering of follow-up observations, connection to archival data,
access to data reduction and classifier resources, with the researcher
in the middle of it. I will discuss some developments and future plans
with NOIRLab's systems as an example.
Vincenzo Galluzzi
Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and Access: an update from
INAF and RIG activities

The INAF radio archive recently completed a new data release
for time-domain observations (pulsars and FRBs) gathered with the
Sardinia Radio Telescope: after a quick recap about how the different
data formats are being handled, I will introduce the discussion about
the draft of the IVOA Note "Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and
Access" produced within the RIG. Thus, I will focus on the mapping of
the different data formats (e.g. PSRFITS/PSRCHIVE and FILTERBANK) onto
ObsCore DM and summarize the proposal of an extension table dedicated to
time-domain data. Also, issues like the identification of the
data_product_type and o_ucd are presented and addressed to the relevant
IVOA Working Groups.

Aitor Ibarra ObjVisSAP protocol, with focus on the time-domain aspects 10+3
Baptiste Cecconi The HAPI protocol 10+3
Jessica Krick IVOA standards and time-domain searches 10+3
Discussion 30


Revision 12023-11-02 - JanetEvans

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"


TDIG Session 8: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 16:00-17:30


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