Difference: InterOpNov2024DCP (1 vs. 12)

Revision 122024-12-18 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
G.Landais Data Origin status 3 pdf  
P.Fernique Core Trust Seal certification at CDS
the HiPS extension
15+5 pdf  
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5 pdf  
G.Landais Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues 10+5 pdf The VizieR catalogue is harvested by network search as the VOReigstry or ADS.
Dataset are also exposed through other Science network when DOI exists.
In the presentation , I will outline our plan to extend the DOI generation to all VizieR.
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5 notes slides  
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20 pdf  
Notes: 2024-11-16_IVOA_DCP_Session.pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731592846" name="bibvo.pdf" path="bibvo.pdf" size="213933" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" attr="" comment="NED telescopes, instruments curation" date="1731665337" name="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" path="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" size="525663" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" attr="" comment="VizieR DOI status" date="1731669695" name="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" path="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" size="1067010" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CTS_for_HiPS_Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="CTS" date="1731701739" name="CTS_for_HiPS_Fernique.pdf" path="CTS for HiPS Fernique.pdf" size="1052465" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="DCP status (Data Origin)" date="1731701909" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="196994" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" attr="" comment="discussions" date="1731701976" name="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" path="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" size="88274" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo-slides.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731752583" name="bibvo-slides.pdf" path="bibvo-slides.pdf" size="258709" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-11-16_IVOA_DCP_Session.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731792629" name="2024-11-16_IVOA_DCP_Session.pdf" path="2024-11-16_IVOA_DCP_Session.pdf" size="9753600" user="GillesLandais" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-11-16_IVOA_DCP_Session.pdf" attr="" comment="Gus notes" date="1734529960" name="2024-11-16_IVOA_DCP_Session.pdf" path="2024-11-16_IVOA_DCP_Session.pdf" size="9753600" user="GillesLandais" version="2"

Revision 112024-11-16 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
G.Landais Data Origin status 3 pdf  
P.Fernique Core Trust Seal certification at CDS
the HiPS extension
15+5 pdf  
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5 pdf  
G.Landais Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues 10+5 pdf The VizieR catalogue is harvested by network search as the VOReigstry or ADS.
Dataset are also exposed through other Science network when DOI exists.
In the presentation , I will outline our plan to extend the DOI generation to all VizieR.
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5 notes slides  
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20 pdf  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731592846" name="bibvo.pdf" path="bibvo.pdf" size="213933" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" attr="" comment="NED telescopes, instruments curation" date="1731665337" name="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" path="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" size="525663" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" attr="" comment="VizieR DOI status" date="1731669695" name="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" path="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" size="1067010" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CTS_for_HiPS_Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="CTS" date="1731701739" name="CTS_for_HiPS_Fernique.pdf" path="CTS for HiPS Fernique.pdf" size="1052465" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="DCP status (Data Origin)" date="1731701909" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="196994" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" attr="" comment="discussions" date="1731701976" name="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" path="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" size="88274" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo-slides.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731752583" name="bibvo-slides.pdf" path="bibvo-slides.pdf" size="258709" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-11-16_IVOA_DCP_Session.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731792629" name="2024-11-16_IVOA_DCP_Session.pdf" path="2024-11-16_IVOA_DCP_Session.pdf" size="9753600" user="GillesLandais" version="3"

Revision 102024-11-16 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
G.Landais Data Origin status 3 pdf  
P.Fernique Core Trust Seal certification at CDS
the HiPS extension
15+5 pdf  
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5 pdf  
G.Landais Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues 10+5 pdf The VizieR catalogue is harvested by network search as the VOReigstry or ADS.
Dataset are also exposed through other Science network when DOI exists.
In the presentation , I will outline our plan to extend the DOI generation to all VizieR.
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5 notes  
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20 notes pdf  
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5 notes slides  
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20 pdf  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731592846" name="bibvo.pdf" path="bibvo.pdf" size="213933" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" attr="" comment="NED telescopes, instruments curation" date="1731665337" name="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" path="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" size="525663" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" attr="" comment="VizieR DOI status" date="1731669695" name="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" path="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" size="1067010" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CTS_for_HiPS_Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="CTS" date="1731701739" name="CTS_for_HiPS_Fernique.pdf" path="CTS for HiPS Fernique.pdf" size="1052465" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="DCP status (Data Origin)" date="1731701909" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="196994" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" attr="" comment="discussions" date="1731701976" name="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" path="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" size="88274" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo-slides.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731752583" name="bibvo-slides.pdf" path="bibvo-slides.pdf" size="258709" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"

Revision 92024-11-15 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
P.Fernique Enlarge the CDS Core Trust Seal with HiPS 15+5    
G.Landais Data Origin status 3 pdf  
P.Fernique Core Trust Seal certification at CDS
the HiPS extension
15+5 pdf  
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5 pdf  
G.Landais Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues 10+5 pdf The VizieR catalogue is harvested by network search as the VOReigstry or ADS.
Dataset are also exposed through other Science network when DOI exists.
In the presentation , I will outline our plan to extend the DOI generation to all VizieR.
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5 notes  
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20 notes  
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20 notes pdf  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731592846" name="bibvo.pdf" path="bibvo.pdf" size="213933" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" attr="" comment="NED telescopes, instruments curation" date="1731665337" name="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" path="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" size="525663" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" attr="" comment="VizieR DOI status" date="1731669695" name="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" path="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" size="1067010" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CTS_for_HiPS_Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="CTS" date="1731701739" name="CTS_for_HiPS_Fernique.pdf" path="CTS for HiPS Fernique.pdf" size="1052465" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPstatus.pdf" attr="" comment="DCP status (Data Origin)" date="1731701909" name="DCPstatus.pdf" path="DCPstatus.pdf" size="196994" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" attr="" comment="discussions" date="1731701976" name="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" path="DCPDOIdiscussion.pdf" size="88274" user="GillesLandais" version="1"

Revision 82024-11-15 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
P.Fernique Enlarge the CDS Core Trust Seal with HiPS 15+5    
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5 pdf  
G.Landais Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues 10+5   The VizieR catalogue is harvested by network search as the VOReigstry or ADS.
Dataset are also exposed through other Science network when DOI exists.
In the presentation , I will outline our plan to extend the DOI generation to all VizieR.
G.Landais Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues 10+5 pdf The VizieR catalogue is harvested by network search as the VOReigstry or ADS.
Dataset are also exposed through other Science network when DOI exists.
In the presentation , I will outline our plan to extend the DOI generation to all VizieR.
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5 notes  
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20 notes  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731592846" name="bibvo.pdf" path="bibvo.pdf" size="213933" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" attr="" comment="NED telescopes, instruments curation" date="1731665337" name="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" path="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" size="525663" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" attr="" comment="VizieR DOI status" date="1731669695" name="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" path="IVOA-DOIVizieR.pdf" size="1067010" user="GillesLandais" version="2"

Revision 72024-11-15 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
<-- -->
Sorted descending
P.Fernique Enlarge the CDS Core Trust Seal with HiPS 15+5    
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5    
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5 pdf  
G.Landais Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues 10+5   The VizieR catalogue is harvested by network search as the VOReigstry or ADS.
Dataset are also exposed through other Science network when DOI exists.
In the presentation , I will outline our plan to extend the DOI generation to all VizieR.
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5 notes  
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20 notes  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731592846" name="bibvo.pdf" path="bibvo.pdf" size="213933" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" attr="" comment="NED telescopes, instruments curation" date="1731665337" name="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" path="ivoa2024Nov-Wu.pdf" size="525663" user="GillesLandais" version="1"

Revision 62024-11-14 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
P.Fernique Enlarge the CDS Core Trust Seal with HiPS 15+5    
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5    
G.Landais Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues 10+5   The VizieR catalogue is harvested by network search as the VOReigstry or ADS.
Dataset are also exposed through other Science network when DOI exists.
In the presentation , I will outline our plan to extend the DOI generation to all VizieR.
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5    
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5 notes  
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20 notes  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731397880" name="bibvo.pdf" path="bibvo.pdf" size="213923" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731592846" name="bibvo.pdf" path="bibvo.pdf" size="213933" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"

Revision 52024-11-12 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
P.Fernique Enlarge the CDS Core Trust Seal with HiPS 15+5    
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5    
G.Landais Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues 10+5   The VizieR catalogue is harvested by network search as the VOReigstry or ADS.
Dataset are also exposed through other Science network when DOI exists.
In the presentation , I will outline our plan to extend the DOI generation to all VizieR.
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5    
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20    
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20 notes  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bibvo.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1731397880" name="bibvo.pdf" path="bibvo.pdf" size="213923" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"

Revision 42024-11-08 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *
* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
P.Fernique Enlarge the CDS Core Trust Seal with HiPS 15+5    
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5    
G.Landais (to define) Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues
and their dissemination throw different network.
G.Landais Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues 10+5   The VizieR catalogue is harvested by network search as the VOReigstry or ADS.
Dataset are also exposed through other Science network when DOI exists.
In the presentation , I will outline our plan to extend the DOI generation to all VizieR.
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5    
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20    

Revision 32024-11-03 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5    
P.Fernique Enlarge the CDS Core Trust Seal with HiPS 15+5    
G.Landais (to define) Evolution of the workflows for the "CDS" resources through networks 15+5    
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...)      
Wu Xiuqin What NED has done in telescope, instrument, bandpass, and frequency 10+5    
G.Landais (to define) Assigning DOI for all VizieR Catalogues
and their dissemination throw different network.
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5    
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...) 20    

Revision 22024-10-25 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5    
P.Fernique Enlarge the CDS Core Trust Seal with HiPS 15+5    
G.Landais (to define) Evolution of the workflows for the "CDS" resources through networks 15+5    
all dicussions (suject to define: DOI, Biblink, ...)      

Revision 12024-10-16 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2024"


DCP Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

* back to main programme page *

Draft Schedule

Speaker Title Time Materials Abstract
M.Demleitner Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 15+5    
P.Fernique Enlarge the CDS Core Trust Seal with HiPS 15+5    
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