Difference: InterOpOct2008Applications (1 vs. 45)

Revision 452012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications .pdf  
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry .ppt  
Tody The Application Framework .pdf  
Schaaff and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process. .pdf  
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics .pdf Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat .ppt Link  
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps .pdf  
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="STC in Applications" date="1225376480" name="STC2008-10.pdf" path="STC2008-10.pdf" size="153335" user="ArnoldRots" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225381639" name="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" path="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" size="707251" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Period04 - Presentation" date="1225433799" name="period04apps.pdf" path="period04apps.pdf" size="1298039" user="PetrSkoda" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="STILTS plotting talk" date="1225458064" name="tplot.pdf" path="tplot.pdf" size="633272" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225461457" name="cjmiller_ivoa2008.pdf" path="cjmiller_ivoa2008.pdf" size="373078" user="ChrisMiller" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOPlot, VOStat presentation" date="1225468630" name="voplot_vostat.ppt" path="D:\Interop\voplot_vostat.ppt" size="2457600" user="VivekanandaMoosani" version="1.1"

Revision 442008-10-31 - VivekanandaMoosani

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications .pdf  
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry .ppt  
Tody The Application Framework .pdf  
Schaaff and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process. .pdf  
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics .pdf Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat .pdf Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat .ppt Link  
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps .pdf  
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="STC in Applications" date="1225376480" name="STC2008-10.pdf" path="STC2008-10.pdf" size="153335" user="ArnoldRots" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225381639" name="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" path="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" size="707251" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Period04 - Presentation" date="1225433799" name="period04apps.pdf" path="period04apps.pdf" size="1298039" user="PetrSkoda" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="STILTS plotting talk" date="1225458064" name="tplot.pdf" path="tplot.pdf" size="633272" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225461457" name="cjmiller_ivoa2008.pdf" path="cjmiller_ivoa2008.pdf" size="373078" user="ChrisMiller" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOPlot, VOStat presentation" date="1225468630" name="voplot_vostat.ppt" path="D:\Interop\voplot_vostat.ppt" size="2457600" user="VivekanandaMoosani" version="1.1"

Revision 432008-10-31 - VivekanandaMoosani

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications .pdf  
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry .ppt  
Tody The Application Framework .pdf  
Schaaff and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process. .pdf  
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics .pdf Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat .pdf Link  
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps .pdf  
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="STC in Applications" date="1225376480" name="STC2008-10.pdf" path="STC2008-10.pdf" size="153335" user="ArnoldRots" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225381639" name="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" path="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" size="707251" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Period04 - Presentation" date="1225433799" name="period04apps.pdf" path="period04apps.pdf" size="1298039" user="PetrSkoda" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="STILTS plotting talk" date="1225458064" name="tplot.pdf" path="tplot.pdf" size="633272" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225461457" name="cjmiller_ivoa2008.pdf" path="cjmiller_ivoa2008.pdf" size="373078" user="ChrisMiller" version="1.1"

Revision 422008-10-31 - ChrisMiller

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications .pdf  
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry .ppt  
Tody The Application Framework .pdf  
Schaaff and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process. .pdf  
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics .pdf Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps .pdf  
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="STC in Applications" date="1225376480" name="STC2008-10.pdf" path="STC2008-10.pdf" size="153335" user="ArnoldRots" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225381639" name="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" path="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" size="707251" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Period04 - Presentation" date="1225433799" name="period04apps.pdf" path="period04apps.pdf" size="1298039" user="PetrSkoda" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="STILTS plotting talk" date="1225458064" name="tplot.pdf" path="tplot.pdf" size="633272" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225461457" name="cjmiller_ivoa2008.pdf" path="cjmiller_ivoa2008.pdf" size="373078" user="ChrisMiller" version="1.1"

Revision 412008-10-31 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications .pdf  
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry .ppt  
Tody The Application Framework .pdf  
Schaaff and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process. .pdf  
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics Link  
Taylor STILTS Graphics .pdf Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="STC in Applications" date="1225376480" name="STC2008-10.pdf" path="STC2008-10.pdf" size="153335" user="ArnoldRots" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225381639" name="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" path="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" size="707251" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Period04 - Presentation" date="1225433799" name="period04apps.pdf" path="period04apps.pdf" size="1298039" user="PetrSkoda" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="STILTS plotting talk" date="1225458064" name="tplot.pdf" path="tplot.pdf" size="633272" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"

Revision 402008-10-31 - PetrSkoda

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications .pdf  
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry .ppt  
Tody The Application Framework .pdf  
Schaaff and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process. .pdf  
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="STC in Applications" date="1225376480" name="STC2008-10.pdf" path="STC2008-10.pdf" size="153335" user="ArnoldRots" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225381639" name="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" path="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" size="707251" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Period04 - Presentation" date="1225433799" name="period04apps.pdf" path="period04apps.pdf" size="1298039" user="PetrSkoda" version="1.1"

Revision 392008-10-30 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications .pdf  
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry .ppt  
Tody The Application Framework .pdf  
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Schaaff and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process. .pdf  
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="STC in Applications" date="1225376480" name="STC2008-10.pdf" path="STC2008-10.pdf" size="153335" user="ArnoldRots" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225381639" name="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" path="GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf" size="707251" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 382008-10-30 - ArnoldRots

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Rots Using STC in applications .pdf  
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry .ppt  
Tody The Application Framework .pdf  
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="STC in Applications" date="1225376480" name="STC2008-10.pdf" path="STC2008-10.pdf" size="153335" user="ArnoldRots" version="1.1"

Revision 372008-10-30 - DougTody

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry .ppt  
Tody The Apps Framework    
Tody The Application Framework .pdf  
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"

Revision 362008-10-30 - GretchenGreene

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry .ppt  
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"

Revision 352008-10-30 - DougTody

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Applications Framework - project and concept views" date="1225375176" name="appFramework-oct08.pdf" path="appFramework-oct08.pdf" size="102387" user="DougTody" version="1.1"

Revision 342008-10-30 - GretchenGreene

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOTable Registry Apps Interface" date="1225375011" name="Apps_RI.ppt" path="Apps_RI.ppt" size="249344" user="GretchenGreene" version="1.1"

Revision 332008-10-29 - CarlosRodrigoBlanco

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSA" date="1225289601" name="vosa-baltimore.pdf" path="vosa-baltimore.pdf" size="7350461" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"

Revision 322008-10-29 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Taylor STILTS Graphics Link  
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"

Revision 312008-10-29 - MikeFitzpatrick

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools .pdf  
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225284526" name="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" path="ivoa_ServerSide.pdf" size="24675092" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1.1"

Revision 302008-10-29 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Wagner Knoboo    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables .pdf Link  
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240316" name="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" path="NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf" size="2456177" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225240396" name="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" path="XSLT-JavaScript.pdf" size="129870" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"

Revision 292008-10-28 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
Boch CDS Portal .pdf  
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"

Revision 282008-10-28 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="The CDS Portal" date="1225224821" name="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" path="ThomasBoch-CDS-Portal.pdf" size="12506846" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"

Revision 272008-10-28 - LuigiPaioro

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy    
Paioro SAMPy .pdf  
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMPy" date="1225198515" name="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" path="SAMPy-IVOAInteropOct2008.pdf" size="37473" user="LuigiPaioro" version="1.1"

Revision 262008-10-27 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin pdf ppt  
Boch SAMP in Aladin .pdf .ppt  
Paioro SAMPy    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"

Revision 252008-10-27 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Taylor SAMP status .pdf  
Boch SAMP in Aladin pdf ppt  
Paioro SAMPy    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit .pdf  
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT .pdf  
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP status and discussion" date="1225137403" name="sampstat.pdf" path="sampstat.pdf" size="81862" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="JSAMP discussion" date="1225137444" name="jsamp.pdf" path="jsamp.pdf" size="90405" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in TOPCAT" date="1225137480" name="tcsamp.pdf" path="tcsamp.pdf" size="44816" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"

Revision 242008-10-27 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Boch SAMP in Aladin pdf ppt  
Paioro SAMPy    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP in Aladin [ppt]" date="1225136626" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.ppt" size="367104" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"

Revision 232008-10-27 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Paioro SAMPy    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP in Aladin [pdf]" date="1225134671" name="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" path="SAMP-in-Aladin.pdf" size="13326267" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"

Revision 222008-10-27 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Paioro SAMPy    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


Revision 212008-10-27 - MikeFitzpatrick

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fitzpatrick Server-side Tools    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


Revision 202008-10-26 - RickWagner

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


Revision 192008-10-23 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


Revision 182008-10-23 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Donaldson HST Footprints via VOTABLE in Aladin    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


Revision 172008-10-23 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


Revision 162008-10-22 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


Revision 152008-10-22 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Skoda and Lenz The VO-compatible Period Analysis Tool Period04    


Revision 142008-10-20 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    


Revision 132008-10-20 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Blanco VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    


Revision 122008-10-20 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    


Revision 112008-10-20 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    


Revision 102008-10-17 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title File Time
Speaker Title Time Location
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor SAMP status    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau Stellarium/VIRGO    
Chereau New Features in Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    
Schaaf and Bonnarel Using the IVOA Characterisation to optimise a workflow process.    

Revision 92008-10-17 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title File Time
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor Status of SAMP protocol    
Taylor SAMP status    
  SAMP implementations    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Taylor JSAMP toolkit    
  Future plans and discussion    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    


Revision 82008-10-16 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)


[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title File Time
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor Status of SAMP protocol    
  SAMP implementations    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    
Chilingarian New features in the VO-Paris Euro3D client    

Revision 72008-10-07 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)

[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title File Time
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor Status of SAMP protocol    
  SAMP implementations    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    


Revision 62008-10-07 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)

[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title File Time
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor Status of SAMP protocol    
  SAMP implementations    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Boch CDS Portal    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau Stellarium/VIRGO    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau Stellarium/VIRGO    
Miller Testing Framework for VO Apps    
Surendran WWT Equinox    

Revision 52008-10-06 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)

[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title File Time
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor Status of SAMP protocol    
  SAMP implementations    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Fri 30 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Fri 31 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau Stellarium/VIRGO    


Revision 42008-10-06 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)

[The breakdown of talks within sessions is very preliminary and will be extensively revised as we get closer to the InterOp.]
[The breakdown of talks within sessions is preliminary and may be revised as we get closer to the InterOp. Please get in touch with Tom McGlynn if you would like to present.]

General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title File Time
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor Status of SAMP protocol    
  SAMP implementations    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Rots? Using STC in applications    
Greene? A VOTable interface with the registry    
Rots Using STC in applications    
Greene A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Fri 30 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau Stellarium/VIRGO    


Revision 32008-10-02 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)

[The breakdown of talks within sessions is very preliminary and will be extensively revised as we get closer to the InterOp.]


General Applications Sessions: --TENTATIVE/PRELIMINARY-- SCHEDULE


General Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title File Time
  Applications 1: SAMP    
Mon 27 Oct Applications 1: SAMP 13:30-15:00 ST-Aud
Taylor Status of SAMP protocol    
  SAMP implementations    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
  Applications 2: Web Interfaces    
Wed 29 Oct Applications 2: Web Interfaces 8:30-10:00 ST-Aud
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Cheric Stellarium/VIRGO    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
  Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications    
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Thu 30 Oct Joint Apps/DM/Registry 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
  Applications 4: Using data Models and generic interfaces    
Rots? Using STC in applications    
Greene? A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    
Fri 30 Oct Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications 8:30-10:00 ST Aud
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
Chereau Stellarium/VIRGO    

Revision 22008-09-25 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)

[The breakdown of talks within sessions is very preliminary and will be extensively revised as we get closer to the InterOp.]

General Applications Sessions: SCHEDULE


General Applications Sessions: --TENTATIVE/PRELIMINARY-- SCHEDULE

Speaker Title File Time
  Applications 1
  Applications 2
  Applications 3
  Applications 4?

  Applications 1: SAMP    
Taylor Status of SAMP protocol    
  SAMP implementations    
Taylor SAMP in TOPCAT    
Boch SAMP in Aladin    
  Applications 2: Web Interfaces    
Rodrigo VOSA: VO SED Analyzer    
Cheric Stellarium/VIRGO    
McGlynn NVO Data Access Portal    
  Applications 3: GUI and CLI Applications    
Taylor STILTS Graphics    
Moosani VOPlot/VOStat    
  Applications 4: Using data Models and generic interfaces    
Rots? Using STC in applications    
Greene? A VOTable interface with the registry    
Tody The Apps Framework    
Wagner Knoboo    
McGlynn JavaScript/XSLT processing of VOTables    

Revision 12008-09-08 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)

General Applications Sessions: SCHEDULE

Speaker Title File Time
  Applications 1
  Applications 2
  Applications 3
  Applications 4?

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