Difference: InterOpOct2017DM (1 vs. 12)

Revision 122018-03-18 - GerardLemson

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - San Cristobal - Friday, Oct. 27 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5' pdf
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3' Slides
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3' pdf
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3' pdf

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5' pdf
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10' pdf
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15' pdf
Tom Donaldson VO-DML Annotation for the Hubble Source Catalog 10' pdf
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10' pdf
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SvomProvDM.pdf" attr="" comment="Provenance SVOM use case" date="1509099802" name="SvomProvDM.pdf" path="SvomProvDM.pdf" size="908597" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509102421" name="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" path="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" size="2806974" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509119359" name="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" size="3236651" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509121858" name="STC2Status.pdf" path="STC2Status.pdf" size="989345" user="ArnoldRots" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" attr="" comment="DM1 session, Gerard Lemson" date="1509122308" name="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" path="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" size="2991176" user="GerardLemson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DM2_Intro.pdf" attr="" comment="DM/Apps Introduction" date="1509200893" name="DM2_Intro.pdf" path="DM2_Intro.pdf" size="86832" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2-Lite.pdf" attr="" comment="STC2 - exploring shortcuts and effect in serializations" date="1509201225" name="STC2-Lite.pdf" path="STC2-Lite.pdf" size="479851" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODML_with_HSC.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509214423" name="VODML_with_HSC.pdf" path="VODML_with_HSC.pdf" size="5176538" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MappingProspect.pdf" attr="" comment="Mapping propect based on Tesselation" date="1509214786" name="MappingProspect.pdf" path="MappingProspect.pdf" size="622364" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mapping-caom2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1521375664" name="mapping-caom2.pdf" path="mapping-caom2.pdf" size="899054" user="GerardLemson" version="1"

Revision 112017-10-28 - LaurentMichel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - San Cristobal - Friday, Oct. 27 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5' pdf
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3' Slides
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3' pdf
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3' pdf

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5' pdf
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10' pdf
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson VO-DML Annotation for the Hubble Source Catalog 10' pdf
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10' pdf
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SvomProvDM.pdf" attr="" comment="Provenance SVOM use case" date="1509099802" name="SvomProvDM.pdf" path="SvomProvDM.pdf" size="908597" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509102421" name="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" path="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" size="2806974" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509119359" name="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" size="3236651" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509121858" name="STC2Status.pdf" path="STC2Status.pdf" size="989345" user="ArnoldRots" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" attr="" comment="DM1 session, Gerard Lemson" date="1509122308" name="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" path="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" size="2991176" user="GerardLemson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DM2_Intro.pdf" attr="" comment="DM/Apps Introduction" date="1509200893" name="DM2_Intro.pdf" path="DM2_Intro.pdf" size="86832" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2-Lite.pdf" attr="" comment="STC2 - exploring shortcuts and effect in serializations" date="1509201225" name="STC2-Lite.pdf" path="STC2-Lite.pdf" size="479851" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODML_with_HSC.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509214423" name="VODML_with_HSC.pdf" path="VODML_with_HSC.pdf" size="5176538" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MappingProspect.pdf" attr="" comment="Mapping propect based on Tesselation" date="1509214786" name="MappingProspect.pdf" path="MappingProspect.pdf" size="622364" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"

Revision 102017-10-28 - TomDonaldson

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - San Cristobal - Friday, Oct. 27 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5' pdf
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3' Slides
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3' pdf
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3' pdf

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5' pdf
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10' pdf
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson Parsing and client use examples 10'  
Tom Donaldson VO-DML Annotation for the Hubble Source Catalog 10' pdf
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SvomProvDM.pdf" attr="" comment="Provenance SVOM use case" date="1509099802" name="SvomProvDM.pdf" path="SvomProvDM.pdf" size="908597" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509102421" name="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" path="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" size="2806974" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509119359" name="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" size="3236651" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509121858" name="STC2Status.pdf" path="STC2Status.pdf" size="989345" user="ArnoldRots" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" attr="" comment="DM1 session, Gerard Lemson" date="1509122308" name="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" path="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" size="2991176" user="GerardLemson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DM2_Intro.pdf" attr="" comment="DM/Apps Introduction" date="1509200893" name="DM2_Intro.pdf" path="DM2_Intro.pdf" size="86832" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2-Lite.pdf" attr="" comment="STC2 - exploring shortcuts and effect in serializations" date="1509201225" name="STC2-Lite.pdf" path="STC2-Lite.pdf" size="479851" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODML_with_HSC.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509214423" name="VODML_with_HSC.pdf" path="VODML_with_HSC.pdf" size="5176538" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"

Revision 92017-10-28 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - San Cristobal - Friday, Oct. 27 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5' pdf
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3' Slides
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3' pdf
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3' pdf

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5' pdf
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10' pdf
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson Parsing and client use examples 10'  
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SvomProvDM.pdf" attr="" comment="Provenance SVOM use case" date="1509099802" name="SvomProvDM.pdf" path="SvomProvDM.pdf" size="908597" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509102421" name="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" path="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" size="2806974" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509119359" name="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" size="3236651" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509121858" name="STC2Status.pdf" path="STC2Status.pdf" size="989345" user="ArnoldRots" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" attr="" comment="DM1 session, Gerard Lemson" date="1509122308" name="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" path="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" size="2991176" user="GerardLemson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DM2_Intro.pdf" attr="" comment="DM/Apps Introduction" date="1509200893" name="DM2_Intro.pdf" path="DM2_Intro.pdf" size="86832" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2-Lite.pdf" attr="" comment="STC2 - exploring shortcuts and effect in serializations" date="1509201225" name="STC2-Lite.pdf" path="STC2-Lite.pdf" size="479851" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"

Revision 82017-10-27 - GerardLemson

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - San Cristobal - Friday, Oct. 27 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5' pdf
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3' Slides
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3' pdf
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3'  
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3' pdf

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10'  
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson Parsing and client use examples 10'  
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SvomProvDM.pdf" attr="" comment="Provenance SVOM use case" date="1509099802" name="SvomProvDM.pdf" path="SvomProvDM.pdf" size="908597" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509102421" name="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" path="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" size="2806974" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509119359" name="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" size="3236651" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509121858" name="STC2Status.pdf" path="STC2Status.pdf" size="989345" user="ArnoldRots" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" attr="" comment="DM1 session, Gerard Lemson" date="1509122308" name="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" path="DM1-gerardlemson.pdf" size="2991176" user="GerardLemson" version="1"

Revision 72017-10-27 - ArnoldRots

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - San Cristobal - Friday, Oct. 27 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5'  
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5' pdf
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3' Slides
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3' pdf
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3'  

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10'  
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson Parsing and client use examples 10'  
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SvomProvDM.pdf" attr="" comment="Provenance SVOM use case" date="1509099802" name="SvomProvDM.pdf" path="SvomProvDM.pdf" size="908597" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509102421" name="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" path="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" size="2806974" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509119359" name="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" size="3236651" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509121858" name="STC2Status.pdf" path="STC2Status.pdf" size="989345" user="ArnoldRots" version="1"

Revision 62017-10-27 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - San Cristobal - Friday, Oct. 27 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5'  
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5'  
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5' pdf
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3' Slides
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3' pdf
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3'  

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10'  
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson Parsing and client use examples 10'  
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SvomProvDM.pdf" attr="" comment="Provenance SVOM use case" date="1509099802" name="SvomProvDM.pdf" path="SvomProvDM.pdf" size="908597" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509102421" name="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" path="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" size="2806974" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509119359" name="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA2017CL_provenance.pdf" size="3236651" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"

Revision 52017-10-27 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - San Cristobal - Friday, Oct. 27 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5'  
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5'  
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3' Slides
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3'  
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3' pdf
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3'  

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10'  
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson Parsing and client use examples 10'  
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SvomProvDM.pdf" attr="" comment="Provenance SVOM use case" date="1509099802" name="SvomProvDM.pdf" path="SvomProvDM.pdf" size="908597" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1509102421" name="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" path="Molinaro_RadioIT_SantiagoDM.pdf" size="2806974" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"

Revision 42017-10-27 - LaurentMichel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - San Cristobal - Friday, Oct. 27 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5'  
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5'  
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3'  
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3' Slides
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3'  
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3'  

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10'  
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson Parsing and client use examples 10'  
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SvomProvDM.pdf" attr="" comment="Provenance SVOM use case" date="1509099802" name="SvomProvDM.pdf" path="SvomProvDM.pdf" size="908597" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"

Revision 32017-10-19 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 -O'Higgins - Friday, Oct. 27 11:00-12:30
*DM 1 - San Cristobal - Friday, Oct. 27 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5'  
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5'  
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3'  
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3'  
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3'  

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10'  
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson Parsing and client use examples 10'  
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10'  
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.


Revision 22017-10-19 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 -O'Higgins - Friday, Oct. 27 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5'  
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5'  
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3'  
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3'  
Gerard Lemson Thoughts about an IVOA data model for source catalogues 10' + 3'  

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5'  
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson Parsing and client use examples 10'  
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10'  
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.


Revision 12017-10-16 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2017"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 -O'Higgins - Friday, Oct. 27 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots STC-2.0 status 15' + 5'  
Mathieu Servillat IVOA Provenance DM Proposed Recommendation 15' + 5'  
Laurent Michel Provenance use case 15' + 3'  
Marco Molinaro Applying VO Data Models to INAF Radio Data Archive 15' + 3'  

DM/Apps Session

This session will focus heavily on discussion of the vo-dml/Mapping syntax. There will be short presentations of current efforts using the Mapping syntax in various contexts, followed by an open discussion regarding the syntax itself. We hope and expect there to be a good bit of splinter discussion taking place during the ADASS conference and before this session to help make this discussion time as productive as possible.

*DM/Apps - San Cristobal - Saturday, Oct. 28 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Introduction 5'  
Gerard Lemson CAOM Experiments - Working from TAP schema 15'  
Tom Donaldson Parsing and client use examples 10'  
Laurent Michel Conclusions/Perspective from work so far 10'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar STC Lite: at the end of the tunnel? 10'  
  Discussion remainder  

TDIG/DM/DAL Sessions

Two sessions in corrdination.. see TDIG session schedule for details.

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