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META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Data Curation Interest Group Sessions: October 2022, Online

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Operations Session: Weds Oct 19, 13:30-14:30 UTC (Session #12)
Speaker Title Material Abstract
Arnaud Masson (ESA) DOI of ESA science datasets: status and ways forward (10+3 min)  

This talk will present the status of the 25,000+ DOI minted for the ESA science directorate missions' datasets.
What has been done over the past two years, on-going activities and future plans will be presented.

Steven Crawford (NASA) to define ? Licences (15+5min) (invited talk)    
Alberto Accomazzi (ADS) to define ? ADS and citation (10+3 min)    
Alberto Accomazzi (ADS) Data Citation and Linking (10+3 min) pdf I will discuss the strategies implemented by ADS to track data citation and enable data linking, hoping to spur discussion about what best practices should be followed by data providers to enable reproducibility and credit.
Mihaela Buga (CDS) HiPS data curation process (10+3 min)


The HiPS (Hierarchical Progressive Survey), invented by the CDS in 2009, is nowadays an IVOA standard used by most of the major data providers in astronomy, to describe, organize and publish data associated to sky surveys. In this presentation, I aim to highlight the role of the CDS data stewards, in constant exchanges with IT engineers and astronomers, in the curation of the HiPS structured data.

  • Moderator: G.Landais
  • Note Taker: G.Muench
notes: etherpad notes

Data Origin discussion

a discussion on Data Origin is schedulled Thursday, 20th Oct, 16h with gathertown.

Gathertown: https://app.gather.town/app/PuCDQczUl8pfyXH3/ObAS

Data Origin Link: https://github.com/gilleslandais/ivoa-dcp-data-origin

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MihaelaBuga_IVOA-Oct-2022.pdf" attr="" comment="HiPS data curation process" date="1666099867" name="MihaelaBuga_IVOA-Oct-2022.pdf" path="MihaelaBuga_IVOA-Oct-2022.pdf" size="4522998" user="MihaelaBuga" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Accomazzi_DataCitationLinking_Oct2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666144551" name="Accomazzi_DataCitationLinking_Oct2022.pdf" path="Accomazzi_DataCitationLinking_Oct2022.pdf" size="2053808" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"
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