Difference: InterOpOct2022SSIG (1 vs. 12)

Revision 122022-10-19 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]


DRAFT Schedule



Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials Time
Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

pdf 10+2 mins
Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

Solar System Data in the HST Catalogue

A case study on extracting planetary observations from a primarily astrophysical archive using TAP and EPNCore.

pdf 10+2 mins
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

pdf 10+2 mins
Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

pdf 10+2 mins
Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

pdf 10+2 mins

  • Moderator: Baptiste Cecconi
  • Note Taker: Anne Raugh
  • Notes: etherpad notes
  • Video:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Erard_HST.pdf" attr="" comment="SSIG Presentation" date="1666013954" name="Erard_HST.pdf" path="Erard_HST.pdf" size="553466" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" attr="" comment="Glenn Orton's SSIG presentation" date="1666033424" name="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" path="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" size="22155061" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126394" name="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" path="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" size="3957326" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CAESAR-IVOA-2022-SSIG_Molinaro.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666132951" name="CAESAR-IVOA-2022-SSIG_Molinaro.pdf" path="CAESAR-IVOA-2022-SSIG_Molinaro.pdf" size="855957" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Desai_IVOA_Oct2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666186080" name="Desai_IVOA_Oct2022.pdf" path="Desai_IVOA_Oct2022.pdf" size="5426778" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"

Revision 112022-10-19 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]

DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials Time
Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

pdf 10+2 mins
Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

Solar System Data in the HST Catalogue

A case study on extracting planetary observations from a primarily astrophysical archive using TAP and EPNCore.

pdf 10+2 mins
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

pdf 10+2 mins
Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

pdf 10+2 mins
Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

  10+2 mins
Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

pdf 10+2 mins
  • Moderator: Baptiste Cecconi
  • Note Taker: Anne Raugh
  • Notes: etherpad notes
  • Video:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Erard_HST.pdf" attr="" comment="SSIG Presentation" date="1666013954" name="Erard_HST.pdf" path="Erard_HST.pdf" size="553466" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" attr="" comment="Glenn Orton's SSIG presentation" date="1666033424" name="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" path="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" size="22155061" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126394" name="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" path="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" size="3957326" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CAESAR-IVOA-2022-SSIG_Molinaro.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666132951" name="CAESAR-IVOA-2022-SSIG_Molinaro.pdf" path="CAESAR-IVOA-2022-SSIG_Molinaro.pdf" size="855957" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Desai_IVOA_Oct2022.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666186080" name="Desai_IVOA_Oct2022.pdf" path="Desai_IVOA_Oct2022.pdf" size="5426778" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"

Revision 102022-10-18 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]

DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials Time
Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

  10+2 mins
Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

pdf 10+2 mins
Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

Solar System Data in the HST Catalogue

A case study on extracting planetary observations from a primarily astrophysical archive using TAP and EPNCore.

pdf 10+2 mins
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

pdf 10+2 mins
Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

pdf 10+2 mins
Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

  10+2 mins

  • Moderator: Baptiste Cecconi
  • Note Taker: Anne Raugh
  • Notes: etherpad notes
  • Video:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Erard_HST.pdf" attr="" comment="SSIG Presentation" date="1666013954" name="Erard_HST.pdf" path="Erard_HST.pdf" size="553466" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" attr="" comment="Glenn Orton's SSIG presentation" date="1666033424" name="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" path="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" size="22155061" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126394" name="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" path="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" size="3957326" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CAESAR-IVOA-2022-SSIG_Molinaro.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666132951" name="CAESAR-IVOA-2022-SSIG_Molinaro.pdf" path="CAESAR-IVOA-2022-SSIG_Molinaro.pdf" size="855957" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"

Revision 92022-10-18 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]

DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials Time
Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

  10+2 mins
Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

Solar System Data in the HST Catalogue

A case study on extracting planetary observations from a primarily astrophysical archive using TAP and EPNCore.

pdf 10+2 mins
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

  10+2 mins
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

pdf 10+2 mins
Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

pdf 10+2 mins
Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

  10+2 mins

  • Moderator: Baptiste Cecconi
  • Note Taker: Anne Raugh
  • Notes:
  • Video:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Erard_HST.pdf" attr="" comment="SSIG Presentation" date="1666013954" name="Erard_HST.pdf" path="Erard_HST.pdf" size="553466" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" attr="" comment="Glenn Orton's SSIG presentation" date="1666033424" name="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" path="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" size="22155061" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126394" name="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" path="IVOA2022_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" size="3957326" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"

Revision 82022-10-18 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]

DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials
Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

Solar System Data in the HST Catalogue

A case study on extracting planetary observations from a primarily astrophysical archive using TAP and EPNCore.

Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials Time
Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

  10+2 mins
Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

Solar System Data in the HST Catalogue

A case study on extracting planetary observations from a primarily astrophysical archive using TAP and EPNCore.

pdf 10+2 mins
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

  10+2 mins
Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

pdf 10+2 mins
Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

  10+2 mins
  • Moderator: Baptiste Cecconi
  • Note Taker: Anne Raugh
  • Notes:
  • Video:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Erard_HST.pdf" attr="" comment="SSIG Presentation" date="1666013954" name="Erard_HST.pdf" path="Erard_HST.pdf" size="553466" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" attr="" comment="Glenn Orton's SSIG presentation" date="1666033424" name="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" path="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" size="22155061" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"

Revision 72022-10-17 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]

DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials
Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

Solar System Data in the HST Catalogue

A case study on extracting planetary observations from a primarily astrophysical archive using TAP and EPNCore.

Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

  • Moderator:
  • Note Taker:
  • Moderator: Baptiste Cecconi
  • Note Taker: Anne Raugh
  • Notes:
  • Video:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Erard_HST.pdf" attr="" comment="SSIG Presentation" date="1666013954" name="Erard_HST.pdf" path="Erard_HST.pdf" size="553466" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" attr="" comment="Glenn Orton's SSIG presentation" date="1666033424" name="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" path="Orton_Juno_Support_IVOA_2022Oct_v2.pdf" size="22155061" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"

Revision 62022-10-17 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]

DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials
Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

Solar System Data in the HST Catalogue

A case study on extracting planetary observations from a primarily astrophysical archive using TAP and EPNCore.

Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

Solar System Data in the HST Catalogue

A case study for extracting planetary observations from a primarily astrophysical archive.

  • Moderator:
  • Note Taker:
  • Notes:
  • Video:
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Erard_HST.pdf" attr="" comment="SSIG Presentation" date="1666013954" name="Erard_HST.pdf" path="Erard_HST.pdf" size="553466" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"

Revision 52022-10-15 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

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DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

EPN-TAP Extensions and Future Standards for the Solar System

Missing pieces (coordinate systems, measurement types, messengers, facility lists, etc.) and how to implement them without breaking everything.

Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

Solar System Data in the HST Catalogue

A case study for extracting planetary observations from a primarily astrophysical archive.

  • Moderator:
  • Note Taker:
  • Notes:
  • Video:

Revision 42022-10-14 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]

DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

EPN-TAP Extensions and Future Standards for the Solar System

Missing pieces (coordinate systems, measurement types, messengers, facility lists, etc.) and how to implement them without breaking everything.


  • Moderator:
  • Note Taker:
  • Notes:
  • Video:

Revision 32022-10-13 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]

DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

Glen Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

Glenn Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

EPN-TAP Extensions and Future Standards for the Solar System

Missing pieces (coordinate systems, measurement types, messengers, facility lists, etc.) and how to implement them without breaking everything.


  • Moderator:
  • Note Taker:
  • Notes:
  • Video:

Revision 22022-10-13 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]

DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #10)
Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #9)
Speaker Title Materials
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS) EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node  
Marco Molinaro (INAF) CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS  
Glen Orton (JPL) The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations  
Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC) Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive  
Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris) EPN-TAP Extensions and Future Standards for the Solar System  
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS)

EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node

A report on the first EPN-TAP service interfacing IVOA protocols with the PDS4 Information Model.

Marco Molinaro (INAF)

CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS

The project CAESAR (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) is aimed to tackle all the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) and realize the prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). This contribution is meant to bring attention upon the first steps in the development of the CAESAR prototype for ASPIS.

Focus will be given to the activities of the Node 2000 of CAESAR, the set of Work Packages dedicated to the technical design and implementation of the CAESAR ASPIS archive prototype.
Product specifications of the intended resources that will form the archive, functional and system requirements gathered as first steps to seed the design of the prototype infrastructure, and evaluation of existing frameworks, tools and standards, will be presented as well as the status of the project in its initial stage.

Glen Orton (JPL)

The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations

The Juno mission benefitted from contributions made by Earth-based observers who coordinated their activities with the mission timeline.

Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC)

Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) is one of NASA's Astrophysics archives. However, we serve data from missions that are important for planetary science: Spitzer, WISE, NEOWISE, ZTF, and in the future, NEO Surveyor. I will discuss the tools that enable planetary science with these data sets, including some challenges we have faced in serving the distinct needs of this community. I will also touch on planetary science tools in use at other IPAC archives, including the Keck Observatory Archive.

Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris)

EPN-TAP Extensions and Future Standards for the Solar System

Missing pieces (coordinate systems, measurement types, messengers, facility lists, etc.) and how to implement them without breaking everything.

  • Moderator:
  • Note Taker:
  • Notes:
  • Video:

Revision 12022-10-11 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"


Solar System Interest Group Session: October 2022, Online

[back to main programme page]

DRAFT Schedule

Solar System Interest Group Session: Weds Oct 19, 15:00-16:00 UTC (Session #10)
Speaker Title Materials
Steve Joy & In Sook Moon (UCLA/PDS) EPN-TAP at the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node  
Marco Molinaro (INAF) CAESAR: Space Weather Archive Prototype for ASPIS  
Glen Orton (JPL) The Juno Mission's Coordination of Earth-Based Supporting Observations  
Vandana Desai (NASA/IPAC) Planetary Science with Data and Tools from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive  
Stéphane Erard (Obs. de Paris) EPN-TAP Extensions and Future Standards for the Solar System  

  • Moderator:
  • Note Taker:
  • Notes:
  • Video:
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