Difference: InterOpPct2008DataModels (14 vs. 15)

Revision 152008-10-29 - FabienChereau

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2008"

Data Models Session at the Oct 2008 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Program)

General Data models Sessions: DRAFT SCHEDULE

DM1/ Observation Model and current developments Monday 27, 15.30- 17.00
Speaker Title File Time
Juan de Dios Santander Vela Data Provenance and radio archives .pdf 15'
Carlos Rodrigo Blanco Modeling filter curves for theoretical data .pdf 15'
F.Bonnarel Provenance and Characterisation extensions .pdf 20'
  within the Observation Data Model    
J. McDowell Current status on Photometry   10'
M.Louys The strategy for the Observation Data model .pdf 10'

The Minutes of this session can be found here.

Data Models 2. Serialisation, Utypes and Units Wed 29 10.30 - 12.00 updated

Speaker Title File Time
M.Louys Role and Syntax for Utypes   15'
A. Stebe UTypes syntax and usage in ADQL queries   10'
F. Ochsenbein UTypes usage inside VOTable documents   10'
S. Derriere Units descriptions and conversions .pdf 15'
F. Chéreau A strategy to simplify Data models and their serialisation   15'
F. Chéreau A strategy to simplify Data models and their serialisation .pdf 15'

You'll find the minutes here.

Data Models 3. Joint session with Registry and Applications Thur 30, 8:30 - 10.00

Please see the joint session agenda at Applications session agenda.



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="DM1 Carlos Rodrigo 's talk" date="1225198963" name="filters-baltimore.pdf" path="filters-baltimore.pdf" size="1330516" user="CarlosRodrigoBlanco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="DM1 Juande's Talk" date="1225200309" name="VODataProvenance.Baltimore.pdf" path="VODataProvenance.Baltimore.pdf" size="3507849" user="JuanDeDiosSantanderVela" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="DM1 Strategy Conclusion" date="1225200862" name="obsDMstrategy.pdf" path="obsDMstrategy.pdf" size="89313" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="DM1 Observation DM new prototype F.Bonnarel" date="1225201345" name="ObsProvCharDM.pdf" path="ObsProvCharDM.pdf" size="1949554" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="DM2 Talk on Units by SD" date="1225294195" name="SD_Units_DM.pdf" path="SD_Units_DM.pdf" size="51818" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1225295694" name="VODataModels.pdf" path="VODataModels.pdf" size="410439" user="FabienChereau" version="1.1"
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