Difference: InteropOct2016DM (1 vs. 9)

Revision 92016-10-23 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D VO-DML standard status 10' + 3' pdf
Kristin Riebe Current status of Provenance DM 20' + 5' pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat Structuring metadata for Cherenkov Astronomy 20' + 5' pdf

DM Session 2

*DM 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D STC2: status and roadmap 15' + 5' pdf
Francois Bonnarel IVOA roles, VO-DML description and VOTable utype attribute 15' + 5' pdf
Guided Discussion Implementation requirements for Data Model standards 30' pdf


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_status.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML standard status" date="1476990212" name="VO-DML_status.pdf" path="VO-DML_status.pdf" size="95599" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Provenance-Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477036648" name="Provenance-Status.pdf" path="Provenance-Status.pdf" size="1936524" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477042398" name="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" size="3602519" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477041949" name="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" path="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" size="949124" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2_status.pdf" attr="" comment="STC-2.0 status" date="1477128964" name="STC2_status.pdf" path="STC2_status.pdf" size="315598" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DMImpReq.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Implementation requirements" date="1477128994" name="DMImpReq.pdf" path="DMImpReq.pdf" size="157876" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_roles.pdf" attr="" comment="IVOA roles and VoTABLE utypes" date="1477145678" name="ivoa_roles.pdf" path="ivoa_roles.pdf" size="487327" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_roles.pdf" attr="" comment="IVOA roles and VoTABLE utypes" date="1477223323" name="ivoa_roles.pdf" path="ivoa_roles.pdf" size="487099" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="2"

Revision 82016-10-22 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D VO-DML standard status 10' + 3' pdf
Kristin Riebe Current status of Provenance DM 20' + 5' pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat Structuring metadata for Cherenkov Astronomy 20' + 5' pdf

DM Session 2

*DM 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D STC2: status and roadmap 15' + 5' pdf
Francois Bonnarel IVOA roles, VO-DML description and VOTable utype attribute 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel IVOA roles, VO-DML description and VOTable utype attribute 15' + 5' pdf
Guided Discussion Implementation requirements for Data Model standards 30' pdf


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_status.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML standard status" date="1476990212" name="VO-DML_status.pdf" path="VO-DML_status.pdf" size="95599" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Provenance-Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477036648" name="Provenance-Status.pdf" path="Provenance-Status.pdf" size="1936524" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477042398" name="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" size="3602519" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477041949" name="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" path="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" size="949124" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2_status.pdf" attr="" comment="STC-2.0 status" date="1477128964" name="STC2_status.pdf" path="STC2_status.pdf" size="315598" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DMImpReq.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Implementation requirements" date="1477128994" name="DMImpReq.pdf" path="DMImpReq.pdf" size="157876" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_roles.pdf" attr="" comment="IVOA roles and VoTABLE utypes" date="1477145678" name="ivoa_roles.pdf" path="ivoa_roles.pdf" size="487327" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 72016-10-22 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D VO-DML standard status 10' + 3' pdf
Kristin Riebe Current status of Provenance DM 20' + 5' pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat Structuring metadata for Cherenkov Astronomy 20' + 5' pdf

DM Session 2

*DM 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D STC2: status and roadmap 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Mark C-D STC2: status and roadmap 15' + 5' pdf
Francois Bonnarel IVOA roles, VO-DML description and VOTable utype attribute 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Guided Discussion Implementation requirements for Data Model standards 30' please attach pdf
Guided Discussion Implementation requirements for Data Model standards 30' pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_status.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML standard status" date="1476990212" name="VO-DML_status.pdf" path="VO-DML_status.pdf" size="95599" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Provenance-Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477036648" name="Provenance-Status.pdf" path="Provenance-Status.pdf" size="1936524" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477042398" name="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" size="3602519" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477041949" name="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" path="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" size="949124" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2_status.pdf" attr="" comment="STC-2.0 status" date="1477128964" name="STC2_status.pdf" path="STC2_status.pdf" size="315598" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DMImpReq.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Implementation requirements" date="1477128994" name="DMImpReq.pdf" path="DMImpReq.pdf" size="157876" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"

Revision 62016-10-21 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D VO-DML standard status 10' + 3' pdf
Kristin Riebe Current status of Provenance DM 20' + 5' pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat Structuring metadata for Cherenkov Astronomy 20' + 5' pdf

DM Session 2

*DM 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D STC2: status and roadmap 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel IVOA roles, VO-DML description and VOTable utype attribute 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Guided Discussion Implementation requirements for Data Model standards 30' please attach pdf


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_status.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML standard status" date="1476990212" name="VO-DML_status.pdf" path="VO-DML_status.pdf" size="95599" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Provenance-Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477036648" name="Provenance-Status.pdf" path="Provenance-Status.pdf" size="1936524" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477041207" name="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" size="3602618" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477042398" name="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" size="3602519" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477041949" name="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" path="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" size="949124" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 52016-10-21 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D VO-DML standard status 10' + 3' pdf
Kristin Riebe Current status of Provenance DM 20' + 5' pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' pdf
Mathieu Servillat Structuring metadata for Cherenkov Astronomy 20' + 5' pdf

DM Session 2

*DM 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D STC2: status and roadmap 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel IVOA roles, VO-DML description and VOTable utype attribute 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Guided Discussion Implementation requirements for Data Model standards 30' please attach pdf


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_status.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML standard status" date="1476990212" name="VO-DML_status.pdf" path="VO-DML_status.pdf" size="95599" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Provenance-Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477036648" name="Provenance-Status.pdf" path="Provenance-Status.pdf" size="1936524" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477041207" name="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" size="3602618" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477041949" name="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" path="HiPSProvenanceTrieste.pdf" size="949124" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 42016-10-21 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D VO-DML standard status 10' + 3' pdf
Kristin Riebe Current status of Provenance DM 20' + 5' pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Mathieu Servillat Structuring metadata for Cherenkov Astronomy 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Mathieu Servillat Structuring metadata for Cherenkov Astronomy 20' + 5' pdf

DM Session 2

*DM 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D STC2: status and roadmap 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel IVOA roles, VO-DML description and VOTable utype attribute 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Guided Discussion Implementation requirements for Data Model standards 30' please attach pdf


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_status.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML standard status" date="1476990212" name="VO-DML_status.pdf" path="VO-DML_status.pdf" size="95599" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Provenance-Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477036648" name="Provenance-Status.pdf" path="Provenance-Status.pdf" size="1936524" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477041207" name="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" path="servillat_IVOA-Trieste-2016_CTA-DM.pdf" size="3602618" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"

Revision 32016-10-21 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D VO-DML standard status 10' + 3' pdf
Kristin Riebe Current status of Provenance DM 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Kristin Riebe Current status of Provenance DM 20' + 5' pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Mathieu Servillat Structuring metadata for Cherenkov Astronomy 20' + 5' please attach pdf

DM Session 2

*DM 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D STC2: status and roadmap 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel IVOA roles, VO-DML description and VOTable utype attribute 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Guided Discussion Implementation requirements for Data Model standards 30' please attach pdf


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_status.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML standard status" date="1476990212" name="VO-DML_status.pdf" path="VO-DML_status.pdf" size="95599" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Provenance-Status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477036648" name="Provenance-Status.pdf" path="Provenance-Status.pdf" size="1936524" user="KristinRiebe" version="1"

Revision 22016-10-20 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D VO-DML standard status 10' + 3' please attach pdf
Mark C-D VO-DML standard status 10' + 3' pdf
Kristin Riebe Current status of Provenance DM 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Mathieu Servillat Structuring metadata for Cherenkov Astronomy 20' + 5' please attach pdf

DM Session 2

*DM 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D STC2: status and roadmap 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel IVOA roles, VO-DML description and VOTable utype attribute 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Guided Discussion Implementation requirements for Data Model standards 30' please attach pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_status.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML standard status" date="1476990212" name="VO-DML_status.pdf" path="VO-DML_status.pdf" size="95599" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"

Revision 12016-10-13 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"

DM Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DM Session 1

*DM 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D VO-DML standard status 10' + 3' please attach pdf
Kristin Riebe Current status of Provenance DM 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel Provenance usecase for HIPS Surveys 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Mathieu Servillat Structuring metadata for Cherenkov Astronomy 20' + 5' please attach pdf

DM Session 2

*DM 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark C-D STC2: status and roadmap 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel IVOA roles, VO-DML description and VOTable utype attribute 15' + 5' please attach pdf
Guided Discussion Implementation requirements for Data Model standards 30' please attach pdf

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