Difference: IvoaExecMeetingTM117 (1 vs. 8)

Revision 82023-12-20 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM117)

Date: Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09 (passcode 581668)





  1. New IVOA Chair and Vice-Chair
    • Recognition of SO and JJ as new Exec Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively
    • Many thanks to CA for his service as Chair this past year
  2. Roll call and agenda
  3. Review and Approval of TM116 Minutes
  4. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf
  5. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  6. Overall TCG Status
  7. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  8. CSP Status
  9. Reviving Liaison Committee
    • IVOA-IAU Liaison Group
    • IHDEA and IPDA
  10. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  11. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Spring 2024: Sydney - Week of May 19 (Draft website here)
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
  12. Date of next Exec meeting
  13. AOB
  14. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


ChiVO (Chile)

CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)

A meeting report from the workshop on the Future of Astronomical Data Infrastructure (held Feb 2023 at the Flatiron Inst, NY) was recently published (Nov 2023) with US IVOA participants/authors/editors. It was in response to the Decadal report 2020 and gave advice to the funding agncies going forward. IVOA was identified/referenced a number of times in the report. Here's a link if you are interested in reading the report: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.04272.pdf


VObs.it (Italy)

INAF has established a working group dedicated to Open Science to develop policies and strategies to enable Open Science at institutional level. The first event organised by that WG was held 14-15 December 2023 and the IVOA as a community that manages open standards has been presented in the "Open Data" session of the event itself. The slides can be seen here (beware, they are really sketchy). The talk was well accepted and helped connect to other research institutions in Italy in terms of FAIR approach to data and services holdings.

Report from the TCG

      • This cleared the deck and new/ongoing initiatives identified in Roadmap 2023A
    • Hackathon: Reviewed 4 major pages of documtation:
      • Applicaitons, Astronomers, Deployers, Documents
      • Provided link to feedback for later topic in agenda
  • Set up Protocol Transitioning Tiger team (P3T)
      • The aim is to address the question of compatibility of the DAL protocols (and by implication protocols such as UWS) with modern web development tools. The recommendations being examined would mostly be in DAL and GWS (e.g., TAP, SIA2, SODA, UWS) so will need to be a cross WG effort. A question to answer is : How do we adapt the protocol interactions to be compatible with tools such as <a href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/edit/IVOA/OpenAPI?topicparent=IVOA.DALGWSTigerTeam;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="OpenAPI (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> OpenAPI </a>.
      • The aim is to address the question of compatibility of the DAL protocols (and by implication protocols such as UWS) with modern web development tools. The recommendations being examined would mostly be in DAL and GWS (e.g., TAP, SIA2, SODA, UWS) so will need to be a cross WG effort. A question to answer is : How do we adapt the protocol interactions to be compatible with tools such as OpenAPI.
    • Plan to kick off in Jan - mtgs once per month for 4 months; 2 days (Thu/Fri) before the Interop to meet; discussed with Simon
  • Looking for procedures for setting up an Interest group - haven't come acorss them in search - Does anyone know if they exist??
    • HEIG (High Energy Interest Group) aiming in this directions
    • Next meeting that will include a discussion is tomorrow; a Note is in Draft

Report from the CSP

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1702515255" name="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" size="168887" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 72023-12-20 - JanetEvans

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM117)

Date: Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09 (passcode 581668)



  1. New IVOA Chair and Vice-Chair
    • Recognition of SO and JJ as new Exec Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively
    • Many thanks to CA for his service as Chair this past year
  2. Roll call and agenda
  3. Review and Approval of TM116 Minutes
  4. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf
  5. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  6. Overall TCG Status
  7. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  8. CSP Status
  9. Reviving Liaison Committee
    • IVOA-IAU Liaison Group
    • IHDEA and IPDA
  10. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  1. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Spring 2024: Sydney - Week of May 19 (Draft website here)
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
  2. Date of next Exec meeting
  3. AOB
  4. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


ChiVO (Chile)

CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)

A meeting report from the workshop on the Future of Astronomical Data Infrastructure (held Feb 2023 at the Flatiron Inst, NY) was recently published (Nov 2023) with US IVOA participants/authors/editors. It was in response to the Decadal report 2020 and gave advice to the funding agncies going forward. IVOA was identified/referenced a number of times in the report. Here's a link if you are interested in reading the report: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.04272.pdf


VObs.it (Italy)

INAF has established a working group dedicated to Open Science to develop policies and strategies to enable Open Science at institutional level. The first event organised by that WG was held 14-15 December 2023 and the IVOA as a community that manages open standards has been presented in the "Open Data" session of the event itself. The slides can be seen here (beware, they are really sketchy). The talk was well accepted and helped connect to other research institutions in Italy in terms of FAIR approach to data and services holdings.

Report from the TCG

  • Met once since Interop - Dec 13; next mtg: Jan 24
  • Nov Interop
    • 4 RECs passed TCG/Exec review - Thank you
      • DataLink1.1, ADQL2.1, VOUnit1.1, SpectrumDM2.1
      • This cleared the deck and new/ongoing initiatives identified in Roadmap 2023A
    • Hackathon: Reviewed 4 major pages of documtation:
      • Applicaitons, Astronomers, Deployers, Documents
      • Provided link to feedback for later topic in agenda
  • Set up Protocol Transitioning Tiger team (P3T)
    • https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/DALGWSTigerTeam - Lead: James Dempsey
      • The aim is to address the question of compatibility of the DAL protocols (and by implication protocols such as UWS) with modern web development tools. The recommendations being examined would mostly be in DAL and GWS (e.g., TAP, SIA2, SODA, UWS) so will need to be a cross WG effort. A question to answer is : How do we adapt the protocol interactions to be compatible with tools such as <a href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/edit/IVOA/OpenAPI?topicparent=IVOA.DALGWSTigerTeam;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="OpenAPI (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> OpenAPI </a>.
    • Plan to kick off in Jan - mtgs once per month for 4 months; 2 days (Thu/Fri) before the Interop to meet; discussed with Simon
  • Looking for procedures for setting up an Interest group - haven't come acorss them in search - Does anyone know if they exist??
    • HEIG (High Energy Interest Group) aiming in this directions
    • Next meeting that will include a discussion is tomorrow; a Note is in Draft

Report from the CSP

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1702515255" name="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" size="168887" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 62023-12-20 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM117)

Date: Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09 (passcode 581668)





  1. New IVOA Chair and Vice-Chair
    • Recognition of SO and JJ as new Exec Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively
    • Many thanks to CA for his service as Chair this past year
  2. Roll call and agenda
  3. Review and Approval of TM116 Minutes
  4. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf
  5. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  6. Overall TCG Status
  7. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  8. CSP Status
  9. Reviving Liaison Committee
    • IVOA-IAU Liaison Group
    • IHDEA and IPDA
  10. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  11. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Spring 2024: Sydney - Week of May 19 (Draft website here)
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
  12. Date of next Exec meeting
  13. AOB
  14. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


ChiVO (Chile)

CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

INAF has established a working group dedicated to Open Science to develop policies and strategies to enable Open Science at institutional level. The first event organised by that WG was held 14-15 December 2023 and the IVOA as a community that manages open standards has been presented in the "Open Data" session of the event itself. The slides can be seen here (beware, they are really sketchy). The talk was well accepted and helped connect to other research institutions in Italy in terms of FAIR approach to data and services holdings.

Report from the TCG

Report from the CSP

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1702515255" name="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" size="168887" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 52023-12-19 - SimonOToole

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM117)

Date: Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09 (passcode 581668)





  1. New IVOA Chair and Vice-Chair
    • Recognition of SO and JJ as new Exec Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively
    • Many thanks to CA for his service as Chair this past year
  2. Roll call and agenda
  3. Review and Approval of TM116 Minutes
  4. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf
  5. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  6. Overall TCG Status
  7. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  8. CSP Status
  9. Reviving Liaison Committee
    • IVOA-IAU Liaison Group
    • IHDEA and IPDA
  10. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  11. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Spring 2024: Sydney - Week of May 19
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
  1. Date of next Exec meeting
  2. AOB
  3. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


ChiVO (Chile)

CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

Report from the CSP

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1702515255" name="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" size="168887" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 42023-12-18 - MarcyHarbut

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM117)

Date: Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09 (passcode 581668)





  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and Approval of TM116 Minutes
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf
  1. New IVOA Chair and Vice-Chair
    • Recognition of SO and JJ as new Exec Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively
    • Many thanks to CA for his service as Chair this past year
  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and Approval of TM116 Minutes
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf
  1. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  2. Overall TCG Status
  3. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  4. CSP Status
  5. Reviving Liaison Committee
    • IVOA-IAU Liaison Group
    • IHDEA and IPDA
  6. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Spring 2024: Sydney - Week of May 19
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
  8. Date of next Exec meeting
  9. AOB
  10. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


ChiVO (Chile)

CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

Report from the CSP

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1702515255" name="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" size="168887" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 32023-12-15 - MarcyHarbut

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM117)

Date: Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09 (passcode 581668)





  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and Approval of TM116 Minutes
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf
  4. New IVOA Chair and Vice-Chair
    • Recognition of SO and JJ as new Exec Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively
    • Many thanks to CA for his service as Chair this past year
  5. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  6. Overall TCG Status
  7. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  8. CSP Status
  9. Reviving Liaison Committee
    • IVOA-IAU Liaison Group
    • IHDEA and IPDA
  10. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  1. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Spring 2024: Sydney - Week of May 19
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
  2. Date of next Exec meeting
  3. AOB
  4. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


ChiVO (Chile)

CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

Report from the CSP

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1702515255" name="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" size="168887" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 22023-12-14 - MarcyHarbut

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM117)

Date: Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: (virtual meeting link TBD)
Location: https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09 (passcode 581668)





  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and Approval of TM116 Minutes
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf
  1. New IVOA Chair and Vice-Chair
    • Recognition of SO and JJ as new Exec Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively
    • Many thanks to CA for his service as Chair this past year
  1. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  2. Overall TCG Status
  3. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  4. CSP Status
  1. New IVOA Chair and Vice-Chair
    • Recognition of SO and JJ as new Exec Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively
    • Many thanks to CA for his service this past year
  1. Reviving Liaison Committee
    • IVOA-IAU Liaison Group
    • IVOA-IAU Liaison Group
    • IHDEA and IPDA
  1. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
    • Dedicated hack-a-thon session during Interop
  1. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Spring 2024: Sydney - Week of May 19
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
  2. Date of next Exec meeting
  3. AOB
  4. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


ChiVO (Chile)

CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

Report from the CSP

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1702515255" name="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" size="168887" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"

Revision 12023-12-14 - MarcyHarbut

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM117)

Date: Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Time: 20:00 UTC

Location: (virtual meeting link TBD)





  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and Approval of TM116 Minutes
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. CSP Status
  8. New IVOA Chair and Vice-Chair
    • Recognition of SO and JJ as new Exec Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively
    • Many thanks to CA for his service this past year
  9. Reviving Liaison Committee
    • IVOA-IAU Liaison Group
    • IHDEA and IPDA
  10. IVOA Website [New Standing Item]
  11. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Spring 2024: Sydney - Week of May 19
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
  12. Date of next Exec meeting
  13. AOB
  14. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


ChiVO (Chile)

CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

Euro-VO (Europe)

GAVO (Germany)

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)


VObs.it (Italy)

Report from the TCG

Report from the CSP

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1702515255" name="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM117.pdf" size="168887" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"
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