Difference: IvoaTCG-2018-07-05 (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22018-07-12 - JanetEvans


TCG Telecon - 07Jul18 (In Work - JE)



Attendees: M. Allen, C Arviset, M Cresitello Dittmar, C Cui, T Donaldson, T Dower, P Dowler, D Morris, J Evans, T Jenness, B Major, M Molinaro, A Nebot, A Schaff

Regrets: J Dempsey, S Joy, M Louys, G Taffoni


  1. Few highlights from the Exec telecon
  2. TCG elections completed
    • Semantics V Chair - Markus Demleitner
    • KDD V Chair - Matthew Graham
  3. New CSP member
    • Mark Lacy (Radio astronomy - LSST / Alma)
  4. IAU Planning
    • IVOA booth - support or visit the booth if you are going
  5. Review TCG Roadmaps 2018A
  6. Review TCG Actions from Victoria
  7. AOB
  8. Date of Next TCG meeting

NEXT Telecon: Early to Mid Sept - will send Doodle poll

  1. Few highlights from the Exec telecon
  2. Review of TCG 2018A Roadmaps
  3. Review Actions from Victoria
  4. AOB
  5. Date of Next TCG meeting


Revision 12018-07-11 - JanetEvans


TCG Telecon - 07Jul18 (In Work - JE)

Attendees: M. Allen, C Arviset, M Cresitello Dittmar, C Cui, T Donaldson, T Dower, P Dowler, D Morris, J Evans, T Jenness, B Major, M Molinaro, A Nebot, A Schaff

Regrets: J Dempsey, S Joy, M Louys, G Taffoni


  1. Few highlights from the Exec telecon
  2. TCG elections completed
    • Semantics V Chair - Markus Demleitner
    • KDD V Chair - Matthew Graham
  3. New CSP member
    • Mark Lacy (Radio astronomy - LSST / Alma)
  4. IAU Planning
    • IVOA booth - support or visit the booth if you are going
  5. Review TCG Roadmaps 2018A
  6. Review TCG Actions from Victoria
  7. AOB
  8. Date of Next TCG meeting

NEXT Telecon: Early to Mid Sept - will send Doodle poll

  1. Few highlights from the Exec telecon
  2. Review of TCG 2018A Roadmaps
  3. Review Actions from Victoria
  4. AOB
  5. Date of Next TCG meeting

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