This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2018 between the Victoria and College Park Interops.
(roadmap updated after 2018.07.05 TCG TConf)
Fairly packed roadmap as we try to close up current projects and start up the next phase.
Current model efforts:
Most of these projects are being driven by the time domain work and feedback from the 'Hack-a-thon" in Victoria with data providers exercising existing models. There are no hard goals for these projects at this point, but will be worked as a 'best effort' level
RegTAP 1.1, including new VOResource 1.1 features, can now go through RFC; prototype implementations exist at GAVO and partially at ESAVO, and are planned at MAST (USVAO). The main change is in describing services requiring authentication, which will eventually require changes in some client queries to RegTAP services if these become more common. (Authentication changes decided at Nov '18 interop, work can proceed, use case/examples will need to be edited in the RegTAP document.)
STC in the Registry: Work in prototypes will continue based on a recent STC in the Registry note introducing the concept of MOCs in the registry. We will coordinate with DM on updates to or removal of existing STC registry extensions based on DM's standards reorganization and future compatibility. (Nov '18: ongoing. MOCs in the registry introduced, needs revisited next meeting, waiting on DM RFC)
Discovering Dependent Resources: A note in progress addresses the problem of discovering data collections that are published through other services, the prime use case so far being TAP tables. A path forward involving creating a new registry extension allowing both tables and capabilities was discussed in Victoria, this work will be continued and prototypes developed; work on the main document is postponed until this is resolved.
Standards records: We will continue to work with the chairs of the other IVOA working groups to ensure that they register their standards as envisioned by StandardsRegExt (cf. WriteAStandardsRecord). (Worked with Time Domain IG & DAL for revisiting VOEvent registration)
Maintenance: We will keep making sure the registry system runs; in particular, we will address anomalies diagnosed by ESAVO especially including inconsistencies in the Registry of Registries. (Validation run, operations meeting held, anomalies addressed with RofR and Euro-VO as an example, work ongoing)
Maintenance of UCDs :
Improve the revision loop proposed. Adjust the Maintenance for UCD WD with the lessons learned. By end June 2018
Work out the process for sharing the progress on UCD terms revision with the community. By end July 2018
Complete the revision of terms asked by the planetary science on the UCDList_1-5_RFM web page. Propose face to face meetings to speed up the process. By nov 2018
Visibility of IVOA vocabularies
Setup of a vocabulary page at the top the front page as collaboration effort with the media group and IVOA document coordinator. A prototype page gives an idea of this prototyped page
Organisation of the Vocabulary repository By nov 2018
Nomenclature for names for Observatories, instruments, missions.
Collaboration Baptiste Cecconi (Lesia, Paris) - University of Graz - Fuzzy logic tools applied to instruments telescopes list cross match . Description of Space missions from Vespa
General thesaurus building to be continued with ADS, AAS, astronomical journals, librarians and documentalists involved.
Design of a metadata description based on the reuse of the PDS 4 Information model to categorize the various items. By nov 2018
The Data Curation & Preservation IG will continue to be the place where liaison between the IVOA and the Research Data Alliance RDA is established, with regular discussion of RDA activities, their relevance to the IVOA, and the IVOA activities relevant to the RDA (e.g. Provenance). This is a standing item for the IG session at each IVOA Interoperability meeting. The IG also hosts discussions on other topics of interest for Data Curation & Preservation. DOIs have been one of the important topics addressed in the past. It is proposed to have it as a topic again for the next DataCP meeting in November 2018, to discuss requirements, implementation, lessons learnt, granularity, etc.
Operations will continue its normal activities:
VOEvent: prototyping for planetary and space-weather sciences.
Work in the "Implemementation Note" for SimDAL.
We intend to describe several implementations, done by different groups, about different types of simulations.
Time domain IG members working with ZTF and LSST to develop brokers and filters: Lessons learned from ZTF and LSST will inform future developments of VOEvent
Feedback from SSIG, investigate and report on how to proceed on VOEvent to meet their requirements
Time Series:
TimeSeries extension for DAL protocols as a single spec: “TimeSeries discovery and access protocol a set of extensions to DAL protocol for TimeSeries”
Obscore extension (Time sampling…)
Corresponding PARAMETERS in SIAV2-like interface
SODA extension parameters for data selection
Access or DataLinks tags in source-driven context
DM: Representation (requires modelling and serialisation)
Work close to Gaia, ZTF, LSST to meet their deadlines
Deliver different versions on our path towards ultimate goal
Present serialisations —> encourage applications to test —> collect feedback
Steps towards a TimeSeries DM:
Connect to space MOC (towards a ST-MOC?)
Progenitors (HiPS for Time?)
No documentation, we need it
Test and give feedback
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