Difference: ProgramPrepParis (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72019-04-04 - BaptisteCecconi

Program Prep List - Paris (May 13-17, May 12 TCG mtg) - last updated - JE - Mar29

(JE will Move the WG/IG Request from 'New Request' to 'Scheduled' once it's been added to the Program)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2019

AIm for final program 2 weeks ahead of meeting (~Apr 29)


  • Salle du Conseil - TCG/Exec mtgs,
  • Salle Le Verrier - Plenary - 160 seats
  • Salle Denisse - sessions - 50 seats
  • Salle du Levant - sessions - 19 seats
3 extra rooms booked Tues-Thu; BC will have to release them after early planning (in few weeks)
  • Coseil - 50 seats (availableon Tues only)
  • Batiment B - 19 seats
  • Danjon - 30 seats

New Requests:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • DCP, if possible not on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (French astronomical society has his annual meeting in Nice at the same time and i have a request for a talk in DCP which has a clash during these 1,5 days) - André Schaaff - 20/03/19
  • Registry - still determining normal / joint sessions depending on issues to present, but ALSO 1 registry operations / validation meeting in a smaller room to continue work from College Park, to not conflict with any session related to TAP. -- TheresaDower - 2019-03-26
  • TCG, start Sunday mtg at 10:30 if possible due to train schedule - ML - 2019-03-20
  • Theory IG, if possible one session on Wednesday or Thursday (some people are interested in this session but will only be available these days). CarlosRodrigo - 2019-04-03
  • SSIG: IPDA is held the week before and several IPDA representatives will attend IVOA on Mon and Tue. SSIG sessions should be on those days. A plenary SSIG would be appreciated on Monday. BaptisteCecconi - 2019-04-04


Scheduled: (Last update - 03/14 - JE)

  • Seeded this doc with logistics/rooms - JE (03/14)
  • Seeded 2019A Roadmap and posted - JE (03/14)
  • Checked status - JD(01/29) - Have seen requests for session inputs from WG/IG go out
  • 1st schedule round requests
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