Difference: ProgramPrepVirtual (1 vs. 21)

Revision 212020-06-23 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting web link: https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/virtual2020

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020
Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020
Virtual Interop Meeting organization notes: https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/ProgramPrepVirtual/VirtualIVOAInterop_Planning.pdf
 Schedule inputs CLOSED (except for issues) !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs & updates and things evolved)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: zoom chat
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - Scheduled on Tuesday for 60 min
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
      • Decided to add Voting/Registered topics - 2.5 hours over 3 time slots to fit in 24 sessions
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
      • Use Zoom chat and etherpad for notes
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
      • We tried - picked 3 time slots that sync'd with 8am in Victoria, Strasbourg, Sydney/Beijing
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
      • In the end we didn't go with this plan
    • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
      • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
      • Big response to voting topics - added to detailed schedule
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details - DONE (JE/Apr17)
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below

Session Planning

New Requests WG/IGs:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21**POST Interop**
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22 **POST Interop**
  • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22 ** POST IVOA **
  • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
    • Based on recent Slack discussions (#github-help channel), maybe it would be better to have a session where we do a hack to create a succinct document of the recommended workflow with emphasis on the gory git details. Ideally an outline or draft could be circulated ahead of time, so that people can try things out and have something at which to throw tomatoes.
  • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.
  • [GWS] - Authorization protocol (GMS): discussion on the GMS protocol and its RFC trasition
  • [GWS] - Discussion on Single sign on: towards a new standard able to allow apps and services to access easely private data.
  • [GWS] - Discussion on Science Platforms: what can IVAO provide towards the "standarization" of the science platforms?

New Requests Interop email list:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • Title: PyVO and the end user
    • Proposed: T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model
    • Proposed: Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.
  • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP)
    • Proposed by F. Genova
    • Description: FAIRness certification, licensing & al. and their impact on our work (M. Molinaro sketchy summary)
  • Title: Vocabularies
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • discussions around dataproduct_type vocabularies and DataLink semantics vocabularies shoud be useful
  • Title: SIA2/SODA
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • Description: Feedback on SIA2/SODA including reports on Pyvo developements
  • Title: Blockchain protocol of NFT - ** POST Interop **
    • Proposed: Sebastian Gurovich (for NOVA-Argentina)
    • Description: To evaluate use of developing a blockchain protocol of Non-fungible tokens (NFT) to help with the open development of astronomy. A possible starting point to look at is the POAP.xyz protocol (https://www.poap.xyz/), available on github.
  • Title: Theory session - **POST Interop**
    • Gerard Lemson
    • Description: How to organize python libraries for accessing cosmological simulations. Follow-up to side meeting with various folks on topic (incuding those from AstroPy development)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting (4/21)
  • Updated in prep for TCG mtg (4/23)
  • Updated with first crack at organizing sessions (4/24 - JE)
  • Updated with latest info; pointer to google doc (4/30 - JE)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VirtualIVOAInterop_Planning.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1592942614" name="VirtualIVOAInterop_Planning.pdf" path="VirtualIVOAInterop_Planning.pdf" size="112486" user="JanetEvans" version="2"

Revision 202020-04-30 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:
Meeting web link: https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/virtual2020
  Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020
Schedule inputs OPEN !!
Schedule inputs CLOSED (except for issues) !!
  Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC
Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)
Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs & updates and things evolved)
  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
    • Attendee sign-up (Giuliano/Marco set up a page)
    • Will Advertise format and details as they get decided; point to program etc.
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Session messaging: zoom chat
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno - agreed to work (4/21)
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - Scheduled on Tuesday for 60 min
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
      • Decided to add Voting/Registered topics - 2.5 hours over 3 time slots to fit in 24 sessions
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
      • Use Zoom chat and etherpad for notes
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
      • We tried - picked 3 time slots that sync'd with 8am in Victoria, Strasbourg, Sydney/Beijing
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
      • In the end we didn't go with this plan
    • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
      • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
      • Big response to voting topics - added to detailed schedule
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details - DONE (JE/Apr17)
    • Will send a reminder with registration after TCG mtg (Apr23) - ask for further inputs by Monday
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below

Session Planning

New Requests WG/IGs:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22 **POST Interop**
  • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22 ** POST IVOA **
  • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
    • Based on recent Slack discussions (#github-help channel), maybe it would be better to have a session where we do a hack to create a succinct document of the recommended workflow with emphasis on the gory git details. Ideally an outline or draft could be circulated ahead of time, so that people can try things out and have something at which to throw tomatoes.
  • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.
  • [GWS] - Authorization protocol (GMS): discussion on the GMS protocol and its RFC trasition
  • [GWS] - Discussion on Single sign on: towards a new standard able to allow apps and services to access easely private data.
  • [GWS] - Discussion on Science Platforms: what can IVAO provide towards the "standarization" of the science platforms?

New Requests Interop email list:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • Title: PyVO and the end user
    • Proposed: T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model
    • Proposed: Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.
  • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP)
    • Proposed by F. Genova
    • Description: FAIRness certification, licensing & al. and their impact on our work (M. Molinaro sketchy summary)
  • Title: Vocabularies
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • discussions around dataproduct_type vocabularies and DataLink semantics vocabularies shoud be useful
  • Title: SIA2/SODA
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • Description: Feedback on SIA2/SODA including reports on Pyvo developements
  • Title: Blockchain protocol of NFT
  • Title: Blockchain protocol of NFT - ** POST Interop **
    • Proposed: Sebastian Gurovich (for NOVA-Argentina)
    • Description: To evaluate use of developing a blockchain protocol of Non-fungible tokens (NFT) to help with the open development of astronomy. A possible starting point to look at is the POAP.xyz protocol (https://www.poap.xyz/), available on github.
  • Title: Theory session
  • Title: Theory session - **POST Interop**
    • Gerard Lemson
    • Description: How to organize python libraries for accessing cosmological simulations. Follow-up to side meeting with various folks on topic (incuding those from AstroPy development)
Organizing Plan (b4 scheduling): (JE, 4/24)

  • VO Infrastructure
    • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- IVOA.TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
    • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- IVOA.TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
      • Based on recent Slack discussions (#github-help channel), maybe it would be better to have a session where we do a hack to create a succinct document of the recommended workflow with emphasis on the gory git details. Ideally an outline or draft could be circulated ahead of time, so that people can try things out and have something at which to throw tomatoes.
    • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.
    • [GWS] - Discussion on Science Platforms: what can IVAO provide towards the "standarization" of the science platforms?
    • Title: Blockchain protocol of NFT -- Sebastian Gurovich (for NOVA-Argentina)
  • PyVO
    • Title: PyVO and the end user -- Proposed: T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21
    • Title: SIA2/SODA -- Proposed: F Bonnarel -- Feedback on SIA2/SODA including reports on Pyvo developements
    • Title: Theory session -- Gerard Lemson -- How to organize python libraries for accessing cosmological simulations. Follow-up to side meeting with various folks on topic (incuding those from AstroPy development)
  • DM
    • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
    • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020 (DAL/APPS)
    • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • DAL
    • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
    • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
    • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- IVOA.TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22 (DAL/Apps)
  • APPs
    • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- IVOA.TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
    • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model -- Proposed: Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
  • Semantics

    • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
    • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020 (TDIG/APPS) ??
    • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
    • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • GWS
    • [GWS] - Authorization protocol (GMS): discussion on the GMS protocol and its RFC trasition
    • [GWS] - Discussion on Single sign on: towards a new standard able to allow apps and services to access easely private data.
  • DCP
    • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP) -- Proposed by F. Genova


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)


Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting (4/21)
  • Updated in prep for TCG mtg (4/23)
  • Updated with first crack at organizing sessions (4/24 - JE)
  • Updated with latest info; pointer to google doc (4/30 - JE)

Revision 192020-04-24 - JanetEvans



Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno - agreed to work (4/21)
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
    • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
      • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details - DONE (JE/Apr17)
    • Will send a reminder with registration after TCG mtg (Apr23) - ask for further inputs by Monday
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below

Session Planning

New Requests WG/IGs:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
    • Based on recent Slack discussions (#github-help channel), maybe it would be better to have a session where we do a hack to create a succinct document of the recommended workflow with emphasis on the gory git details. Ideally an outline or draft could be circulated ahead of time, so that people can try things out and have something at which to throw tomatoes.
  • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.
  • [GWS] - Authorization protocol (GMS): discussion on the GMS protocol and its RFC trasition
  • [GWS] - Discussion on Single sign on: towards a new standard able to allow apps and services to access easely private data.
  • [GWS] - Discussion on Science Platforms: what can IVAO provide towards the "standarization" of the science platforms?

New Requests Interop email list:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • Title: PyVO and the end user
    • Proposed: T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model
    • Proposed: Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.
  • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP)
    • Proposed by F. Genova
    • Description: FAIRness certification, licensing & al. and their impact on our work (M. Molinaro sketchy summary)
  • Title: Vocabularies
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • discussions around dataproduct_type vocabularies and DataLink semantics vocabularies shoud be useful
  • Title: SIA2/SODA
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • Description: Feedback on SIA2/SODA including reports on Pyvo developements
  • Title: Blockchain protocol of NFT
    • Proposed: Sebastian Gurovich (for NOVA-Argentina)
    • Description: To evaluate use of developing a blockchain protocol of Non-fungible tokens (NFT) to help with the open development of astronomy. A possible starting point to look at is the POAP.xyz protocol (https://www.poap.xyz/), available on github.
  • Title: Theory session
    • Gerard Lemson
    • Description: How to organize python libraries for accessing cosmological simulations. Follow-up to side meeting with various folks on topic (incuding those from AstroPy development)
Organizing Plan (b4 scheduling): (JE, 4/24)

  • VO Infrastructure
    • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- IVOA.TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
    • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- IVOA.TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
      • Based on recent Slack discussions (#github-help channel), maybe it would be better to have a session where we do a hack to create a succinct document of the recommended workflow with emphasis on the gory git details. Ideally an outline or draft could be circulated ahead of time, so that people can try things out and have something at which to throw tomatoes.
    • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.
    • [GWS] - Discussion on Science Platforms: what can IVAO provide towards the "standarization" of the science platforms?
    • Title: Blockchain protocol of NFT -- Sebastian Gurovich (for NOVA-Argentina)

  • PyVO
    • Title: PyVO and the end user -- Proposed: T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21
    • Title: SIA2/SODA -- Proposed: F Bonnarel -- Feedback on SIA2/SODA including reports on Pyvo developements
    • Title: Theory session -- Gerard Lemson -- How to organize python libraries for accessing cosmological simulations. Follow-up to side meeting with various folks on topic (incuding those from AstroPy development)
  • DM
    • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
    • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020 (DAL/APPS)
    • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • DAL
    • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
    • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
    • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- IVOA.TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22 (DAL/Apps)
  • APPs
    • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- IVOA.TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
    • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model -- Proposed: Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
  • Semantics

    • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
    • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020 (TDIG/APPS) ??
    • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
    • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • GWS
    • [GWS] - Authorization protocol (GMS): discussion on the GMS protocol and its RFC trasition
    • [GWS] - Discussion on Single sign on: towards a new standard able to allow apps and services to access easely private data.
  • DCP
    • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP) -- Proposed by F. Genova


 (JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting (4/21)
  • Updated in prep for TCG mtg (4/23)
  • Updated with first crack at organizing sessions (4/24 - JE)

Revision 182020-04-23 - TomDonaldson


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno - agreed to work (4/21)
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
    • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
      • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details - DONE (JE/Apr17)
    • Will send a reminder with registration after TCG mtg (Apr23) - ask for further inputs by Monday
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below

Session Planning

New Requests WG/IGs:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
    • Based on recent Slack discussions (#github-help channel), maybe it would be better to have a session where we do a hack to create a succinct document of the recommended workflow with emphasis on the gory git details. Ideally an outline or draft could be circulated ahead of time, so that people can try things out and have something at which to throw tomatoes.
  • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.
  • [GWS] - Authorization protocol (GMS): discussion on the GMS protocol and its RFC trasition
  • [GWS] - Discussion on Single sign on: towards a new standard able to allow apps and services to access easely private data.
  • [GWS] - Discussion on Science Platforms: what can IVAO provide towards the "standarization" of the science platforms?

New Requests Interop email list:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • Title: PyVO and the end user
    • Proposed: T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model
    • Proposed: Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.
  • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP)
    • Proposed by F. Genova
    • Description: FAIRness certification, licensing & al. and their impact on our work (M. Molinaro sketchy summary)
  • Title: Vocabularies
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • discussions around dataproduct_type vocabularies and DataLink semantics vocabularies shoud be useful
  • Title: SIA2/SODA
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • Description: Feedback on SIA2/SODA including reports on Pyvo developements
  • Title: Blockchain protocol of NFT
    • Proposed: Sebastian Gurovich (for NOVA-Argentina)
    • Description: To evaluate use of developing a blockchain protocol of Non-fungible tokens (NFT) to help with the open development of astronomy. A possible starting point to look at is the POAP.xyz protocol (https://www.poap.xyz/), available on github.
  • Title: Theory session
    • Gerard Lemson
    • Description: How to organize python libraries for accessing cosmological simulations. Follow-up to side meeting with various folks on topic (incuding those from AstroPy development)

(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting (4/21)
  • Updated in prep for TCG mtg (4/23) *

Revision 172020-04-23 - GiulianoTaffoni


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno - agreed to work (4/21)
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
    • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
      • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details - DONE (JE/Apr17)
    • Will send a reminder with registration after TCG mtg (Apr23) - ask for further inputs by Monday
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below

Session Planning

New Requests WG/IGs:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.
  • [GWS] - Authorization protocol (GMS): discussion on the GMS protocol and its RFC trasition
  • [GWS] - Discussion on Single sign on: towards a new standard able to allow apps and services to access easely private data.
  • [GWS] - Discussion on Science Platforms: what can IVAO provide towards the "standarization" of the science platforms?

New Requests Interop email list:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • Title: PyVO and the end user
    • Proposed: T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model
    • Proposed: Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.
  • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP)
    • Proposed by F. Genova
    • Description: FAIRness certification, licensing & al. and their impact on our work (M. Molinaro sketchy summary)
  • Title: Vocabularies
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • discussions around dataproduct_type vocabularies and DataLink semantics vocabularies shoud be useful
  • Title: SIA2/SODA
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • Description: Feedback on SIA2/SODA including reports on Pyvo developements
  • Title: Blockchain protocol of NFT
  • Title: Blockchain protocol of NFT
    • Proposed: Sebastian Gurovich (for NOVA-Argentina)
    • Description: To evaluate use of developing a blockchain protocol of Non-fungible tokens (NFT) to help with the open development of astronomy. A possible starting point to look at is the POAP.xyz protocol (https://www.poap.xyz/), available on github.
  • Title: Theory session
    • Gerard Lemson
    • Description: How to organize python libraries for accessing cosmological simulations. Follow-up to side meeting with various folks on topic (incuding those from AstroPy development)

(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting (4/21)
  • Updated in prep for TCG mtg (4/23) *

Revision 162020-04-23 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno - agreed to work (4/21)
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
    • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
      • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details - DONE (JE/Apr17)
    • Will send a reminder with registration after TCG mtg (Apr23) - ask for further inputs by Monday
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below

Session Planning

New Requests WG/IGs:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.

New Requests Interop email list:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • Title: PyVO and the end user
    • Proposed: T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model
    • Proposed: Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.
  • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP)
    • Proposed by F. Genova
    • Description: FAIRness certification, licensing & al. and their impact on our work (M. Molinaro sketchy summary)
  • Title: Vocabularies
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • discussions around dataproduct_type vocabularies and DataLink semantics vocabularies shoud be useful
  • Title: SIA2/SODA
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • Description: Feedback on SIA2/SODA including reports on Pyvo developements
  • Title:
  • Title: Blockchain protocol of NFT
    • Proposed: Sebastian Gurovich (for NOVA-Argentina)
    • Description: To evaluate use of developing a blockchain protocol of Non-fungible tokens (NFT) to help with the open development of astronomy. A possible starting point to look at is the POAP.xyz protocol (https://www.poap.xyz/), available on github.


  • Title: Theory session
    • Gerard Lemson
    • Description: How to organize python libraries for accessing cosmological simulations. Follow-up to side meeting with various folks on topic (incuding those from AstroPy development)
  (JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting (4/21)
  • Updated in prep for TCG mtg (4/23) *

Revision 152020-04-23 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno - agreed to work (4/21)
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
        • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
      • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
        • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
    • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
      • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details - DONE (JE/Apr17)
    • Will send a reminder with registration after TCG mtg (Apr23) - ask for further inputs by Monday
    • Will send a reminder that inputs to program need to be requested 'this week'
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below



Session Planning

New Requests WG/IGs:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.

New Requests Interop email list:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • Title: PyVO and the end user (T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model (Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.
  • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP)
    • proposed by F. Genova
    • FAIRness certification, licensing & al. and their impact on our work (M. Molinaro sketchy summary)
  • Title: PyVO and the end user
    • Proposed: T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model
    • Proposed: Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.
  • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP)
    • Proposed by F. Genova
    • Description: FAIRness certification, licensing & al. and their impact on our work (M. Molinaro sketchy summary)
  • Title: Vocabularies
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • discussions around dataproduct_type vocabularies and DataLink semantics vocabularies shoud be useful
  • Title: SIA2/SODA
    • Proposed: F Bonnarel
    • Description: Feedback on SIA2/SODA including reports on Pyvo developements
  • Title:
    • Proposed: Sebastian Gurovich (for NOVA-Argentina)
    • Description: To evaluate use of developing a blockchain protocol of Non-fungible tokens (NFT) to help with the open development of astronomy. A possible starting point to look at is the POAP.xyz protocol (https://www.poap.xyz/), available on github.


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting (4/21)
  • Updated in prep for TCG mtg (4/23) *

Revision 142020-04-23 - MarcoMolinaro


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
        • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
      • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
        • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
    • Will send a reminder that inputs to program need to be requested 'this week'
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below


Session Planning

New Requests WG/IGs:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.

New Requests Interop email list:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • Title: PyVO and the end user (T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model (Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.
  • Title: FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA (DCP)
    • proposed by F. Genova
    • FAIRness certification, licensing & al. and their impact on our work (M. Molinaro sketchy summary)


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting

Revision 132020-04-22 - TomDonaldson


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
        • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
      • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
        • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
    • Will send a reminder that inputs to program need to be requested 'this week'
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below


Session Planning

New Requests WG/IGs:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21

New Requests Interop email list:

  • [DAL] - Working session to resolve how to implement the MAST Tesscut service as a standards-compliant SODA service. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Review and discussion of VOTable status (as a document in github with a set of issues). -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to set up automatic builds for VOTable. Alternatively a presentation/tutorial from those who have done that with other documents. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Working session to learn (following existing documentation, and updating where necessary) the lifecycle of making a change to the VOTable document, actually making the change in the repository. It seems important that we all know the recommended path through the tools and processes. -- TomDonaldson - 2020-04-22
  • [Apps] - Discussion on how best to maintain the applications page (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html). This is a similar maintenance problem to other externally-focused resources referred to by http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/using_the_vo.html.

New Requests Interop email list:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)
(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)
  • Title: PyVO and the end user (T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model (Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
  • Title: PyVO and the end user (T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model (Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting

Revision 122020-04-22 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
        • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
      • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
        • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
    • Will send a reminder that inputs to program need to be requested 'this week'
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below


Session Planning


New Requests:


New Requests WG/IGs:

  (Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21

New Requests Interop email list:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • Title: PyVO and the end user (T Jaffee, GSFC/NAVO)
    • Description: The NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) have been developing Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate how the end user can use PyVO directly to discover and retrieve data from the NASA archives. This of course is generic to all archives using VO protocols, so we have plans to contribute them as tutorials for distribution in PyVO. Our purposes have so far been NASA-specific, so we propose to present what we have done to the IVOA and open a discussion of how to improve our materials for a broader audience.
  • Title: Implementations of the provenance data model (Mathieu Servillat, ParisVO)
    • Description: I would like to propose a short contribution on the "Implementations of the provenance data model". This is an overview of the different implementations at different levels and for different project, with the objective to share common issues that were faced. This can open a discussion on the requirements of the community in terms of provenance tools.


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting

Revision 112020-04-21 - BruceBerriman


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
        • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
      • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
        • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
    • Will send a reminder that inputs to program need to be requested 'this week'
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below


Session Planning

New Requests:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI - Bruce Berriman - 2020-04-21


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting

Revision 102020-04-21 - PatrickDowler


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
    • Attendee sign-up (Giuliano/Marco set up a page)
    • Will Advertise format and details as they get decided; point to program etc.
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
        • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
      • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
        • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
    • Will send a reminder that inputs to program need to be requested 'this week'
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below


Session Planning

New Requests:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting

Revision 92020-04-21 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs are NOT OPEN yet!!
Schedule inputs OPEN !!

April 16 Meeting: Seeded questions for discussion

  • Virtual Meeting Page (usually set up by the host)
    • Advertise format and details as they come up; point to program etc.
    • Will we have a sign-up or do attendees just show up??
    • What times to handle time zones??? How long is a day???
      • Ex. time ... 19:00 UTC
        • 3pm East coast US
        • 12pm West coast US
        • 9pm Munich; Capetown
        • 5am Sydney
        • 3am Shanghai
        • 12:30am Delhi
Next TCG meeting: April 23 @15:00 UTC

Virtual Mtg Outline: (Collection of notes from April 7 & 16 mtgs)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Virtual Meeting Page
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: slack,
    • Live notes: etherpad
  • Sessions
    • Single session or parrallel - expect single - correct???
    • Amount Time for each session - 1.5hr standard ???
    • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
  • Virtual mtg VOC group (Virtual organizing committee)??? Volunteers??
  • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
    • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
    • Session messaging: slack, IRC
    • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad

Virtual Mtg Outline: (JE notes from Apr07 TCG discussion)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Organize sessions using wiki interface that we've used in the past (edited - JE, 4/16)
  • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
  • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
  • Use slack to manage input from the audience
  • Use wiki page or Google page to record notes during the sessions
    • First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
      • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
    • Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
    • Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
    • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
    • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
        • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
      • Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
        • Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
  • Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
    • Will send a reminder that inputs to program need to be requested 'this week'
    • TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below
  • Plan to send a notice to IVOA in the next week that the Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
  • Followup meeting: April 16 @20:00 UTC


  • WHO??: There will be a subgroup of the TCG to study/recommend what technolgies to use
    • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
      • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
      • Session messaging: slack, IRC
      • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad
    • An institution will need to host the meeting - given the technology (i.e. Run Slack during the sessions)
  • JE/PD/MM: Get session web page out to TCG/others
  • JE/PD, BB/CC: Organize email to IVOA giving them a heads up about virtual meeting

Session Planning

New Requests:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)


Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
  • Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting

Revision 82020-04-21 - MarcoMolinaro


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs are NOT OPEN yet!!

April 16 Meeting: Seeded questions for discussion

  • Virtual Meeting Page (usually set up by the host)
    • Advertise format and details as they come up; point to program etc.
    • Will we have a sign-up or do attendees just show up??
    • What times to handle time zones??? How long is a day???
      • Ex. time ... 19:00 UTC
        • 3pm East coast US
        • 12pm West coast US
        • 9pm Munich; Capetown
        • 5am Sydney
        • 3am Shanghai
        • 12:30am Delhi
  • Sessions
    • Single session or parrallel - expect single - correct???
    • Amount Time for each session - 1.5hr standard ???
    • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
  • Virtual mtg VOC group (Virtual organizing committee)??? Volunteers??
  • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
    • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
    • Session messaging: slack, IRC
    • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad

Virtual Mtg Outline: (JE notes from Apr07 TCG discussion)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Organize sessions using wiki interface that we've used in the past (edited - JE, 4/16)
  • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
  • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
  • Use slack to manage input from the audience
  • Use wiki page or Google page to record notes during the sessions
  • Plan to send a notice to IVOA in the next week that the Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
  • Followup meeting: April 16 @20:00 UTC


  • WHO??: There will be a subgroup of the TCG to study/recommend what technolgies to use
    • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
      • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
      • Session messaging: slack, IRC
      • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad
    • An institution will need to host the meeting - given the technology (i.e. Run Slack during the sessions)
  • JE/PD/MM: Get session web page out to TCG/others
  • JE/PD, BB/CC: Organize email to IVOA giving them a heads up about virtual meeting

Session Planning

New Requests:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
  • [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16

Revision 72020-04-21 - MarkusDemleitner


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs are NOT OPEN yet!!

April 16 Meeting: Seeded questions for discussion

  • Virtual Meeting Page (usually set up by the host)
    • Advertise format and details as they come up; point to program etc.
    • Will we have a sign-up or do attendees just show up??
    • What times to handle time zones??? How long is a day???
      • Ex. time ... 19:00 UTC
        • 3pm East coast US
        • 12pm West coast US
        • 9pm Munich; Capetown
        • 5am Sydney
        • 3am Shanghai
        • 12:30am Delhi
  • Sessions
    • Single session or parrallel - expect single - correct???
    • Amount Time for each session - 1.5hr standard ???
    • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
  • Virtual mtg VOC group (Virtual organizing committee)??? Volunteers??
  • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
    • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
    • Session messaging: slack, IRC
    • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad

Virtual Mtg Outline: (JE notes from Apr07 TCG discussion)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Organize sessions using wiki interface that we've used in the past (edited - JE, 4/16)
  • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
  • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
  • Use slack to manage input from the audience
  • Use wiki page or Google page to record notes during the sessions
  • Plan to send a notice to IVOA in the next week that the Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
  • Followup meeting: April 16 @20:00 UTC


  • WHO??: There will be a subgroup of the TCG to study/recommend what technolgies to use
    • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
      • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
      • Session messaging: slack, IRC
      • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad
    • An institution will need to host the meeting - given the technology (i.e. Run Slack during the sessions)
  • JE/PD/MM: Get session web page out to TCG/others
  • JE/PD, BB/CC: Organize email to IVOA giving them a heads up about virtual meeting

Session Planning

New Requests:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16

Revision 62020-04-20 - AdaNebot


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs are NOT OPEN yet!!

April 16 Meeting: Seeded questions for discussion

  • Virtual Meeting Page (usually set up by the host)
    • Advertise format and details as they come up; point to program etc.
    • Will we have a sign-up or do attendees just show up??
    • What times to handle time zones??? How long is a day???
      • Ex. time ... 19:00 UTC
        • 3pm East coast US
        • 12pm West coast US
        • 9pm Munich; Capetown
        • 5am Sydney
        • 3am Shanghai
        • 12:30am Delhi
  • Sessions
    • Single session or parrallel - expect single - correct???
    • Amount Time for each session - 1.5hr standard ???
    • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
  • Virtual mtg VOC group (Virtual organizing committee)??? Volunteers??
  • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
    • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
    • Session messaging: slack, IRC
    • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad

Virtual Mtg Outline: (JE notes from Apr07 TCG discussion)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Organize sessions using wiki interface that we've used in the past (edited - JE, 4/16)
  • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
  • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
  • Use slack to manage input from the audience
  • Use wiki page or Google page to record notes during the sessions
  • Plan to send a notice to IVOA in the next week that the Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
  • Followup meeting: April 16 @20:00 UTC


  • WHO??: There will be a subgroup of the TCG to study/recommend what technolgies to use
    • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
      • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
      • Session messaging: slack, IRC
      • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad
    • An institution will need to host the meeting - given the technology (i.e. Run Slack during the sessions)
  • JE/PD/MM: Get session web page out to TCG/others
  • JE/PD, BB/CC: Organize email to IVOA giving them a heads up about virtual meeting

Session Planning

New Requests:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
  • [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16

Revision 52020-04-20 - LaurentMichel


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs are NOT OPEN yet!!

April 16 Meeting: Seeded questions for discussion

  • Virtual Meeting Page (usually set up by the host)
    • Advertise format and details as they come up; point to program etc.
    • Will we have a sign-up or do attendees just show up??
    • What times to handle time zones??? How long is a day???
      • Ex. time ... 19:00 UTC
    • What times to handle time zones??? How long is a day???
      • Ex. time ... 19:00 UTC
        • 3pm East coast US
        • 12pm West coast US
        • 9pm Munich; Capetown
        • 5am Sydney
        • 3am Shanghai
        • 12:30am Delhi
  • Sessions
    • Single session or parrallel - expect single - correct???
    • Amount Time for each session - 1.5hr standard ???
    • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
  • Virtual mtg VOC group (Virtual organizing committee)??? Volunteers??
  • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
    • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
    • Session messaging: slack, IRC
    • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad

Virtual Mtg Outline: (JE notes from Apr07 TCG discussion)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Organize sessions using wiki interface that we've used in the past (edited - JE, 4/16)
  • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
  • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
  • Use slack to manage input from the audience
  • Use wiki page or Google page to record notes during the sessions
  • Plan to send a notice to IVOA in the next week that the Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
  • Followup meeting: April 16 @20:00 UTC


  • WHO??: There will be a subgroup of the TCG to study/recommend what technolgies to use
    • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
      • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
      • Session messaging: slack, IRC
      • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad
    • An institution will need to host the meeting - given the technology (i.e. Run Slack during the sessions)
  • JE/PD/MM: Get session web page out to TCG/others
  • JE/PD, BB/CC: Organize email to IVOA giving them a heads up about virtual meeting

Session Planning

New Requests:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)

  • [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
  • [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16

Revision 42020-04-16 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs are NOT OPEN yet!!


April 16 Meeting: Seeded questions for discussion

  • Virtual Meeting Page (usually set up by the host)
    • Advertise format and details as they come up; point to program etc.
    • Will we have a sign-up or do attendees just show up??
    • What times to handle time zones??? How long is a day???
      • Ex. time ... 19:00 UTC
        • 3pm East coast US
        • 12pm West coast US
        • 9pm Munich; Capetown
        • 5am Sydney
        • 3am Shanghai
        • 12:30am Delhi
  • Sessions
    • Single session or parrallel - expect single - correct???
    • Amount Time for each session - 1.5hr standard ???
    • Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
  • Virtual mtg VOC group (Virtual organizing committee)??? Volunteers??
  • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
    • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
    • Session messaging: slack, IRC
    • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad

Virtual Mtg Outline: (JE notes from Apr07 TCG discussion)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Organize session using web interface developed by INAF for the Sydney meeting organization
  • Organize sessions using wiki interface that we've used in the past (edited - JE, 4/16)
  • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
  • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split the session into 2 session with an 8 hour split in time
    • An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
  • Use slack to manage input from the audience
  • Use wiki page or Google page to record notes during the sessions
  • Plan to send a notice to IVOA in the next week that the Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
  • Followup meeting: April 16 @20:00 UTC




  • WHO??: There will be a subgroup of the TCG to study/recommend what technolgies to use
    • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
      • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
      • Session messaging: slack, IRC
      • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad
    • An institution will need to host the meeting - given the technology (i.e. Run Slack during the sessions)
  • JE/PD/MM: Get session web page out to TCG/others
  • JE/PD, BB/CC: Organize email to IVOA giving them a heads up about virtual meeting

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)

Session Planning

New Requests:

(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)


(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
  • Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16

Revision 32020-04-10 - MarcoMolinaro


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs are NOT OPEN yet!!

Virtual Mtg Outline: (JE notes from Apr07 TCG discussion)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Organize session using web interface developed by INAF for the Sydney meeting organization
  • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
  • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split the session into 2 session with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
  • Use slack to manage input from the audience
  • Use wiki page or Google page to record notes during the sessions
  • Plan to send a notice to IVOA in the next week that the Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
  • Followup meeting: April 16 @20:00 UTC


  • WHO??: There will be a subgroup of the TCG to study/recommend what technolgies to use
    • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
      • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
      • Session messaging: slack
      • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs
      • Session messaging: slack, IRC
      • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs, etherpad
    • An institution will need to host the meeting - given the technology (i.e. Run Slack during the sessions)
  • JE/PD/MM: Get session web page out to TCG/others
  • JE/PD, BB/CC: Organize email to IVOA giving them a heads up about virtual meeting

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)


Revision 22020-04-09 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs are NOT OPEN yet!!

Virtual Mtg Outline: (JE notes from Apr07 TCG discussion)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Organize session using web interface developed by INAF for the Sydney meeting organization
  • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
  • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split the session into 2 session with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
  • Use slack to manage input from the audience
  • Use wiki page or Google page to record notes during the sessions
  • Plan to send a notice to IVOA in the next week that the Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
  • Followup meeting: April 16 @20:00 UTC


  • WHO??: There will be a subgroup of the TCG to study/recommend what technolgies to use
    • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
      • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
      • Session messaging: slack
      • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs
    • An institution will need to host the meeting - given the technology (i.e. Run Slack during the sessions)
  • JE/PD/MM: Get session web page out to TCG/others
  • JE/PD, BB/CC: Organize email to IVOA giving them a heads up
  • JE/PD, BB/CC: Organize email to IVOA giving them a heads up about virtual meeting

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)


Revision 12020-04-07 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date)

Meeting link:

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs are NOT OPEN yet!!

Virtual Mtg Outline: (JE notes from Apr07 TCG discussion)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Organize session using web interface developed by INAF for the Sydney meeting organization
  • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
  • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split the session into 2 session with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
  • Use slack to manage input from the audience
  • Use wiki page or Google page to record notes during the sessions
  • Plan to send a notice to IVOA in the next week that the Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
  • Followup meeting: April 16 @20:00 UTC


  • WHO??: There will be a subgroup of the TCG to study/recommend what technolgies to use
    • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
      • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
      • Session messaging: slack
      • Live notes: wiki page, Google docs
    • An institution will need to host the meeting - given the technology (i.e. Run Slack during the sessions)
  • JE/PD/MM: Get session web page out to TCG/others
  • JE/PD, BB/CC: Organize email to IVOA giving them a heads up

Last update

  • Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)

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