Difference: ProgramPrepVirtualOct2022 (9 vs. 10)

Revision 102022-09-07 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (Oct 18-20, 2022)

Meeting web link: https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-oct-2022 (NOT active yet)

Program link: InterOpOct2022 - !!Seeded - JE, 24Aug22!!

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Education session for Newcomers - on Mon, Oct 17
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Tues, Oct 18 - Th Oct 20 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • The WG/IG Kickoff and Wrap up session needs to stay closer to schedule!! Last several mtgs the closing went over 1 hour long - 1-2 slides each please!!!
  • Technology
    • Videocon: zoom
    • Session messaging: zoom chat
    • Live notes: etherpad
    • Recording: via zoom
    • Gathering: Gathertown - thru CDS

Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent - 8/24/22 (JE)
  • Seeded Program - link above - 8/24/22 (JE)

Session Planning:


Plenary/Session Ideas:


Open Session: VO in the Cloud (Joint session with Apps, Operations, Registry, ...)

  • Multi-messager - CSP
  • Open Science topic
  • Eco systems
  • DOIs
  • XML/JSON VOTable topic - session to consider various points of view & options
  • Interfaces with Science Platforms
  • We mentioned the Fall mtg to present issues/ideas - followup next interop in spring with possible solutions

Plenary: Multi-Messanger (CSP)


New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • SSIG (Anne Raugh): We would like one session, tentatively called "Planetary Science with Astrophyics Archives". I don't currently have a preference for date, but I expect that the speakers will likely all be from North America, so a time reasonably congenial with local business hours would be appreciated. -- AnneRaugh - 2022-08-24
  • Semantics (Markus/Carlo): That's our usual WG session. Since an important part will probably by UAT adoption in VOResource, there's probably nothing wrong with calling this a Semantics/Registry joint session (but there may be other stuff, too). European-friendly times highly preferred. -- MarkusDemleitner - 2022-09-07
  • RadioIG : one usual session with WG status, and one demo session. If this is too much the demo session can be organized later as a "Running meeting"
  • SSIG (Anne Raugh):1 session: We would like one session, tentatively called "Planetary Science with Astrophyics Archives". I don't currently have a preference for date, but I expect that the speakers will likely all be from North America, so a time reasonably congenial with local business hours would be appreciated. -- AnneRaugh - 2022-08-24
  • Semantics (Markus/Carlo): 1 session: That's our usual WG session. Since an important part will probably by UAT adoption in VOResource, there's probably nothing wrong with calling this a Semantics/Registry joint session (but there may be other stuff, too). European-friendly times highly preferred. -- MarkusDemleitner - 2022-09-07
  • RadioIG : 2 sessions: one usual session with WG status, and one demo session. If this is too much the demo session can be organized later as a "Running meeting"
  • App - 1 session, maybe 2
  • DAL - 2 sessions
  • DM - 2 sessions; 1) Mapping (w/ Apps), 2)Projects
  • GWS - 2 sessions
  • Registry - 1 session
  • Edu - Newcomers
  • KDD - 1 perhaps joint with GWS
  • Ops - 1 session
  • Theory - JE Email Simon
  • Timing - will join in others


(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

Last update (Aug 24 - JE)
Seeded this doc (Aug 10 - JE
Last update (Sep 7 - JE) - Added WG/IG session requests from TCG mtg today
Seeded this doc (Aug 10 - JE

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