Difference: VOPragueSpeakers (1 vs. 4)

Revision 42012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="VoscienceIAUPrague"

VO Science in Prague : Keynote Speakers


The following people have provisionally agreed to provide keynote talks. The final list will be confirmed in due course.

Catherine Cesarsky (ESO)  Large Facilities or Extragalactic Astronomy
Ian Foster (US) Grid Technology and/or IT and multidisciplinary science  
Gerry Gilmore (UK) Large Facilities
Ajit Khembhavi (India) Subject not yet defined
Konrad Kuijken (Netherlands) Survey Astronomy
Martin Rees (UK) Cosmology
Peter Quinn (ESO) Subject not yet defined
Alex Szalay (US) Subject not yet defined
Tony Tyson (US) Large Scale Structure or  Extragalactic Astronomy
Sadanori Okamura(Japan) Wide field optical surveys 
Frank Hill (US) - Solar Astronomy
Matt Mountain (US) - new Director of STScI

All of the provisional subject titles are "and how the VO will help".

Further information

Revision 32006-05-02 - AndyLawrence

META TOPICPARENT name="VoscienceIAUPrague"

VO Science in Prague : Keynote Speakers


The following people have provisionally agreed to provide keynote talks. The final list will be confirmed in due course.

Catherine Cesarsky (ESO)  Large Facilities or Extragalactic Astronomy
Ian Foster (US) Grid Technology and/or IT and multidisciplinary science  
Gerry Gilmore (UK) Large Facilities
Ajit Khembhavi (India) Subject not yet defined
Konrad Kuijken (Netherlands) Survey Astronomy
Martin Rees (UK) Cosmology
Peter Quinn (ESO) Subject not yet defined
Alex Szalay (US) Subject not yet defined
Tony Tyson (US) Large Scale Structure or  Extragalactic Astronomy
Sadanori Okamura(Japan) Wide field optical surveys 
Frank Hill (US) - Solar Astronomy
Matt Mountain (US) - new Director of STScI
All of the provisional subject titles are "and how the VO will help".

Further information


Revision 22006-05-02 - AndyLawrence

META TOPICPARENT name="VoscienceIAUPrague"

VO Science in Prague : Proceedings


VO Science in Prague : Keynote Speakers

The following people have provisionally agreed to provide keynote talks. The final list will be confirmed in due course.

Further information



Revision 12006-05-02 - AndyLawrence

META TOPICPARENT name="VoscienceIAUPrague"

VO Science in Prague : Proceedings

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