Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
PDFpdf NoteImplementationSimDB_1.0-20110910.pdf r1 manage 785.4 K 2011-09-13 - 08:51 HerveWozniak Implementation note release Sep 10
PDFpdf NoteImplementationSimDB_3.pdf r1 manage 2284.0 K 2010-12-09 - 00:39 HerveWozniak Implementation note
PDFpdf NoteImplementationSimDB_4.pdf r1 manage 2462.4 K 2011-01-21 - 08:08 HerveWozniak Implementation note
Microsoft Word filedoc PR-SimulationDataModel-1.00-20120302.doc r1 manage 1615.0 K 2012-03-07 - 16:10 HerveWozniak SimDM PR release Mar 2nd for TCG review
PDFpdf PR-SimulationDataModel-1.00-20120302.pdf r1 manage 1541.2 K 2012-03-07 - 16:11 HerveWozniak SimDM PR release Mar 2nd for TCG review
Microsoft Word filedoc PR-SimulationDataModel-v.1.00-20110428.doc r1 manage 1178.0 K 2011-05-04 - 16:33 HerveWozniak SimDM PR release Apr 28
PDFpdf PR-SimulationDataModel-v.1.00-20110428.pdf r1 manage 523.5 K 2011-05-04 - 16:34 HerveWozniak SimDM PR release Apr 28
Microsoft Word filedoc PR-SimulationDataModel-v.1.00-20110906.doc r1 manage 1159.5 K 2011-09-13 - 08:44 HerveWozniak SimDM PR release Sep 06
PDFpdf PR-SimulationDataModel-v.1.00-20110906.pdf r1 manage 856.0 K 2011-09-13 - 08:44 HerveWozniak SimDM PR release Sep 06
Microsoft Word filedoc PR-SimulationDataModel-v.1.00-20111019.doc r1 manage 1156.5 K 2011-10-20 - 03:29 HerveWozniak SimDM PR release Oct 19 for TCG review
PDFpdf PR-SimulationDataModel-v.1.00-20111019.pdf r1 manage 1043.8 K 2011-10-20 - 03:28 HerveWozniak SimDM PR release Oct 19 for TCG review
Microsoft Word filedoc WD-SimulationDataModel-v.1.00-20110314.doc r1 manage 840.5 K 2011-03-14 - 14:18 HerveWozniak Simulation Data Model Working Draft
PDFpdf WD-SimulationDataModel-v.1.00-20110314.pdf r1 manage 613.3 K 2011-03-14 - 14:19 HerveWozniak Simulation Data Model Working Draft
Microsoft Word filedoc WD-SimulationDataModel-v.1.00-20110427.doc r1 manage 837.0 K 2011-05-04 - 16:32 HerveWozniak SimDM WD release Apr 27
PDFpdf WD-SimulationDataModel-v.1.00-20110427.pdf r1 manage 738.0 K 2011-05-04 - 16:32 HerveWozniak SimDM WD release Apr 27

This topic: IVOA > IvoaTheory > IVOATheorySimDMspec
Topic revision: r25 - 2012-03-07 - HerveWozniak
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