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PDFpdf 20130508-firethorn-007.pdf r1 manage 214.4 K 2013-05-13 - 09:55 DaveMorris ROE Data access service
PDFpdf Aladin-Lite-TBoch.pdf r1 manage 3385.0 K 2013-05-14 - 14:19 ThomasBoch Aladin Lite
PDFpdf BCecconi-AppSession.pdf r1 manage 9054.7 K 2013-05-16 - 10:19 BaptisteCecconi Planetary Science Applications
PDFpdf CChauvin-AppSession.pdf r1 manage 1337.6 K 2013-05-16 - 10:18 BaptisteCecconi Planetary Science Applications
PDFpdf CDS_XMatch_HTTP_API_F.-X._Pineau.pdf r1 manage 455.1 K 2013-05-15 - 08:25 ThomasBoch CDS cross-match API
PDFpdf IVOA_MAY_2013.pdf r1 manage 6894.9 K 2013-05-14 - 13:07 DanielDurand HST in the VO and in the Clouds
PDFpdf IrisHeidelberg.pdf r2 r1 manage 2409.4 K 2013-05-13 - 13:07 OmarLaurino  
PDFpdf Kawasaki-20130513-IVOAInteropHeidelberg-Vissage.pdf r1 manage 834.4 K 2013-05-14 - 08:15 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf OCallaghan-Forest-Apps-20130513-notes-reduced.pdf r1 manage 859.9 K 2013-05-13 - 15:11 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf PDLApps.pdf r1 manage 892.0 K 2013-05-13 - 17:18 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf Renaud_Savalle_Interop_20130513_The_POMME_Demonstrator.pdf r1 manage 832.5 K 2013-05-13 - 14:15 RenaudSavalle The POMME Demonstrator Presentation
PDFpdf Splat2013.pdf r1 manage 743.3 K 2013-05-13 - 21:41 PetrSkoda  
PDFpdf VOIndia_Heidelberg_May_2013.pdf r1 manage 1440.8 K 2013-05-14 - 13:27 TusharAgrawal VOIndia_Heidelberg_May_2013
PDFpdf interfaceToRelRegistry.pdf r1 manage 272.1 K 2013-05-14 - 08:23 FlorianRothmaier Talk presenting our new web interface to the relational registry.
PDFpdf interop-wfaugui.pdf r2 r1 manage 900.6 K 2013-05-15 - 07:08 DaveMorris ROE Data access GUI
PDFpdf s_eguchi.pdf r1 manage 1369.8 K 2013-05-13 - 13:42 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf splat_interop_HD.pdf r1 manage 254.6 K 2013-05-14 - 10:05 FlorianRothmaier Presentation of the newest SPLAT features with a focus on getData.
PDFpdf tapvizier.pdf r2 r1 manage 280.8 K 2013-05-16 - 13:16 ThomasBoch <nop>TAPVizieR developments
PDFpdf tc4.pdf r1 manage 546.2 K 2013-05-14 - 07:37 MarkTaylor topcat

This topic: IVOA > IvoaWeb > InterOpMay2013 > InterOpMay2013Applications
Topic revision: r32 - 2013-05-16 - ThomasBoch
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