Applications Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting (ESAC)


Code bases and Repositories: Tuesday 20 May, 12:00-13:30, D001/2
Mark Taylor Introduction pdf
All Discussion

Show and Tell Sessions

Speaker Title Materials
Applications 1: Thursday 22 May, 10:00-11:30, D002
Ray Plante PyVO: Accessing the VO from Python PDF IPython notebook
S.Bottinelli, JM. GLORIAN CASSIS pdf
Ji\x{0159}í Nádvorník Photometric survey and VO protocols pdf
Margarida Castro Neves ObsCore in SPLAT pdf
Petr Škoda Spectral analysis in SPLAT pdf
Applications 2: Thursday 22 May, 12:00-13:30, D002
Thomas Boch What's new in Aladin Lite and Aladin Java? pdf
François-Xavier Pineau Generating HiPS catalogues pdf
Pierre Fernique HiPS^3: HEALPix progressive surveys for cubes pdf
Santosh Jagade VO on Android platforms pdf
Guillaume Mella Easily sampify your web apps with AppLauncher pdf and visit AppLauncher's web repository
Applications 3: Thursday 22 May, 17:00-18:30, D002
Florian Rothmaier WIRR pdf
Amelia Bayo Studying low-mass stars with the VO pdf1, pdf2
Xavier Haubois A global database in optical interferometry pdf
Santosh Jagade Serving a billion images: CRTS-IUCAA pdf
Francesco Cepparo VESPA pdf

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 2014_Interop_Madrid_ABAYO_1.pdf r1 manage 6356.7 K 2014-05-22 - 14:05 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf 2014_Interop_Madrid_ABAYO_2.pdf r1 manage 5445.9 K 2014-05-22 - 14:05 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf AladinLite-Aladinv8-TBoch.pdf r1 manage 4516.8 K 2014-05-22 - 09:35 ThomasBoch What's new in Aladin Lite and Aladin v8
PDFpdf HiPS3-Fernique-Madrid-IVOA-2014.pdf r1 manage 1475.1 K 2014-05-22 - 11:07 PierreFernique HiPS3: Hierarchical Progressive cube
PDFpdf HiPS_Catalogues.pdf r1 manage 5957.3 K 2014-05-22 - 13:19 FrancoisXavierPineau Generating HiPS Catalogues
PDFpdf JMMC-PRE-2220-0003.pdf r1 manage 238.6 K 2014-05-22 - 14:25 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf Optical_Interferom_DB_Xavier_Haubois.pdf r1 manage 1501.8 K 2014-05-22 - 22:09 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf PyVOatIVOAMay2014.pdf r1 manage 361.2 K 2014-05-22 - 08:30 RayPlante  
PDFpdf bottinelli_glorian_cassis_ivoa_interop_spring2014.pdf r1 manage 2604.5 K 2014-05-22 - 11:23 JeanMichelGlorian Presentation of CASSIS
PDFpdf interop14_madrid_wirr_rothmaier.pdf r1 manage 889.8 K 2014-05-22 - 16:10 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf nadvornik_OSPS_2014.pdf r1 manage 429.2 K 2014-05-23 - 08:23 PetrSkoda  
PDFpdf repos.pdf r1 manage 66.2 K 2014-05-20 - 08:10 MarkTaylor Repositories introductory slides
PDFpdf skodasplat2014.pdf r1 manage 5099.3 K 2014-05-22 - 11:09 PetrSkoda  
PDFpdf splat_obscore.pdf r1 manage 212.0 K 2014-05-22 - 13:19 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf vespa-presentation.pdf r1 manage 643.1 K 2014-05-23 - 06:13 MarcoMolinaro VESPA application for Edu resources
PDFpdf voi_android_interop_May_2014.pdf r1 manage 733.9 K 2014-05-26 - 15:47 SantoshJagade VOI android apps
PDFpdf voi_crts_interop_May_2014.pdf r1 manage 1234.3 K 2014-05-26 - 15:57 SantoshJagade Serving a billion images of CRTS

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