DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Nov 2023 Interoperability Meeting
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Schedule Summary |
Session |
Date Time UTC |
UTC-07:00 |
UTC-04:00 |
UTC+01:00 |
UTC+02:00 |
UTC+08:00 |
UTC+10:00 |
Tuscon |
Washington DC |
London |
Paris |
Perth/Beijing |
Canberra (AEST) |
DAL 1 |
21 May 01:00 |
20 May 18:00 |
20 May 21:00 |
21 May 02:00 |
21 May 03:00 |
21 May 09:00 |
21 May 11:00 |
Protocol Transition Tiger Team (GWS/DAL) |
21 May 23:00 |
21 May 16:00 |
21 May 19:00 |
22 May 00:00 |
22 May 01:00 |
22 May 07:00 |
22 May 09:00 |
DM/DAL/App Joint Session |
22 May 01:00 |
21 May 18:00 |
21 May 21:00 |
22 May 02:00 |
22 May 03:00 |
22 May 09:00 |
22 May 11:00 |
Splinter on DAP and SODA |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.
#5 - DAL 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 11:00 -- 12:30 AEST, C122 |
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Abstract |
François Bonnarel |
Status of ProvTAP |
15'+5' |
Pat Dowler |
Status of TAP 1.2 |
5'+5' |
All |
Discussion |
Grégory, Notetaker:
notes: live notes
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