Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf DAL2.pdf r1 manage 39.6 K 2007-09-28 - 07:47 KeithNoddle DAL Session 2 Intro
Unknown file formatodp IVOA2007_final.odp r1 manage 2022.3 K 2007-09-28 - 09:57 MarkusDolensky VO for Ground-based Optical Spectroscopy, P. Skoda
PDFpdf IVOA2007_final.pdf r1 manage 1855.4 K 2007-09-28 - 09:55 MarkusDolensky VO for Ground-based Optical Spectroscopy, P. Skoda
PDFpdf TAP-Analysis.pdf r1 manage 1331.6 K 2007-09-27 - 13:20 DougTody TAP design analysis
PDFpdf TAP-InfoSchema.pdf r1 manage 195.1 K 2007-09-28 - 09:51 PatrickDowler  
PDFpdf TAP-draft.pdf r1 manage 79.8 K 2007-09-28 - 07:47 KeithNoddle TAP Note
Texttxt dal1-20070927.txt r2 r1 manage 1.7 K 2007-09-27 - 12:23 MarkusDolensky Minutes of DAL1 session, 27-Sep-2007
Texttxt dal2-20070928.txt r1 manage 1.4 K 2007-09-28 - 11:41 MarkusDolensky Minutes of DAL2 session, 28-Sep-2007
PDFpdf ssasia.pdf r1 manage 87.7 K 2007-09-27 - 13:18 DougTody SSA and SIA-V2 status
PDFpdf tap-design-study.pdf r1 manage 86.6 K 2007-09-28 - 09:57 DougTody TAP design study slides

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaEvents > InterOpSep2007 > InterOpSep2007DAL
Topic revision: r14 - 2007-09-28 - KeithNoddle
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