IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM84 Supplementary)

FM84 - May 15 2019 - 12.30-14 local time - Salle du Levante


Draft Agenda FM84 Supplementary

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. IVOA term expirations: Chair an Vice Chair discussion
  3. Relationship of IVOA to IAU
  4. Discussion of ActionTM81-1
  5. Future Interops
  6. AOB - requested item: CAOM and IVOA (5 min)
  7. Date of next Exec meeting
  8. Review of New Action Item
ActionTM81-1: BB – Consult Marcy Harbut about joining the Media Group and make contact with Deborah Baines to be added; IN PROGRESS , affected by US government shutdown OPEN

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Topic revision: r4 - 2019-05-15 - MarkAllen
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